Prof. dr. Marco van Leeuwen

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer C2.04
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. Marco van Leeuwen

+31 30 253 8225

I teach and supervise BA, MA and PhD students in History and Sociology, and currently coordinate the Academic Master in Sociology.

Current courses are:

Social Inequality, University College Utrecht, course UCSSCSOC28, 200-liberal arts course.

Organizing Solidarity, University College Utrecht, 300-liberal arts course.

Research Master’s theses in Sociology and Social Research, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University.

 Family and social inequality. Research Master course Application of Social Theory: (SASR02, Prestige Master), Department of Sociology, Utrecht University.

Past courses inlcude:

Leeronderzoek oriëntatiefase: probleemverkenning en vragenlijstconstructie, 1st year BA introduction.

History and Sociology of the Family

History of philanthropy

Historical Demography

Statistics for Historians

Welfare in Historical Perspective



Involved in the following study programme(s)