Mentors and advisors
- Main collaborators and co-authors of key publications: Vincent Buskens (Utrecht University), Thomas Voss (Universität Leipzig), Jeroen Weesie (Utrecht University).
- Further co-authors and co-editors (selection): Marcel van Assen (Utrecht University and Tilburg University), Davide Barrera (University of Turin), Ronald Batenburg (NIVEL), Günter Büschges (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg), Rense Corten (Utrecht University), Andreas Flache (Groningen University), Vincenz Frey (University of Groningen), Klarita Gërxhani (Free University Amsterdam), Nan Dirk de Graaf (Nuffield College), Rainer Hegselmann (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), Herbert Hoijtink (Utrecht University), Jack van Honk (Utrecht University), Gideon Keren (Tilburg University), Dirk Koppelberg (Freie Universität Berlin), Ivar Krumpal (Universität Leipzig), Rebecca M. Kuiper (Utrecht University), Tanja van der Lippe (Utrecht University), Axel Ockenfels (Universität zu Köln), Anne-Rigt Poortman (Utrecht University), Wojtek Przepiorka (Utrecht University), Arnout van de Rijt (European University Institute), Gerrit Rooks (TU Eindhoven), Chris Snijders (TU Eindhoven), Tom Snijders (Groningen University and Nuffield College, University of Oxford), Anna Sokolova (Mannheim University), Christian Steglich (Linköping University), Frits Tazelaar (Utrecht University), Andreas Tutic (University of Bergen), Sonja Vogt (University of Lausanne), Thom Volker (Utrecht University).
PhD students
- Abraham, Martin (1995) Betriebliche Sozialleistungen und die Regulierung individueller Arbeitsverhältnisse. Endogene Kooperation durch private Institutionen. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; supervision with Günter Büschges; present position: full professor, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
- Snijders, Chris (1996) Trust and Commitments. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie and Tom A.B. Snijders; present position: full professor, Eindhoven Technical University. Link to thesis.
- Flache, Andreas (1996) The Double Edge of Networks. An Analysis of the Effect of Informal Networks on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Groningen University; supervision with Wim B.G. Liebrand and Frans N. Stokman; present position: full professor, Groningen University. Link to summary of thesis.
- Blumberg, Boris F. (1997) Das Management von Technologiekooperationen. Partnersuche und Verhandlungen mit dem Partner aus empirisch-theoretischer Perspektive. Utrecht University; supervision with Frits Tazelaar, Jeroen Weesie, and Reinhard Wippler; present position: senior lecturer and MBA director, Maastricht University. Link to thesis.
- Prosch, Bernhard (1998) Die Absicherung von Lieferbeziehungen. Partnersuche, vertragliche Festlegungen und soziale Einbettung beim Einkauf von EDV-Produkten. Leipzig University; supervision with Thomas Voss and Günter Büschges; final position: assistant professor and Privatdozent, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (deceased).
- Buskens, Vincent (1999) Social Networks and Trust. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie; present position: full professor, Utrecht University. Link to thesis.
- Van Assen, Marcel (2001) Essays on Actor Models in Exchange Networks and Social Dilemmas. Groningen University; supervision with Frans N. Stokman and Tom A.B. Snijders; present position: full professor, Utrecht University, and associate professor, Tilburg University. Link to ToC.
- Jansen, Miranda (2002) Waardenoriëntaties en Partnerrelaties. Een Panelstudie naar Wederzijdse Invloeden. Utrecht University; supervision with Matthijs Kalmijn and Aat C. Liefbroer; present position: director of the Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University.
- Rooks, Gerrit (2002) Contract en Conflict. Strategisch Management van Inkooptransacties. Utrecht University; supervision with Frits Tazelaar and Chris Snijders; present position: associate professor, Eindhoven Technical University. Link to thesis.
- Gautschi, Thomas (2002) Trust and Exchange. Effects of Temporal Embeddedness and Network Embeddedness on Providing and Dividing a Surplus. Utrecht University; supervision with Chris Snijders and Jeroen Weesie; present position: full professor, University of Mannheim. Link to thesis.
- De Ruijter, Esther (2005) Household Outsourcing. Utrecht University; supervision with Tanja van der Lippe and Jeroen Weesie; present position: managing partner, AO Consult, Tilburg.
- Koster, Ferry (2005) For the Time Being. Accounting for Inconclusive Findings Concerning the Effects of Temporary Employment Relationships on Solidary Behavior of Employees. Groningen University; supervision with Karin Sanders and Frans N. Stokman; present position: full professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Link to thesis.
- Barrera, Davide (2005) Trust in Embedded Settings. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens; present position: associate professor, University of Turine. Link to thesis.
- De Valk, Helga (2006) Pathways into Adulthood. A Comparative Study on Family Life Transitions among Migrant and Dutch Youth. Utrecht University; supervision with Aat C. Liefbroer and Pearl A. Dykstra; present position: full professor, Groningen University; director, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Link to thesis.
- Vogt, Sonja (2007) Heterogeneity in Social Dilemmas: The Case of Social Support. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Jeroen Weesie; present position: associate professor, University of Lausanne. Link to thesis.
- Knecht, Andrea (2008) Friendship Selection and Friends’ Influence: Dynamics of Networks and Actor Attributes in Early Adolescence. Utrecht University; supervision with Tom A.B. Snijders, Chris Baerveldt, and Christian Steglich; present position: policy advisor, City of Nuremberg. Link to thesis.
- Van Houten, Gijs (2008) Beleidsuitvoering in Gelaagde Stelsels. De Doorwerking van Aanbevelingen van de Stichting van de Arbeid in het CAO-Overleg. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied; present position: senior researcher, Eurofound, Dublin.
- Vieth, Manuela (2009) Commitments and Reciprocity. Experimental Studies on Obligation, Indignation, and Self-Consistency. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie and Vincent Buskens; recent position: research associate, Paderborn University. Link to thesis.
- Corten, Rense (2009) Co-evolution of Social Networks and Behavior in Social Dilemmas. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: associate professor, Utrecht University. Link to published version.
- Roeters, Anne (2010) Family Life under Pressure? Parents’ Paid Work and the Quantity and Quality of Parent-Child and Family Time. Utrecht University; supervision with Tanja van der Lippe and Esther Kluwer; present position: senior researcher, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau, SCP). Link to thesis.
- Mäs, Michael (2010) The Diversity Puzzle. Explaining Clustering and Polarization of Opinions. Groningen University; supervision with Andreas Flache, Rafael Wittek, and Karoly Takacs; present position: full professor, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
- Zhelyazkova, Asya (2012) Compliance under Controversy. Analysis of the Transposition of European Directives and their Provisions. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied and Robert Thomson; present position: associate professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam. Link to thesis.
- Schalk, Jelmer (2012) The Performance of Public Corporate Actors. Essays on Effects of Institutional and Network Embeddedness in Supranational, National, and Local Collaboration Contexts. Utrecht University; supervision with René Torenvlied and Agnes Akkerman; present position: associate professor, Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center. Link to thesis.
- Bojanowski, Michal (2012) Essays on Social Network Formation in Heterogeneous Populations. Models, Methods, and Empirical Analyses. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: assistant professor, Kozminski University Warsaw. Link to thesis.
- Minescu, Anca (2012) Relative Group Position and Intergroup Attitudes in Russia. Utrecht University; supervision with Louk Hagendoorn and Edwin Poppe; present position: associate professor, University of Limerick, Ireland. Link to thesis.
- Van Schellen, Marieke (2012) Marriage and Crime over the Life Course. The Criminal Careers of Convicts and their Spouses. Utrecht University; supervision with Paul Nieuwbeerta and Anne-Rigt Poortman; present position: self-employed researcher. Link to thesis.
- Aksoy, Ozan (2013) Essays on Social Preferences and Beliefs in Non-Embedded Social Dilemmas. Utrecht University; supervision with Jeroen Weesie; present position: associate professor, University College London. Link to thesis.
- Morbitzer, Dominik (2013) Limited Farsightedness in Network Formation. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Stephanie Rosenkranz; present position: senior research analyst, Ipsos, Munich. Link to thesis.
- Van Miltenburg, Nynke (2015) Cooperation under Peer Sanctioning Institutions. Collective Decisions, Noise, and Endogenous Implementation. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Davide Barrera; present position: senior research consultant at CAOP, The Hague. Link to thesis.
- Frey, Vincenz (2016) Network Formation and Trust. Utrecht University; supervision with Vincent Buskens and Rense Corten; present position: assistant professor, University of Groningen. Link to thesis.
Other supervision
- Braun, Norman undergraduate and graduate studies University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, including Diplomathesis Kollektive Entscheidungen in einer Theorie korporativer Akteure 1987; publication: Braun, Norman (1990) Dynamics and Comparative Statics in Coleman's Exchange Model, Journal of Mathematical Sociology 15: 271-276; Braun pursued his graduate studies at the University of Chicago, PhD 1992, supervisor James S. Coleman; final position: full professor, University of Munich (deceased).
For more information, see farewell lecture as Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences:
Raub, W. (2017) Rational Models. Utrecht: Utrecht University. Download (pdf).
Some favorite snapshots with former PhD students

