Dr. Joep Steegmans

Applied Economics

Joep Steegmans is a research affiliate of the Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.). He obtained his PhD in Economics (Applied Econometrics) at Utrecht University in 2017. The dissertation, written under supervision of Prof. W.H.J. Hassink and Prof. J. Plantenga, studies household characteristics in relation to transaction prices and mobility in the Dutch housing market. The empirical analyses make use of microdata of Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Two of the papers in the dissertation have won prizes.

My PhD research sparked an ever-growing interest in the analysis of economic behaviour with big data. I have become fascinated by how big data from Google, social media, and online platforms can provide insights in housing market behaviour. How can we use these data in empirical research on the housing market? Are prevailing housing market theories fit for the new digitalized context? And, how can we use the potential of these data for societal benefit?