In 2011 I was appointed at University College Utrecht (UCU). Since then my role and responsibiities have grown. Now, as Senior Counsellor, they include:
- oversight and management of the college's wellbeing strategy
- personal and group counselling in all non-academic areas, and oversight of the Connect Centre for Counselling and Guidance
- Founder/Chair of the national University College Guidance Network
- member of UU-wide Studentenwelzijn 'Deelgroep'
- management of the UCU Futures Centre
- Co-Founder/co-Chair of the national University College Future Orientation Network
- member of international Expert Panel for global ‘Healthy Campus Standard’ led by the International University Sports federation (FISU)
- crisis intervention
- supporting students' extra-curricular initiatives on/off campus
- facilitating self-reflection and goal setting
- membership of the scholarship advisory committee & management of the Student Aid Fund
- policy development
...and various other projects.
The extended scope and reach of my work is now more comparable to a Dean of Student Affairs in a UK setting.
An overview of my professional development and training is included in my CV - see link in menu bar.