Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Associate Professor
Sport and Society
+31 30 253 9942

Maikel Waardenburg is an Associate Professor at Utrecht University's School of Governance (USG). His research focuses on public-private interactions and collaborative issues, in particular aimed at civil society organisations. Central themes in his research are: public-private partnership, civil society governance, organisational change, hybridisation and sports policy development. In his research, he uses interpretative research methods.

Maikel is PI of the research project Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters (2019-2023), awarded by ZonMw, into the crucial role that organisational networks and front line professionals, such as community sports coaches and social workers, play in enabling inclusive sport activitites for people in a socially vulnerable position.
He recently led a research project into public value creation through public-private partnerships in the development of social infrastructure. He was also the project leader of an interdisciplinary research project into the meanings of sports activities for refugees living in reception centres. 

Maikel is coordinator of the Organisations, Change and Management master's programme. Over the years, he has been involved in (the development of) various courses in Bachelor, Master and Executive education. In 2016, he was elected Lecturer of the Year at Utrecht School of Governance. He was a member of the Undergraduate and Graduate boards at USG (2014-2020) and a member of the LEG Faculty Council (2019-2023).

Maikel is one of the podcasters of the Talking About Organizations Podcast. TAOP blends emergent conversation with academic rigor into dynamic episodes that cover key works and themes in organization studies. Also available through Spotify.