Prof. dr. I. (Ieke) Moerdijk

Hans Freudenthalgebouw
Budapestlaan 6
Kamer 411
3584 CD Utrecht

Prof. dr. I. (Ieke) Moerdijk

Mathematical Institute
+31 30 253 1291

Workshop on infinity operads, The Netherlands
2018, 11 to 14 June (website)

Higher Geometric Structures along the Lower Rhine, The Netherlands


KAN lectures 

About the Kan Memorial Lectures (pdf)

  • 2015, 9-10 June, Michael Hopkins ‘Algebraic and Topological Vector Bundles’
  • 2016, 2-3 June, Graeme Segal (pdf), ‘The Ubiquity of Homotopy’
  • 2017, 1-2 June, Ib Madsen, ‘The Algebraic Topology of Diffeomorphism groups’, programme (pdf)
  • 2018, 14-15 June, Eric Friedlander, ‘Modular Representation Theory’, programme (pdf)
  • 2019, 23-24 May, Fabien Morel, ‘A^1-algebraic topology: basic ideas and results’, programme (pdf)
  • 2022, 15-16 December, Luc Illusie, 'Lectures on the de Rham complex', programme (pdf), Slides (pdf)
  • 2023, 12-13 October, Mikhail Kapranov ‘Adjoint functors, continued fractions and categorified perverse sheaves’, programme (pdf)
  • 2024, 26-27 September, John Jones, programme (pdf)

European Autumn School in Topology, The Netherlands