Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., & Hartmann, B. (2023). Im Auge der Kuh: Nähe und Empathie in Andrea Arnolds Cow. In K. Köhler (Ed.), Film-Konzepte: Andrea Arnold (66 ed., pp. 66-78). (Film-Konzepte; No. 66). edition text + kritik.
van Etten, S., Jansen, L., Bal, M., Dermody, B. J., Müller, E., de Wit, J., & Stok, M. (2023).
The FLY-project: study protocol for mixed methods research to explore the complex social dynamics of sustainable food-related lifestyles in youth in practical education.
BMC Nutrition,
9(1), Article 100. Müller, E. (2023).
The Agricultural Data Imaginary: Precision farming’s reinforcement of the productivist approach to agriculture. In
Situating Data: A Cultural Inquiry Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Academic Archive. Van der Nat, R.
, Müller, E., & Bakker, P. (2023).
Navigating Interactive Story Spaces: The Architecture of Interactive Narratives in Online Journalism.
Digital Journalism,
11(6), 1104-1129.
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (Accepted/In press). Populärkultur als Politik und Politik als Populärkultur: Für einen politisch-ästhetische Analyse des Populären. In M. Anastasiadis, & C. Goer (Eds.), "The People vs. the Power Block" (?): Interdisziplinäre Perseptiven auf Pop und Populismen. (Transdisziplinäre Popkulturstudien). Transcript Verlag.
Veerbeek, J., van Es, K. F., & Müller, E. (2022).
Public Broadcasting and Topic Diversity in The Netherlands: Mentions of Public Broadcasters’ Programming in Newspapers as Indicators of Pluralism.
29(4), 420-438. Müller, E. (2022). Changing culinary imaginations: Early TV Cooking programmes and the transformation of Dutch food culture in the post-2nd World War Period. In A. Tominc (Ed.), Food and Cooking on Early European TV: Impact on European Postwar Foodways (pp. 53-71). Routledge.
Scholarly publications
Van der Nat, R., Bakker, P., & Müller, E. (2021). Capturing audience engagement: How users respond to interactivity in journalistic narratives designed for audience engagement. Paper presented at 72nd Annual ICA Conference 2022, Paris, France.
Müller, E. (2021). Televisie in een digitaal en convergerend landschap. In H. Wijfjes (Ed.), De Televisie: Een cultuurgeschiedenis (pp. 129-171). Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam.
Veerbeek, J., van Es, K. F., & Müller, E. (2021).
Professional follow-up communication as an indicator of public value: Analyzing Dutch PSM’s Role in Public Debates Through Topic Modelling Newspaper Coverage.
Journal of Mass Communication Inquiry. Advance online publication. Van der Nat, R., Bakker, P.
, & Müller, E. (2021).
‘Snow Fall’ in de polder: Interactieve multimediale journalistieke producties in Nederland.
Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap,
49(2), 100-126.üller, E., Waysdorf, A. S., & Erikson, M. E. (2021). Tracing and Understanding Online-Reuse of Audiovisual Heritage. Paper presented at ARN Conference "Digital Technology and Heritage - Challenges and Issues", Paris, France.
Scholarly publications
van Es, K. F., Müller, E., Veerbeek, J., Krijgsman, M., Wieringa, M. A., & Boiten, M. (2019). Maatschappelijk draagvlak en binding van KRO-NCRV in een digitaal tijdperk.
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Claringbould, I. E. C., Heres, L., Loyens, K. M., van Romondt Vis, P. J. C., Müller, E., Vorstenbosch, J. M. G., & van Eekeren, F. J. A. (2018).
'Zo is het voor niemand leuk': Een vergelijkend casusonderzoek naar de sociale constructie van integriteit in het Nederlands voetbal. Utrecht School of Governance.'Zo_is_het_voor_niemand_leuk'_Een_vergelijkend_casusonderzoek_naar_de_sociale_constructie_van_integriteit_in_het_Nederlands_voetbal 2017
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., & van der Zande, D. (2017). Embracing the International Market: Dutch Film and Television Production Landscape in Transition. In E. Bakoy, R. Puijk, & A. Spicer (Eds.), Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses : A Cross-National Perspective (pp. 175-196). Intellect Publishers.
Professional publications
Müller, E., Backx, Q. A. J., & Oomen, J. (2016). EUscreenXL: Progress Report 6. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. A. J. (2016). EUscreenXL: Final Report. EUscreen Foundation.
Professional publications
Müller, E., Backx, Q. A. J., & Oomen, J. (2015). EUscreenXL Progress Report 5. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Backx, Q. A. J., & Oomen, J. (2015). EUscreenXL Progress Report 4. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., Ockeloen, D., Turnock, R., & Stabenau, A. (2015). EUscreenXL Pilot Services. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., & Oesterlen, E.-M. (2015). EUscreenXL Content Ingestion in the Pan-European audiovisual aggregator for Europeana. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. A. J. (2015). EUscreenXL Annual Report 2. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E. (2015). The Curation of Audiovisual Heritage in the Context of Digital Access. Paper presented at Content in Motion: Curating Europe's Audiovisual Heritage, Warsaw, Poland.
