Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Dr. Maikel Waardenburg

Associate Professor
Sport and Society
+31 30 253 9942

Highlighted publications

Waardenburg, M. (2016). Which wider social roles? An analysis of social roles ascribed to voluntary sports clubs. European Journal for Sport and Society, 13(1), 38-54. https://doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2016.1153883
Waardenburg, M., Visschers, M., Deelen, J. C. C., & van Liempt, I. C. (2019). Sport in liminal spaces: the meaning of sport activities for refugees living in a reception centre. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(8), 938-956. https://doi.org/10.1177/1012690218768200
Waardenburg, M., & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2014). Civil society as government steering mechanism: a comparison between sport associations and patient organizations in the Netherlands. In T. Brandsen, W. Trommel, & B. Verschuere (Eds.), Manufacturing civil society: Principles, practices and effects (pp. 70). (Governance and Public Management Series). Palgrave Macmillan.



Scholarly publications

Krlev, G., & Waardenburg, M. (2024). Theorizing hybrid organizing for grand challenges. Abstract from 84th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, United States. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.19840abstract
Van Berkel, J., De Bruijn, E. J., Waardenburg, M., La Grouw, Y., Van Bennekom, E., Van Der Horst, H., Tonnon, S., Haggenburg-Mohammed, M., Haveman-Nies, A., Madern, T., Knoef, M., & De Vet, E. (2024). Realist Approach to Social Policies (RASP) study to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities through systems change: Protocol for a research project combining mixed-methods realist research with institutional action research. BMJ Open, 14(6), Article e088571. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2024-088571

Professional publications

La Grouw, Y., van Berkel, J., van Bennekom, E., & Waardenburg, M. (2024, May 3). Sociale veiligheid is bouwsteen voor betrekken van ervaringskennis. Sociale Vraagstukken. https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/sociale-veiligheid-is-bouwsteen-voor-betrekken-van-ervaringskennis/
La Grouw, Y., & Waardenburg, M. (2024). Van bedoeling naar beweging: Tussenrapportage van onderzoek naar systeemdynamieken van de Living Labs Sport en Bewegen lage SEP in opdracht van Sportinnovator. USBO Advies.


Scholarly publications

van Berkel, J., Bruijn, E.-J. D., Waardenburg, M., La Grouw, Y., van Bennekom, E., van der Horst, H., Tonnon, S., Haggenburg-Mohammed, M., Haveman, A., Madern, T., Knoef, M., & de Vet, E. (2023). The Realist Approach to Social Policies (RASP) study: A study protocol for mixed-methods realist research combined with institutional action research, to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities through systems change. (pp. 1-16). Research Square. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3407428/v1


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M. (2021). A foundational contribution to a comparative sociology of sport: Book review of Siegfried Nagel, Karsten Elmose-Østerlund, Bjarne Ibsen & Jeroen Scheerder, functions of sports clubs in European societies: a cross-national comparative study. (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020) ISBN: 978-3-030-48534-4. European Journal for Sport and Society, 18(4), 385-388. https://doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2021.1931651


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M. (2020). Understanding the Microfoundations of Government–Civil Society Relations. Voluntas, 32, 548–560 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-020-00221-w
ten Dam, E. H., & Waardenburg, M. (2020). Logic fluidity: How frontline professionals use institutional logics in their day-to-day work. Journal of Professions and Organization, 7(2), 188-204. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpo/joaa012


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M., & Nagel, S. (2019). Social roles of sport organisations: developments, contexts and challenges: Editorial to special issue European Journal for Sport and Society. European Journal for Sport and Society, 16(2), 83-87. https://doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2019.1622203
Waardenburg, M., Visschers, M., Deelen, J. C. C., & van Liempt, I. C. (2019). Sport in liminal spaces: the meaning of sport activities for refugees living in a reception centre. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(8), 938-956. https://doi.org/10.1177/1012690218768200
Waardenburg, M., & van Kalmthout, J. (2019). De sportvereniging in het sociaal domein. In J. Lucassen, & J.-W. van der Roest (Eds.), Brancherapport sportverenigingen Mulier Instituut.

Professional publications

Waardenburg, M., van den Hombergh, S., & van Bottenburg, M. (2019). Bouwen aan maatschappelijke waarden: Publiek-private samenwerking bij multi-functionele sportaccommodaties. Boom bestuurskunde.

Other output

Waardenburg, M. (2019). Calibrating Inclusive Sporting Encounters. Paper presented at IRSPM, Rotterdam, Netherlands.


Professional publications

Waardenburg, M. (2017). Sport: een concurrent op de geefmarkt? Vakblad Fondsenwerving, 19(6). https://www.fondsenwerving.nl/verdieping/artikel/2017/09/27/Sport-Een-concurrent-op-de-geefmarkt

Other output

Waardenburg, M. (2017). Double Play: On the Instrumentalization of Civil Society Organizations. Paper presented at 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M. (2016). Dubbelspel: over instrumentalisering van de sportvereniging. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University.
Waardenburg, M. (2016). Which wider social roles? An analysis of social roles ascribed to voluntary sports clubs. European Journal for Sport and Society, 13(1), 38-54. https://doi.org/10.1080/16138171.2016.1153883


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M., & van den Bergh, M. (2015). Narrating the World Cup legacy: Stories about the FIFA Football for Hope programme. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 145-154.
Waardenburg, M., van den Bergh, M., & van Eekeren, F. (2015). Local meanings of a sport mega-event's legacies: Stories from a South African urban neighbourhood. South African Review of Sociology, 46(1), 87-105. https://doi.org/10.1080/21528586.2014.989664


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M., & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2014). Civil Society Organisations as a Government Steering Mechanism: A Comparison between Sport Associations and Patient Organisations in the Netherlands. In Governance and Public Management (pp. 70-95). (Governance and Public Management). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137351630_5
Waardenburg, M., & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2014). Civil society as government steering mechanism: a comparison between sport associations and patient organizations in the Netherlands. In T. Brandsen, W. Trommel, & B. Verschuere (Eds.), Manufacturing civil society: Principles, practices and effects (pp. 70). (Governance and Public Management Series). Palgrave Macmillan.


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M., & van Bottenburg, M. (2013). Sport policy in the Netherlands. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 5(3), 465-476.

Other output

van der Roest, J., & Waardenburg, M. (2013). Organizational growth in voluntary sport clubs. Paper. Paper presented at European Association for Sociology of Sport Congres, Cordoba.


Professional publications

van der Roest, J., Waardenburg, M., & van Bottenburg, M. (2012). De bijdrage van Proeftuinen en proeftuinprojecten aan laagdrempelig sportaanbod. In H. Daanen-Smits, H. Van Egdom, C. Van Houselt, P. Mercus, & H. Veerman (Eds.), Vernieuwen. Binden. Inspireren. Deel 2 (pp. 27-42). daM uitgeverij.

Other output

Waardenburg, M. (2012). Een symbiotische relatie. Een etnografisch onderzoek naar de betekenis van organisatieverandering als gevolg van sportbeleid voor een sportvereniging. Paper.. Paper presented at Dag van het Sportonderzoek, Den Haag.
Waardenburg, M., & van de Bovenkamp, H. (2012). Civil society as government steering mechanism: a comparison between sport associations and patient organizations in the Netherlands. Paper. Paper presented at 34th EGPA meeting, Bergen, Norway.


Scholarly publications

Waardenburg, M. (2011). Autonome organisaties? Sportverenigingen, nationaal sportbeleid en het Olympisch Plan 2028. In J. Boessenkool, J. Lucassen, M. Waardenburg, & F. Kemper (Eds.), Sportverenigingen: tussen tradities en ambities. (pp. 151-163). ARKO Sports Media.
Boessenkool, J. H., Waardenburg, M., & Lucassen, J. (2011). Toekomst van de sportvereniging: Hoe nu verder? In J. Boessenkool, J. Lucassen, M. Waardenburg, & F. Kemper (Eds.), Sportverenigingen: tussen tradities en ambities (pp. 165-175). ARKO Sports Media.
Boessenkool, J. H., & Waardenburg, M. (2011). Vrijwilligerswerk professionaliseren? In J. Boessenkool, J. Lucassen, M. Waardenburg, & F. Kemper (Eds.), Sportverenigingen: tussen tradities en ambities (pp. 135-150). ARKO Sports Media.
Boessenkool, J. H., Waardenburg, M., & Lucassen, J. (2011). Inleiding. In J. Boessenkool, J. Lucassen, M. Waardenburg, & F. Kemper (Eds.), Sportverenigingen: tussen tradities en ambities (pp. 11-18). Arko Media.

Popularising publications

Boessenkool, J. H., & Waardenburg, M. (2011). Sportverenigingen: tussen tradities en ambities, http://www.sportknowhowxl.nl/OpenPodium/6341. Sport Knowhow XL. http://www.sportknowhowxl.nl/OpenPodium/6341

Other output

Waardenburg, M. (2011). Professionalising voluntary sports clubs: instrumentalisation and marketisation as driving forces for professionalisation. Paper. Paper presented at The ISSA’s 2011 World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Havana: 12-15 July., Havana.
Waardenburg, M. (2011). Contradicties in sport governance. Paper. Paper presented at Dag van het Sportonderzoek 2011, Amsterdam.


Popularising publications

Waardenburg, M. (2010). Een 'mix' voor bestuur en beleid. Sport Knowhow XL, 1. http://www.sportknowhowxl.nl