Dr. Noémi Schuurman

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. Noémi Schuurman

Universitair docent
Methoden en Statistiek

Noémi Schuurman is the mentor for PhD candidates at the Methods & Statistics department.


From the FSS PhD Info Booklet: "All PhD-programmes have a mentor whom can be contacted / consulted for support /advice if you encounter any issues concerning the process and progress of your PhD track (that cannot be solved with your (co-)supervisors). They are also quite prepared to function as a sparring partner and/or advisor at any time, not just when there is a problem. All contact is confidential."


Phd candidates can contact the mentor whenever relevant. Noémi also has an office walk-in hour for PhD candidates on Tuesdays between 11-12 (see below for a list of exceptions).


Exceptions to the walk-in hours:

March 7
March 28
April 11
April 18
April 25 - online only
June 6