How to ensure the availability of effective antimicrobials?

Inge van Geijlswijk, PharmD, PhD, is hospital pharmacist-clinical pharmacologist and head of the Pharmacy Department of the UU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. As member of the expert panel of the Netherlands Veterinary Medicines Institute (SDa) she is involved in the development of quantification tools for antimicrobial drug consumption in all animal populations in the Netherlands (to comply with the VMP-Regulation EU 2019/6).

Additionally she is the Dutch representative in the EMA Working Group for European surveillance of antimicrobial Sales and Use in veterinary medicine (ESUAvet) and member in the DDDvet and DCDvet methodology revision subgroup to endorse this way of calculation in all EU countries.

Her ambitions are to promote antimicrobial stewardship, ie, to stimulate awareness and education of all involved professionals and veterinary students on this topic. Goal: (renewed) appreciation of antimicrobials as a non-renewable resource, resulting in more appropriate (reduced) usage of veterinary antimicrobials. Every day with antimicrobial treatment is a day of selecting antimicrobial resistant micro-organisms, especially in the microbiome.

In 2011 she finished her PhD thesis on melatonin in children with sleep onset insomnia, based on research done in cooperation with Hospital Gelderse Vallei at the Pharmaceutical Sciences department of the Faculty of Science, UU.