‘Culture pedagogy’
Where the contemporary educational theory develops itself towards applied psychology of learning and pedagogy towards developmental psychology, ‘culture pedagogy’ asks about content and intent of education and parenting. The concept of 'culture' plays a dubble role. First there is the question of the 'culture' in which children are initiated by means of education and parenting. ‘Culture pedagogy’ focuses on the contents of education and parenting, in particular on the question of the general education: "what should all children learn?" and "what is in our culture worth to be transferred to the next generation?"
Secondly, there is 'culture' as it influences our thinking about parenting, education and development. Here are questions about beliefs, ideas and frame types on education, training and development, as recognizable in educational and pedagogical theory and practice.
‘Culture pedagogy’ as research program focuses on three topic-areas:
-Questions about the curriculum
-History of parenting and education
-Contemporary practices of parenting and education.
In the cultural pedagogical research a connection is being sought with the tradition of ‘Zaakpedagogiek’ in Dutch education (e.g. the work of Jan Ligthart and Eli Heimans), the continental tradition of ‘Geesteswetenschappelijke Pedagogiek’ and the Anglo-Saxon tradition of ‘Liberal Education’.
The term "cultural pedagogy" was introduced in in the Netherlands Jan Dirk Imelman and elaborated by Wilna Meijer, Piet van der Ploeg and Jan Marten Praamsma.