Christine Piek is working as a specialist Internal Medicine in the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals. She is a senior lecturer focusing within the subject of internal medicine on hematological, immunological, and vector-borne diseases. Her research interests are in the same fields. Currently she is working on a project on canine Leishmaniasis.
Christine Piek is EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Internal Medicine of Companion Animals. This title guarantees high-grade specialist care. After the study Veterinary Medicine and one or some years of practical experience, a veterinary specialist with this title has enrolled in a three to four-year EBVS®-recognised specialist degree programme in a specific specialisation. The veterinary specialist then completes the degree programme with a European exam. Veterinary specialists have to demonstrate they are maintaining their knowledge and skills every five years. More information and a database of accredited specialists can be found on the EBVS website. The Academic Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has EBVS®-certified specialists for almost all specialisations and is an EBVS®-certified educational institute.