Dr. Marij Swinkels

Public Governance and Management
Assistant Professor
Public Governance and Management

At USG, I've been involved in the following courses (amongst others):

  • De toekomst is nu: Duurzaam besturen en organiseren van urgente maatschappelijke uitdagingen (sinds 2022)
  • Beleidsvaardigheden (sinds 20215) - Policy skills
  • Understanding Political Leadership (sinds 2016)
  • Executive leergang Organisaties, Verandering en Management (tussen 2016/2017-2019/2020) - Organizations, Change, and Management 
  • Beleid, Rationaliteit en Macht (2015/2016-2018/2019) (Policy analysis)
  • Masterscripties (2016/2017) - MA theses supervision
  • Bachelorscripties (sinds 2021) - BA theses supervision
  • Introduction to Public Administration and Organizational Science (tussen 2015/2016-2018/2019)
  • Bestuur en Beleid (2015/2016) - Governance and policy
  • B&O Klassieken (sinds 2021) - Classics in public administration and organizational science
  • Ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse Samenleving (sinds 2021) - Developments in Dutch Society
  • Kwalitatief Onderzoek (2020/2021) - Qualitative Research
  • Scriptiecoordinatie masterprogramma European Governance (2020/2021) - Thesis coordination MA European Governance
  • Honoursmodules (o.a. over publieke betrokkenheid en studentenwelzijn) - Honours education (public engagement, student well-being)
  • Tutoraat ba1 en ba2 - Tutoring ba1 and ba2

At UU level, I'm involved in: 

  • Honours track on leaderschip for MA students (since 2022) 

Since 2023, I'm teachingcoordinator for honours, electives, and minor education in the board of undergraduate studies at the Utrecht School of Governance. 

Involved in the following study programme(s)