Mr. dr. Femke de Kievit

Mr. dr. Femke de Kievit

Assistant Professor
Molengraaff Institute for Private Law

Femke de Kievit is assistant professor at the Molengraaff Institute for Private Law and UCERF (Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law). 

Femke has been part of the STRIDE research project since September 2023. This multidisciplinary NWA-ORC consortium is researching the current Dutch system of legal support and protection measures for vulnerable older adults. Does this system meet the requirements from human rights treaties? Does it adequately take into account the wishes and expectations of older persons? Does it offer representatives and informal caregivers sufficient guidance and direction in carrying out their duties? Based on the research into these and other questions, recommendations will be made for the development of a future-proof system of legal support and protection measures for older persons.

Earlier, Femke conducted doctoral research (2017-2023) on how Dutch public policy and regulations deal with facilitating family care and informal care and protecting informal caregivers from the risks of caregiving. The dissertation titled "Promoting family and informal care in Dutch policy and regulation" was defended March 22, 2024. 

In addition to research, Femke also enjoys teaching family law to both bachelor's and master's students.