Migration law is a dynamic and rapidly growing area of law that is largely influenced by current social developments. It can be divided into regular migration law on the one hand and asylum and refugee law on the other. This chair mainly relates to regular migration law. Regular migration law deals with the admission and legal position of foreign nationals (not being asylum seekers) in the Netherlands.
Almost all aspects of regular Dutch migration law are now governed by European legislation. These international rules and agreements raise important questions of a legal nature that are part of the research of this chair. Important subjects that are addressed in this context are: free movement, border control, family reunification, study, long-term resident status and return.
New chair
The appointment of Minderhoud is for the period from 1 September 2019 till 1 September 2024 at the Law Department of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance. In view of the growing interest of students in the subject and the increasing demand for research on migration due to increasing globalisation, the department wants to invest in the strengthening of education and research in the field of Migration Law. The chair in regular migration law offers a good stimulus for this. In his new role, Minderhoud will also cooperate with the Centre for Global Challenges (UGlobe) and the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENORCE).