Scholarly publications
Gao, J., He, S.
, Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2023).
Travel behavior changes due to life events: Longitudinal evidence from Dutch couple households.
Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice,
175, [103765]. Zhang, S.
, Wang, Z., Helbich, M., & Ettema, D. (Accepted/In press).
Assessing runners' exposure to natural and built environments in the Netherlands: A descriptive assessment based on GPS tracking.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research., M., & Ettema, D. (2023). Motorcycle and Car-Based Ridehailing in the Different Income Group: The Adoption and Frequency in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Poster session presented at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, District of Columbia, United States.
Liu, J., Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2023).
Street view environments are associated with the walking duration of pedestrians: The case of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Landscape and Urban Planning,
235, 1-11. [104752]. Hu, Y., van Wee, B.
, & Ettema, D. (2023).
Intra-household decisions and the impact of the built environment on activity-travel behavior: A review of the literature.
Journal of Transport Geography,
106, 1-13. [103485]. Hu, Y., Sobhani, A., & Ettema, D. (2023).
Are men or women happier commuters? A study on the determinants of travel mode dissonance and travel satisfaction for dual-earner couples with school-age children in Ganyu, China.
Travel Behaviour and Society,
31, 131-140. Wang, Z., Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2023).
Age as effect modifier of the associations between the physical environment and adults' neighborhood walking in the Netherlands.
135, [104194]. 2022
Scholarly publications
Bialkova, S.
, Ettema, D., & Dijst, M. (2022).
How do design aspects influence the attractiveness of cycling streetscapes: Results of virtual reality experiments in the Netherlands.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
162, 315-331., S., He, S. Y.
, Ettema, D., & Luo, S. (2022).
The role of transit accessibility in influencing the activity space and non-work activity participation of different income groups.
Journal of Transport and Land Use,
15(1), 375-398., Y., Sobhani, A., & Ettema, D. (2022).
How does commuting influence time use and domain and life satisfaction? Evidence from dual-earner couples with school-age children in a small Chinese city.
131, 1-12. [104046]. Gao, J., Wang, D.
, Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (Accepted/In press).
Weather conditions as cross-sectional moderators of the associations between the physical environment and walking behavior in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. Chai, H., Witte, P., Geertman, S., & Ettema, D. (2022).
How do suburban residents organize their daily lives? A behavioural time–space analysis in Beijing, China.
Urban, Planning and Transport Research,
10(1), 396-411. Chen, Z., van Lierop, D., & Ettema, D. (2022).
Dockless bike-sharing’s impact on mode substitution and influential factors: Evidence from Beijing, China.
Journal of Transport and Land Use,
15(1), 71-93. Chen, Z., van Lierop, D., & Ettema, D. (2022).
Travel satisfaction with dockless bike-sharing: Trip stages, attitudes and the built environment.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,
106, 1-16. [103280]. Sporrel, K., Wang, S., Ettema, D. D. F., Nibbeling, N., Krose, B. J. A., Deutekom, M., de Boer, R. D. D.
, & Simons, M. (2022).
Just-in-Time Prompts for Running, Walking, and Performing Strength Exercises in the Built Environment: 4-Week Randomized Feasibility Study.
JMIR Formative Research,
6(8), 1-18. [e35268]. Patil, DS.
, Bailey, A., Yadav, UN., George, S.
, Helbich, M., Ettema, D., & Ashok, L. (2022).
Contextual factors influencing the urban mobility infrastructure interventions and policies for older adults in low- and middle-income countries: A realist review.
BMC Public Health,
22(1), 1-13. [1489]., Y., Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2022).
Longitudinal associations between the neighborhood social, natural, and built environment and mental health: A systematic review with meta-analyses.
Health and Place,
77, 1-13. [102893]. Lam, TM.
, Wang, Z., Vaartjes, I.
, Karssenberg, D., Ettema, D., Helbich, M., Timmermans, E., Frank, L., Den Braver, N., Wagtendonk, A., Beulens, JWJ., & Lakerveld, J. (2022).
Development of an objectively measured walkability index for the Netherlands.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,
19(1), 1-16. [50]., J., Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2022).
Systematic review of the association between commuting, subjective wellbeing and mental health.
Travel Behaviour and Society,
28, 59-74. Hu, Y., Sobhani, A., & Ettema, D. (2022).
Exploring commute mode choice in dual-earner households in a small Chinese city.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,
102, 1-18. [103148]. Chen, Z., van Lierop, D., & Ettema, D. (2022).
Perceived accessibility: How access to dockless bike-sharing impacts activity participation.
Travel Behaviour and Society,
27, 128-138. Yang, H., Zhang, Z.
, Helbich, M., Lu, Y., He, D.
, Ettema, D., & Chen, L. (2022).
