Prof. dr. Werner Raub


Mentors and advisors




PhD students

  • Abraham, Martin (1995) Betriebliche Sozialleistungen und die Regulierung individueller Arbeitsverhältnisse. Endogene Kooperation durch private Institutionen. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; supervision with Günter Büschges; present position: full professor, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
  • Snijders, Chris (1996) Trust and Commitments. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie and Tom A.B. Snijders; present position: full professor, Eindhoven Technical University. Link to thesis.
  • Flache, Andreas (1996) The Double Edge of Networks. An Analysis of the Effect of Informal Networks on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Groningen University; supervision with Wim B.G. Liebrand and Frans N. Stokman; present position: full professor, Groningen University. Link to summary of thesis.
  • Blumberg, Boris F. (1997) Das Management von Technologiekooperationen. Partnersuche und Verhandlungen mit dem Partner aus empirisch-theoretischer Perspektive. Utrecht University; supervision with Frits Tazelaar, Jeroen Weesie, and Reinhard Wippler; present position: senior lecturer and MBA director, Maastricht University. Link to thesis.
  • Prosch, Bernhard (1998) Die Absicherung von Lieferbeziehungen. Partnersuche, vertragliche Festlegungen und soziale Einbettung beim Einkauf von EDV-Produkten. Leipzig University; supervision with Thomas Voss and Günter Büschges; final position: assistant professor and Privatdozent, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (deceased).
  • Buskens, Vincent (1999) Social Networks and Trust. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie; present position: full professor, Utrecht University. Link to thesis.
  • Van Assen, Marcel (2001) Essays on Actor Models in Exchange Networks and Social Dilemmas. Groningen University; supervision with Frans N. Stokman and Tom A.B. Snijders; present position: full professor, Utrecht University, and associate professor, Tilburg University. Link to ToC.
  • Jansen, Miranda (2002) Waardenoriëntaties en Partnerrelaties. Een Panelstudie naar Wederzijdse Invloeden. Utrecht University; supervision with Matthijs Kalmijn and Aat C. Liefbroer; present position: director of the Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University.
  • Rooks, Gerrit (2002) Contract en Conflict. Strategisch Management van Inkooptransacties. Utrecht University; supervision with Frits Tazelaar and Chris Snijders; present position: associate professor, Eindhoven Technical University. Link to thesis.
  • Gautschi, Thomas (2002) Trust and Exchange. Effects of Temporal Embeddedness and Network Embeddedness on Providing and Dividing a Surplus. Utrecht University; supervision with Chris Snijders and Jeroen Weesie; present position: full professor, University of Mannheim. Link to thesis.
  • De Ruijter, Esther (2005) Household Outsourcing. Utrecht University; supervision with Tanja van der Lippe and Jeroen Weesie; present position: managing partner, AO Consult, Tilburg.
  • Koster, Ferry (2005) For the Time Being. Accounting for Inconclusive Findings Concerning the Effects of Temporary Employment Relationships on Solidary Behavior of Employees. Groningen University; supervision with Karin Sanders and Frans N. Stokman; present position: full professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Link to thesis.
  • Barrera, Davide (2005) Trust in Embedded Settings. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens; present position: associate professor, University of Turine. Link to thesis.
  • De Valk, Helga (2006) Pathways into Adulthood. A Comparative Study on Family Life Transitions among Migrant and Dutch Youth. Utrecht University; supervision with Aat C. Liefbroer and Pearl A. Dykstra; present position: full professor, Groningen University; director, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Link to thesis.
  • Vogt, Sonja (2007) Heterogeneity in Social Dilemmas: The Case of Social Support. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Jeroen Weesie; present position: associate professor, University of Lausanne. Link to thesis.
  • Knecht, Andrea (2008) Friendship Selection and Friends’ Influence: Dynamics of Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence. Utrecht University; supervision with Tom A.B. Snijders, Chris Baerveldt, and Christian Steglich; present position: policy advisor, City of Nuremberg. Link to thesis.
  • Van Houten, Gijs (2008) Beleidsuitvoering in Gelaagde Stelsels. De Doorwerking van Aanbevelingen van de Stichting van de Arbeid in het CAO-Overleg. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied; present position: senior researcher, Eurofound, Dublin.
  • Vieth, Manuela (2009) Commitments and Reciprocity. Experimental Studies on Obligation, Indignation, and Self-Consistency. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie and Vincent Buskens; recent position: research associate, Paderborn University. Link to thesis.
  • Corten, Rense (2009) Co-evolution of Social Networks and Behavior in Social Dilemmas. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: associate professor, Utrecht University. Link to published version.
  • Roeters, Anne (2010) Family Life under Pressure? Parents’ Paid Work and the Quantity and Quality of Parent-Child and Family Time. Utrecht University; supervision with Tanja van der Lippe and Esther Kluwer; present position: senior researcher, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, SCP). Link to thesis.
  • Mäs, Michael (2010) The Diversity Puzzle. Explaining Clustering and Polarization of Opinions. Groningen University; supervision with Andreas Flache, Rafael Wittek, and Karoly Takacs; present position: full professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
  • Zhelyazkova, Asya (2012) Compliance under Controversy. Analysis of the Transposition of European Directives and their Provisions. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied and Robert Thomson; present position: associate professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Link to thesis.
  • Schalk, Jelmer (2012) The Performance of Public Corporate Actors. Essays on Effects of Institutional and Network Embeddedness in Supranational, National, and Local Collaboration Contexts. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied and Agnes Akkerman; present position: associate professor, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center. Link to thesis.
  • Bojanowski, Michal (2012) Essays on Social Network Formation in Heterogeneous Populations. Models, Methods, and Empirical Analyses. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: assistant professor, Kozminski University Warsaw. Link to thesis.
  • Minescu, Anca (2012) Relative Group Position and Intergroup Attitudes in Russia. Utrecht University; supervision with Louk Hagendoorn and Edwin Poppe; present position: associate professor, University of Limerick, Ireland. Link to thesis.
  • Van Schellen, Marieke (2012) Marriage and Crime over the Life Course. The Criminal Careers of Convicts and their Spouses. Utrecht University; supervision with Paul Nieuwbeerta and Anne-Rigt Poortman; present position: self-employed researcher. Link to thesis.
  • Aksoy, Ozan (2013) Essays on Social Preferences and Beliefs in Non-Embedded Social Dilemmas. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie; present position: associate professor, University College London. Link to thesis.
  • Morbitzer, Dominik (2013) Limited Farsightedness in Network Formation. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: senior research analyst, Ipsos, Munich. Link to thesis.
  • Van Miltenburg, Nynke (2015) Cooperation under Peer Sanctioning Institutions. Collective Decisions, Noise, and Endogenous Implementation. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Davide Barrera; present position: senior research consultant at CAOP, The Hague. Link to thesis.
  • Frey, Vincenz (2016) Network Formation and Trust. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Rense Corten; present position: assistant professor, University of Groningen. Link to thesis.


