Dr. J.P. (João) Trabucho Alexandre

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 288
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. J.P. (João) Trabucho Alexandre

Assistant Professor
+31 30 253 4155


GEO1-1099 Preparation Fieldwork 1

GEO3-1210 Fieldwork 2: Pyrenees (and GEO3-1217)

GEO3-1319 Sedimentology and Basin Stratigraphy

GEO4-1419 Dynamics of Sedimentary Systems

GEO4-1517A Applied Stratigraphy and Subsurface Basin Analysis

GE3V22005 Big History: Three Million Years of Humans on Earth

Involved in the following study programme(s)