Scholarly publications
Minderhoud, P. (2024). Ongelijke gelijke behandeling van derdelanders: Het recht op sociale zekerheid nader bepaald. Asiel- & Migrantenrecht, 15(5/6), 296-305.
Minderhoud, P. (2024). Het doorkoppelingsbeginsel. Hoe nu verder? In N. Hummel, & S. Heeger-Hertter (Eds.), Heroriëntatie op arbeid en sociale bescherming (pp. 261-270). Wolters Kluwer.
Scholarly publications
Minderhoud, P. (2023). The excessive consequences of the Dutch ‘Linking principle’. In A. Aranguiz, D. Vanheule, B. Bednarowicz, & M. Quene (Eds.), Pioneering Social Europe: Liber Amicorum Herwig Verschueren (pp. 335-342). Die Keure.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Minderhoud, P., Spaventa, E., & Rennuy, N. (2022).
The legal status and rights of the family members of EU mobile workers. Luxembourg publications office of the European Union. 2021
Scholarly publications
Minderhoud, P. (2021).
Regulation of EU Labour Migration: At a Crossroads after the New Pact on Migration and Asylum? Utrecht Law Review,
17(4), 31-44. 2020
Scholarly publications
Minderhoud, P., De Lange, T., & Mantu, S. (2020).
Into the Unknown. COVID-19 and the Global Mobility of Migrant Workers.
AJIL Unbound,
114(4), 332-336. Popularising publications