Dr. A. (Arnout) Imhof

Leonard S. Ornsteinlaboratorium
Princetonplein 1
Kamer 63
3584 CC Utrecht

Dr. A. (Arnout) Imhof

Associate Professor
Soft Condensed Matter
+31 30 253 2423

My research focusses on concentrated colloidal dispersions undergoing structural changes when subjected to a shear flow or an electric field, as well as on the synthesis of new types of monodisperse colloidal particles.  I investigate the 3-dimensional structures of concentrated dispersions mainly using confocal microscopy, supplemented with light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering. I have developed new shear cells that allow dispersions to be imaged in situ during shear flow, and apply this to phase separating, crystallizing, and melting dispersions. For these experiments new colloidal particles are developed with a non-spherical shape, for example rod-like, eccentric core-shell, bowl-shaped, or cluster-like shape.  The self-organizing properties of these particles with and without external fields are studied.