Prof. dr. Merel Soons

Land Use and Biodiversity

My research focusses on four broad questions, addressing these in various research projects:

  1. How do plants (and animals) move through landscapes?
  2. How do these movements contribute to community assembly and biodiversity?
  3. How are these movements affected by human-induced changes in landscapes (habitat fragmentation, land use change, climate change, conservation and restoration activities)?
  4. How can we optimize biodiversity conservation and restoration measures?   


Current projects

  • Flying, floating or hitching a ride: The dispersal of plants in heterogeneous landscapes (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); personal VIDI and Aspasia grants), includes research of PhD students Erik Kleyheeg & Jelle Treep and postdoc Monique de Jager
  • Plants on the move: The role of seed dispersal in the creation of spatial patterns and biodiversity (funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO); personal MEERVOUD grant) 
  • Spatial patterns of seed dispersal of Patagonian grasses (funded by CONICET, Argentina; personal grant to Gustavo Pazos), collaboration with Gustavo Pazos 
  • Smart Landscapes (funded by graduate school PE&RC; project grant to Arnaud Temme, Lammert Kooistra, Ryan Teuling, George van Voorn (WUR) & Merel Soons (UU) to develop guidelines for landscapes where vegetation and land cover patterns increase resilience to sudden shifts and/or promote desired shifts), includes research of postdoc Ype van der Velde
  • Long-term vegetation and biodiversity developments in wetland area De Biesbosch (a collaboration with Staatsbosbeheer for fundamental and applied research)
UU BioCliVE 01-06-2017 tot 12-12-2030
Algemene projectbeschrijving

The Utrecht University Biodiversity and Climate Variability Experiment, UU BioCliVE, is an experiment manipulating plant diversity and future precipitation scenarios to examine how biological diversity can provide us with natural insurance against climate change.


1e geldstroom
Overige projectleden
  • Open for collaborations