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Verbruggen, E. (2014). Bringing Europe's Audiovisual Heritage Online: EUsceenXL. IASA journal, 42, 54-60.
Professional publications
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. A. J. (2014). EUscreenXL Progress Report 3. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. A. J. (2014). EUscreenXL Annual Report 1. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. (2014). EUscreenXL Progress Report 2. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Hagedoorn, B., Salgado, M., Sanders, W., & Schoonbrood, V. (2014). Report on strategies developed for contextualisation and to link EUscreenXL core collection to Europeana. EUscreenXL.
Other output
Müller, E. (2014). Manufacturing participation. Universiteit Utrecht.
Professional publications
Müller, E., Verbruggen, E., Oomen, J., & Oesterlen, E.-M. (2013). EUscreenXL Project Handbook including Quality Assurance Plan. EUscreen Foundation.
Müller, E., Oomen, J., & Backx, Q. (2013). EUscreenXL Progress Report 1. EUscreen Foundation.
Scholarly publications
Baaren, E., Müller, E., & Huizer, E. (2012).
More pixels, less vision: The politics of HDTV in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Digital Television (print),
3(3), 321-338. Other output
Müller, E., Baaren, E., & Huizer, E. (2012). Seeing the Bigger Picture: Institutions, end-users and the diffusion of HDTV in the Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (2009).
Where Quality Matters: Discourses on the Art of Video Making for YouTube. In P. Snickars, & P. Vonderau (Eds.),
The YouTube Reader (pp. 126-139). Wallflower Press. Müller, E. (2009).
Formated Spaces of Participation: Interactive Television and the Reshaping of the Relationsship between Production and Consumption. In S. Lammes, M. van den Boomen, A. S. Lehmann, M. T. Schaeffer, & J. Raessens (Eds.),
Digital Material (pp. 47-61). Amsterdam University Press. Müller, E. (2009).
Unterhaltung im Zeitalter der Konvergenz. In U. Göttlich, & S. Porombka (Eds.),
Zweideutigkeit der Unterhaltung. Festschrift für Hans-Otto Hügel (pp. 220-238). Herbert von Halem. 2008
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (2008).
Mittag, Jürgen, und Jörg-Uwe Nieland (Hrsg.): Das Spiel mit dem Fußball. Interessen, Projektionen und Vereinnahmungen. – Essen: Klartext Verlag 2007. 592 Seiten. Preis: Eur 27,90. PUBLIZISTIK,
53(4), 618-619. Müller, E. (2008). Fussball, Fernsehen, Unterhaltung. Zur Ästhetischen Erfahrung des Fernsehfussballs. Montage/AV, 17(1), 151-172.
Müller, E., Bourdon, J., Ibanez, J. C., & Johnson, C. (2008).
Searching for an Identity of Television: Programmes, Genres, Formats. In J. Bignell, & A. Fickers (Eds.),
A European Television History (pp. 101-126). Wiley-Blackwell. Other output
Müller, E., & Hartmann, B. (2008, Jul 12). Spuren auslegen, Rahmen errichten: Textpragmatik und kognitive Dramaturgie des Filmanfangs.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (2001). Globalisierung und Medien. Bericht eines ortsgebunden Lesers. Montage/AV, 10(1), 9-21.
Müller, E., Friess, J., & Hartman, B. (2001). Nicht allein das Laufbild auf der Leinwand. Strukturen des Films als Erlebnispotentiale. Vistas.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (1999). Populärkultur: Erfahrungshorizont im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Gespräch mit John Fiske. In J. Engelmann (Ed.), Die kleinen Unterschiede: Der Cultural Studies-Reader (pp. 187-201). Campus.
Müller, E. (1999). 'Reality' als ein Spiel mit Rahmungen: Zur Ästhetik des Wirklichkeitsfernsehens. In Mattscheibe oder Bildschirm (pp. 195-203). Vistas.
Scholarly publications
Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E. (1997). Fernsehen. In R. Rother (Ed.), Sachlexikon Film (pp. 101-102). Rowohlt-Taschenbuch-Verl.
Müller, E. (1997). Genre. In R. Rother (Ed.), Sachlexikon Film (pp. 141-142). Rowohlt-Taschenbuch-Verl.
Müller, E., Rainer, R., & Hickethier, K. (1997). Der Film in der Geschichte: Proceedings of the GFF-Conference, Berlin 1996. Edition Sigma.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., & Hügel, H.-O. (1993). Fernsehshows: Form- und Rezeptionsanalyse: Dokumentation einer Arbeitstagung an der Universität Hildesheim. (1 ed.) University of Hildesheim.
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., Bohn, R., & Ruppert, R. (1992). Mauer-Show. Edition Sigma.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Müller, E., Ruppert, R., & Bohn, R. (1988). Ansichten einer künftigen Medienwissenschaft. Edition Sigma.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications