Dr. Pieter de Bordes

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer E3.32
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Pieter de Bordes

Educational Consultant/Trainer
Educational Development & Training

Dr Pieter de Bordes works at Educational Development and Training (UU) as a trainer, coach and consultant. He coaches education professionals in higher education within universities, government agencies and industry. As a developmental psychologist, he specialised in stimulating insight development. 

In a playful and enthusiastic way, he provides training for (starting) teachers who teach or do individual supervision. Examples of these training courses are 'Start to Teach', 'Supervising PhD research', and 'Supervising Trainee Development'. In addition, he coaches teaching professionals in their approach and professionalisation with coaching calls and intervision sessions. 

As an advisor, he supervises educational managers in the (re)design of courses and entire programmes, such as courses at the Faculty of Law (REBO) and a master's education at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In addition, he provides strategic advice on organising and managing education on topics such as teacher job satisfaction and pressure, professionalisation programmes, and students' employability as educators.