Dr. M.A. van Huis obtained his PhD degree in 2003 at the Delft University of Technology, worked as a postdoc in the HREM group of Prof. Henny Zandbergen (2004-2009), and as researcher at the University of Antwerp in the EMAT group of Prof. Staf van Tendeloo (2009-2011). From 2012 onwards, he works at Utrecht University in the Soft Condensed Matter group. He has been the scientific director of the Electron Microscopy Centre of Utrecht University for 9 years (2015-2024).
Grants and Prizes
2006 - VENI Grant awarded by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO (main applicant)
2012 - VIDI Grant awarded by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO (main applicant)
2015 - ERC Consolidator Grant (NANO-INSITU) awarded by the European Research Council (main applicant)
2019 - National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Infrastructures – Netherlands Electron Microscopy Infrastructure (NEMI) awarded by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO, including funding for a high-resolution analytical electron microscope for Utrecht University (co-initiator)