Dr. Noémi Schuurman

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. Noémi Schuurman

Universitair docent
Methoden en Statistiek

Noémi Schuurman is an assistant professor at the Methods & Statistics department, and is part of the Dynamic Modeling Lab chaired by Ellen Hamaker.

She teaches in various M&S courses (see teaching) and does research related to the modeling of intensive longitudinal data (see research). Noémi supervises four PhD candidates: IJsbrand Leertouwer, Mihai Constantin, Sophie Berkhout, and Pia Andresen.

Next to this, she is representative in the FSBS Faculty Council, and mentor for the Phd candidates of the Methods and Statistics department.

Visit Noémi’s website