Drs. R.P.J.L. (Roeland) van Wesemael

Communications Consultant
Marketing, Communication and Multimedia

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is an organisation on the move. As a result, our employees are confronted with changes in several areas. We innovate our education intensively, we make our housing future-proof, we are working on an attractive working and learning climate, and we, as Utrecht University, are at the forefront of the Open Science challenge to make science more open, reliable and relevant to society.

This demands a lot from our staff. And communication plays an important part in this. As Team Lead Employee Engagement, Roeland contributes to this. He is active in informing, inspiring and connecting colleagues at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In this, he combines his background as an organisational psychologist (he graduated at the UU) and his experience at previous employers: the housing corporation Portaal and de Volksbank.

He has a sharp analysis, makes things clear and simple, sees the power of people and is result-oriented. His strengths lie in connecting with people, asking the right questions and creating movement. In a creative, personal and professional way.