Academic Appointments
2022-present | Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) |
2007-present | Professor Computational Condensed Matter, Department of Physics, Utrecht University |
2006-2007 | Associate professor, Department of Physics, Utrecht University |
1999-2006 | Assistant professor, Department of Physics, Utrecht University |
1997-1998 | EU-Marie Curie (TMR) Individual Fellowship/EPSRC Prof. Robert Evans, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University, UK |
1997 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, Lyon, France |
1996 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Prof. Michael P. Allen, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol University, UK |
1995 | Associate Research Physicist, Shell Research and Technology Centre Amsterdam |
1994-1995 | EU-Marie Curie (HCM) Individual Fellowship, Prof. Paul A. Madden and Prof. Jean Pierre Hansen, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University, UK |
Professional Experience
2018-present | Member Sectorplan Commissie Bèta en Techniek |
2021-present | Board member Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science |
2021-present | Board Stichting Physica |
2018-present | APS Editor Reviews of Modern Physics |
Prizes, Awards, and Recognitions
2020 | Elected member Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) |
2020 | ERC Advanced grant (250 kEuro) |
2007 | NWO-Aspasia premie (100 kEuro) |
2006 | NWO-VICI grant (1250 kEuro) |
2004 | UU High Potential Grant (1472 kEuro) |
2000 | FOM Minerva Prize |
1994 | PhD degree, Thesis advisor: Prof. dr. Daan Frenkel, FOM institute AMOLF |
1991 | MSc Physics, Utrecht University |
1990 | MSc Molecular Sciences, Wageningen University |