Field of research
Ms. (Mr. drs.) L. Belder is assistant-professor at the Europa Institute, Utrecht University and secretary to the Centre of Intellectual Property Right (CIER) and the Centre for the Access to and Acceptance of Autnonomous Intelligence (CAAAI), University of Utrecht. Her research interests are in the institutional framework for the arts and sciences, and the issues involved in the access to cultural heritage and the introduction of new technology in society. She is a member of the working group on Culture, Communication and Information of the Dutch UNESCO Commission and advisor on intellectual property, cultural heritage, information policies and cultural diversity. She is appointed as advisor to Dutch Arts Council ( Raad voor Cultuur). L. Belder is initiator, project coordinator and researcher in the three year HERA/EU- funded Research project “Cultural heritage institutions, copyright and cultural diversity”, which is part of the international and interdisciplinary CULTIVATE project.(2010-2013).
In preparation:
November 2015, International Conference on the Special Reports of UN Special Rapporteur Fareedah Shaeed on Cultural rRights 2010-2015, a collaborative project with Prof. Helle Porsdam, University of Copenhagen.
EU Call H2020 Robots & You, International Consortium on the Acceptance of Robots in society.
Dr. drs. L. Belder Phd thesis The Legal Protection of Cultural Heritage in International Law and its Implementation in Dutch Law (2013) was published by Delex Amsterdam in 2014.