Other supervision

  • Braun, Norman undergraduate and graduate studies University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, including Diplomathesis Kollektive Entscheidungen in einer Theorie korporativer Akteure 1987; publication: Braun, Norman (1990) Dynamics and Comparative Statics in Coleman's Exchange Model, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 15: 271-276; Braun pursued his graduate studies at the University of Chicago, PhD 1992, supervisor James S. Coleman; final position: full professor, University of Munich (deceased).


For more information, see farewell lecture as Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences:

Raub, W. (2017) Rational Models. Utrecht: Utrecht University. Download (pdf).


Some favorite snapshots with former PhD students


Four generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens and Rense Corten) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Rense Corten) – Rense Corten (PhD 2009); June 24, 2009, PhD defense Rense Corten


Three generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub and Jeroen Weesie) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Ozan Aksoy) – Ozan Aksoy (PhD 2013) – Jeroen Weesie (PhD supervisor of Ozan Aksoy); August 30, 2013, PhD defense Ozan Aksoy


Three generations, Chair of Theoretical Sociology, Utrecht University – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 1971–1996 and PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Vincent Buskens (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 2011–) – Werner Raub (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 1996–2020 and PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens); February 13, 2014, inaugural lecture of Vincent Buskens


Five generations – right to left: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens, Davide Barrera, and Nynke van Miltenburg) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Davide Barrera and Nynke van Miltenburg) – Davide Barrera (PhD supervisor of Nynke van Miltenburg) – Nynke van Miltenburg (PhD 2015); June 5, 2015, PhD defense Nynke van Miltenburg


Five generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens, Rense Corten, and Vincenz Frey) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Rense Corten and Vincenz Frey) – Rense Corten (PhD supervisor of Vincenz Frey) – Vincenz Frey (PhD 2016); April 1, 2016, PhD defense Vincenz Frey


(Updated January 6, 2025)