Four generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens and Rense Corten) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Rense Corten) – Rense Corten (PhD 2009); June 24, 2009, PhD defense Rense Corten

Three generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub and Jeroen Weesie) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Ozan Aksoy) – Ozan Aksoy (PhD 2013) – Jeroen Weesie (PhD supervisor of Ozan Aksoy); August 30, 2013, PhD defense Ozan Aksoy

Three generations, Chair of Theoretical Sociology, Utrecht University – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 1971–1996 and PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Vincent Buskens (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 2011–) – Werner Raub (Chair of Theoretical Sociology, 1996–2020 and PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens); February 13, 2014, inaugural lecture of Vincent Buskens

Five generations – right to left: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens, Davide Barrera, and Nynke van Miltenburg) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Davide Barrera and Nynke van Miltenburg) – Davide Barrera (PhD supervisor of Nynke van Miltenburg) – Nynke van Miltenburg (PhD 2015); June 5, 2015, PhD defense Nynke van Miltenburg

Five generations – left to right: Reinhard Wippler (PhD supervisor of Werner Raub) – Werner Raub (PhD supervisor of Vincent Buskens, Rense Corten, and Vincenz Frey) – Vincent Buskens (PhD supervisor of Rense Corten and Vincenz Frey) – Rense Corten (PhD supervisor of Vincenz Frey) – Vincenz Frey (PhD 2016); April 1, 2016, PhD defense Vincenz Frey
(Updated January 6, 2025)