Examining non-linear associations between built environments around workplace and adults’ walking behaviour in Shanghai, China.
Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice,
155, 234-246.
Scholarly publications
Bahamonde-Birke, F. J., Goletz, M.
, & Ettema, D. (2021).
The provision of mobility as a service with autonomous vehicles. The necessity of regulatory schemes for a natural monopoly.
Research in Transportation Economics,
90, 1-5. [100993]. Geng, K., Wang, Y.
, Ettema, D., & Anderson, J. R. (2021).
Exploring the effects of congestion charge on relocation decisions under non-capital functions relieving strategy in Beijing.
Research in Transportation Business and Management,
38, 1-11. [100469]., L.
, Ettema, D., & Ye, R. (2021).
Determinants of bicycling for transportation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Evidence from Xi'an, China.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
145, 103-117., Y., Sobhani, A., & Ettema, D. (2021).
To E-bike or not to E-bike? A study of the impact of the built environment on commute mode choice in a small chinese city.
Journal of Transport and Land Use,
14(1), 479-497. de Kruijf, J., van der Waerden, P., Feng, T.
, Böcker, L., van Lierop, D., Ettema, D., & Dijst, M. (2021).
Integrated weather effects on e-cycling in daily commuting: A longitudinal evaluation of weather effects on e-cycling in the Netherlands.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
148, 305-315., S., Sporrel, K., van Hoof, H.
, Simons, M., de Boer, R. D. D.
, Ettema, D., Nibbeling, N., Deutekom, M., & Kröse, B. (2021).
Reinforcement Learning to Send Reminders at Right Moments in Smartphone Exercise Application: A Feasibility Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18(11), 1-15. [6059]. Sporrel, K., De Boer, R. D. D.
, Wang, S., Nibbeling, N.
, Simons, M., Deutekom, M.
, Ettema, D., Castro, P. C., Dourado, V. Z., & Kröse, B. (2021).
The Design and Development of a Personalized Leisure Time Physical Activity Application Based on Behavior Change Theories, End-User Perceptions, and Principles From Empirical Data Mining.
Frontiers in Public Health,
8, 1-19. [528472]. Sporrel, K., Nibbeling, N.
, Wang, S., Ettema, D., & Simons, M. (2021).
Unraveling Mobile Health Exercise Interventions for Adults: Scoping Review on the Implementations and Designs of Persuasive Strategies.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth,
9(1), 1-19. [e16282]. Wang, Z., Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2021).
Objective environmental exposures correlate differently with recreational and transportation walking: A cross-sectional national study in the Netherlands.
Environmental Research,
194, [110591]. 2020
Scholarly publications
Gärling, T.
, Ettema, D., Connolly, F. F., Friman, M., & Olsson, L. E. (2020).
Review and assessment of self-reports of travel-related emotional wellbeing.
Journal of Transport and Health,
17, [100843]., T., Van Kann, D., Kremers, S.
, Ettema, D., De Vries, S. I., Vos, S., & Thijs, C. (2020).
Investigating longitudinal context-specific physical activity patterns in transition from primary to secondary school using accelerometers, GPS, and GIS.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,
17(1), [66]., Y., Xu, M.
, Dogterom, N., & Ettema, D. (2020).
Effectiveness investigation of travel demand management measures in Beijing: Existing measures and a potential measure–tradable driving credit.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,
72, 47-61., Y., Wang, Y.
, Ettema, D., Mao, Z., Charlton, S. G., & Zhou, H. (2020).
Commuter value perceptions in peak avoidance behavior: An empirical study in the Beijing subway system.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
139, 70-84. Lierop, D., Soemers, J., Hoeke, L., Liu, G.
, Chen, Z., Ettema, D., & Kruijf, J. (2020).
Wayfinding for cycle highways: Assessing e-bike users' experiences with wayfinding along a cycle highway in the Netherlands.
Journal of Transport Geography,
88, [102827]. Gao, J., Kamphuis, C.
, Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2020).
What is 'neighborhood walkability'? How the built environment differently correlates with walking for different purposes and with walking on weekdays and weekends.
Journal of Transport Geography,
88(10), [102860]. Patil, D., Yadav, U., George, S.
, Helbich, M., Ettema, D., & Bailey, A. (2020).
Developing an evidence informed framework for safe and accessible urban mobility infrastructures for older adults in low and middle-income countries: A protocol for realist synthesis.
Systematic Reviews,
9, 1-6. [196]., Z., van Lierop, D., & Ettema, D. (2020).
Exploring dockless bikeshare usage: A case study of Beijing, China.
Sustainability (Switzerland),
12(3), [1238]. Chatterjee, K., Chng, S., Clark, B., Davis, A.
, De Vos, J., Ettema, D., Handy, S., Martin, A., & Reardon, L. (2020).
Commuting and wellbeing: a critical overview of the literature with implications for policy and future research.
Transport Reviews,
40(1), 5-34.
Scholarly publications
De Vos, J., Ettema, D., & Witlox, F. (2019).
Effects of changing travel patterns on travel satisfaction: A focus on recently relocated residents.
Travel Behaviour and Society,
16, 42-49. Birenboim, A., Dijst, M., Ettema, D., de Kruijf, J., de Leeuw, G.
, & Dogterom, N. (2019).
The utilization of immersive virtual environments for the investigation of environmental preferences.
Landscape and Urban Planning,
189, 129-138. Remmers, T., Thijs, C.
, Ettema, D., de Vries, S., Slingerland, M., & Kremers, S. (2019).
Critical hours and important environments: Relationships between afterschool physical activity and the physical environment using GPS, GIS and accelerometers in 10–12-year-old children.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
16(17), [3116]., K.
, Ettema, D., & Næss, P. (2019).
Urban form, travel behavior, and travel satisfaction.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
129, 306-320., H., Feng, J., Dijst, M., & Ettema, D. (2019).
Mode choice in access and egress stages of high-speed railway travelers in china.
Journal of Transport and Land Use,
12(1), 701-721. Ren, X.
, Wang, Z., Nast, C.
, Ettema, D., & Brombacher, A. (2019).
Integrating industrial design and geoscience: a survey on data-driven research to promote public health and vitality. In
DPH 2019 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Digital Public Health (pp. 91-95). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)., J., Kamphuis, C.
, Ettema, D., & Helbich, M. (2019).
Longitudinal changes in transport-related and recreational walking: The role of life events.
Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment,
77, 243-251. Gao, J., Ettema, D., Helbich, M., & Kamphuis, C. (2019).
Travel mode attitudes, urban context, and demographics: Do they interact differently for bicycle commuting and cycling for other purposes? Transportation,
46, 2441–2463. Deelen, I., Janssen, M., Vos, S., Kamphuis, C. B. M.
, & Ettema, D. (2019).
Attractive running environments for all? A cross-sectional study on physical environmental characteristics and runners’ motives and attitudes, in relation to the experience of the running environment.
BMC Public Health,
19(366), 1-15. [w]. Bialkova, S., & Ettema, D. (2019). Cycling renaissance: The VR potential in exploring static and moving environment elements. In 2019 IEEE 5th Workshop on Everyday Virtual Reality, WEVR 2019
Scholarly publications
Stappers, N. E. H., Van Kann, D. H. H.
, Ettema, D., De Vries, N. K., & Kremers, S. P. J. (2018).
The effect of infrastructural changes in the built environment on physical activity, active transportation and sedentary behavior – A systematic review.
Health and Place,
53, 135-149.
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Arentze, T., & Timmermans, H. (2016). Modelling the influence of temporal and monetary constraints on activity participation, travel, consumption of goods, residential location and work status: Application in a Land Use Transport Interaction (LUTI) model. In Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions (pp. 307-326). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Pelgrim, R., Spierings, B., & Ettema, D. F. (2016). Smart sustainable districts: Utrecht Beurskwartier: Literature overview: promoting healthy and sustainable mobility through urban design. EIT Climate-KIC.
Scholarly publications
Dogterom, N. J., Ettema, D. F., & Dijst, M. J. (2015). Tradable Driving Rights: New behavioral approaches to investigate a new travel demand tool?. Paper presented at Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting.
Scholarly publications
Gärling, T.
, Ettema, D., & Friman, M. (2014).
The need to change how people think about the consequences of travel. In
Handbook of Sustainable Travel (pp. 307-317). Springer Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Arentze, T., & Timmermans, H. (2012). Modelling the influence of temporal and monetary constraints on activity participation, travel, consumption of goods, residential location and work status: Application in a land use transport interaction (LUTI) model. In Transition towards Sustainable Mobility: The Role of Instruments, Individuals and Institutions (pp. 307-325). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Dellaert, B. G. C.
, Ettema, D. F., & Lindh, C. (2012).
Multi-faceted tourist travel decisions: A constraint-based conceptual framework to describe tourists' sequential choices of travel components. In
Tourism Management (pp. 9-20). Taylor and Francis Inc..
Scholarly publications
Manzato, G. G., Arentze, T. A., Timmermans, H. J. P.
, & Ettema, D. (2011).
Exploration of location influences on firm survival rates with parametric duration models.
Transportation Research Record, (2245), 124-130.
Scholarly publications
Manzato, G. G., Arentze, T. A., Timmermans, H. J. P., & Ettema, D. (2010). Exploring location influences on firm survival rates using parametric duration models. In B. de Vries, & H. J. P. Timmermans (Eds.), 10th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems, DDSS 2010 (10th International Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems, DDSS 2010). Eindhoven University of Technology.
Manzato, G. G., Arentze, T. A., Timmermans, H. J. P.
, & Ettema, D. (2010).
Location and accessibility mediated influences on office firm closure rates: A proportional hazard model.
International Journal of Urban Sciences,
14(1), 1-15.
Scholarly publications
Joh, C. H.
, Ettema, D., & Timmermans, H. (2009).
Estimating marginal mental efforts of activity schedule adjustment operators by using sequence alignment.
Transportation Research Record, (2134), 171-177., D. (2009).
Travel, activities, and money: Exploration of household expenditures for travel, communication, and facilities.
Transportation Research Record, (2134), 37-42. 2008
Scholarly publications
Alexander, B., Dijst, M., & Ettema, D. (2008). An analysis of in-home and out-of-home working schedules. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies: Transportation and Management Science (pp. 523-532). (Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies: Transportation and Management Science).
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Schwanen, T., & Timmermans, H. (2007).
The effect of location, mobility and socio-demographic factors on task and time allocation of households.
34(1), 89-105. Campo, S. L. D., Arsenio, E., Ettema, D., & Hooimeijer, P. (2007). A swot analysis of Luti modelling approaches for the impact assessment of land use and transportation strategic actions. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007 (pp. 1-19). (Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007). Utrecht University.
Muhammad, S., Ottens, H. F. L., Ettema, D., & De Jong, T. (2007). Telecommuting and residential locational preferences. In Future Urbanization Patterns: In the Netherlands, Under the Influence of Information and Communication Technologies (pp. 69-85). (Nederlandse Geografische Studies; No. 363). Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap.
Ettema, D., Arentze, T., & Timmermans, H. (2007). Towards an integrated luti model of long-term and short-term mobility decisions of households using social learning. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007 (pp. 1-18). (Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007). Utrecht University.
Arentze, T. A., Ettema, D., & Timmermans, H. J. P. (2007). Micro-simulation of individual space-time behavior in urban environments: A new model and first experiences. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007 (pp. 1-24). (Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2007). Utrecht University.
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., & Timmermans, H. (2006).
Costs of travel time uncertainty and benefits of travel time information: Conceptual model and numerical examples.
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,
14(5), 335-350. 2005
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Tamminga, G., Timmermans, H., & Arentze, T. (2005).
A micro-simulation model system of departure time using a perception updating model under travel time uncertainty.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
39(4 SPEC. ISSS.), 325-344. Ettema, D. (2005).
Latent activities: Modeling the relationship between travel times and activity participation.
Transportation Research Record, (1926), 171-180. 2004
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Timmermans, H., & Goulias, K. (2004).
Editorial behavioral responses to ITS Further evidence.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations,
8(4), 187-188. Ettema, D., Ashiru, O., & Polak, J. W. (2004).
Modeling timing and duration of activities and trips in response to road-pricing policies.
Transportation Research Record, (1894), 1-10. Ettema, D., Timmermans, H., & Arentze, T. (2004).
Modelling perception updating of travel times in the context of departure time choice under ITS.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations,
8(1), 33-43. Bos, I.
, Ettema, D., & Molin, E. (2004).
Modeling effect of travel time uncertainty and traffic information on use of park-and-ride facilities.
Transportation Research Record, (1898), 37-44., D., Timmermans, H., & Goulias, K. (2004).
Intelligent Transportation System: Editorial.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations,
8(1), 1-2. 2003
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., & Timmermans, H. (2003).
Modeling Departure Time Choice in the Context of Activity Scheduling Behavior.
Transportation Research Record, (1831), 39-46. 2000
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Borgers, A., & Timmermans, H. (2000).
A simulation model of activity scheduling heuristics: An empirical test.
Geographical and Environmental Modelling,
4(2), 175-187. 1999
Scholarly publications
Gillholm, R.
, Ettema, D., Selart, M., & Gärling, T. (1999).
The role of planning for intention-behavior consistency.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,
40(4), 241-250.
Scholarly publications
Dellaert, B. G. C.
, Ettema, D. F., & Lindh, C. (1998).
Multi-faceted tourist travel decisions: A constraint-based conceptual framework to describe tourists' sequential choices of travel components.
Tourism Management,
19(4), 313-320.
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Borgers, A., & Timmermans, H. (1997). SMASH (Simulation Model Of Activity Scheduling Heuristics): Some simulations. Transportation Research Record, (1551), 88-94.
Scholarly publications
Ettema, D., Borgers, A., & Timmermans, H. (1995). Competing risk hazard model of activity choice, timing, sequencing, and duration. Transportation Research Record, (1493), 101-109.