Dr. Margreet van Es

Janskerkhof 13
Janskerkhof 13
Kamer 0
3512 BL Utrecht

Dr. Margreet van Es

Universitair docent



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2023). The Gastro-Politics of Replacement: How Imaginations of a Muslim Takeover Become "Real" through Food. In S. Bracke, & L. M. Hernandez Aguilar (Eds.), The Politics of Replacement: Demographic Fears, Conspiracy Theories, and Race Wars (pp. 206-216). (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003305927-17
van Es, M. A. (2023). Multicultural Clumsiness: Provocative Anti-Provocations in the Aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo Attacks. In D. Kloos, L. Schmidt, M. Westmoreland, & B. Barendregt (Eds.), Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam (pp. 67-83). Leiden University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2022). Blog: Multi-Scalar Cosmopolitanism. Web publication/site, Religiousmatters.nl. https://religiousmatters.nl/multi-scalar-cosmopolitanism/
van Es, M. A. (2022). A Ring of Peace around the Oslo Synagogue: Muslims and Jews Expressing Interfaith Solidarity in Response to the Paris and Copenhagen Attacks. In L. van Liere, & E. Meinema (Eds.), Material Perspectives on Religion, Conflict, and Violence: Things of Conflict (pp. 187-210). (Supplements to Method & Theory in the Study of Religion; Vol. 19). Brill. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004523791_010


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2021). Men, Masculinities, and Religion. Religion and Gender, 11(1), 127-129. https://doi.org/10.1163/18785417-01101011
van Es, M. A. (2021). Norwegian Muslims Denouncing Terrorism: Beyond 'Moderate' versus 'Radical'? Religion, 51(2), 169–189. https://doi.org/10.1080/0048721X.2021.1865600
van Es, M. A., ter Laan, N., & Meinema, E. H. (2021). Beyond 'Radical' versus 'Moderate'? New Perspectives on the Politics of Moderation in Muslim Majority and Muslim Minority Settings. Religion, 51(2), 161-168. https://doi.org/10.1080/0048721X.2021.1865616


van Es, M. A. (2021). Book review: Muslim Identity Politics - Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain, written by Khadija Elshayyal. Journal of Muslims in Europe, 10(1), 117-120. https://doi.org/10.1163/22117954-BJA10022

Populariserende publicaties

Kragtwijk, P., & van Es, M. A. (2021). Ramadan in Lockdown. Web publication/site, Utrecht Religie Forum. https://urf.sites.uu.nl/2021/04/21/ramadan-in-lockdown/
Kragtwijk, P., & van Es, M. A. (2021). Ramadan in Lockdown. Web publication/site, Religiousmatters.nl. https://religiousmatters.nl/ramadan-in-lockdown/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2020). Roasting a Pig in Front of a Mosque: How Pork Matters in Pegida’s Anti-Islam Protest in Eindhoven. Religions, 11(7), 359. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11070359
van Es, M. A., & van den Brandt, H. P. (2020). Muslim Women’s Activism and Organizations in the Netherlands and Belgium. Trajecta, 29(2), 191-220. https://doi.org/10.5117/TRA2020.2.004.VANE


van Es, M. A. (2020). Book Review: Pious Fashion - How Muslim Women Dress, by Elizabeth Bucar. Religion and Gender, 10(1), 128-130. https://doi.org/10.1163/18785417-01001008

Populariserende publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2020). Re-Opening Restaurants in Rotterdam. Web publication/site, Utrecht University. https://religiousmatters.nl/re-opening-restaurants-in-rotterdam/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2019). Was the Multiculturalism Backlash Good for Women with a Muslim Background? Perspectives from Five Minority Women’s Organisations in the Netherlands. In E. Henrich, & J. M. Simpson (Eds.), History, historians and the immigration debate: going back to where we came from (pp. 153-170). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97123-0, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-97123-0_9
van Es, M. A. (2019). The Promise of the Social Contract: Muslim Perspectives on the Culturalization of Citizenship and the Demand to Denounce Violent Extremism. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(16), 141-158. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2019.1600710
van Es, M. A. (2019). Muslim Women as Ambassadors of Islam: Breaking Stereotypes in Everyday Life. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 26(14), 375-392. https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289X.2017.1346985

Populariserende publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2019). Blog: Halal Dining in Rotterdam. Web publication/site https://religiousmatters.nl/halal-dining-in-rotterdam/
van Es, M. A. (2019). Halal BBQ in kerstsfeer. Web publication/site, Utrecht University. https://www.uu.nl/achtergrond/halal-bbq-in-kerstsfeer
van Es, M. A., ter Laan, N., & Meinema, E. H. (2019). De zin en onzin van de woorden “gematigd” en “radicaal”. In J. Wagemakers, & L. van Liere (Eds.), Wie is er bang voor religie? Waarom kennis van religie belangrijk is (pp. 18-26). Parthenon.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2018). Islam, intersectionaliteit en superdiversiteit: Ofwel: Wie interesseert zich voor moslima’s van boven de veertig? Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 21(1), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.5117/TVGN2018.1.MARG
van Es, M. A. (2018). Islamsk Kvinnegruppe Norge: Idrettsgruppen som ble forkjemper for muslimske kvinners rettigheter i Norge 1991–2005. In J. Sorvoll, T. R. Korsvik, & I. Helle (Eds.), Kollektive bestrebelser (pp. 223–238). Novus Forlag.
van Es, M. A. (2018). Islamic Feminism in Norway. Labrys: Études Féministes/Estudos Feministas. https://www.labrys.net.br/labrys31/nordic/matgaretha.htm
van Es, M. A. (2018). Muslims Denouncing Violent Extremism: Competing Essentialisms of Islam in Dutch Public Debate. Journal of Muslims in Europe, 7(2), 146-166. https://doi.org/10.1163/22117954-12341374

Populariserende publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2018). Blog: Muslims Condemning Violent Extremism: A Multiple Critique. Web publication/site, Religiousmatters.nl. https://religiousmatters.nl/muslims-condemning-violent-extremism-a-multiple-critique/
van Es, M. A. (2018). Blog: De Zin en Onzin van Stereotypen Doorbreken. Web publication/site https://urf.sites.uu.nl/2018/04/10/de-zin-en-onzin-van-stereotypen-doorbreken/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2017). Muslims Embracing Civic Nationalism: The Promise of the Social Contract and the Persistence of Nativism. Paper presented at Asserting and Contesting the "Good Citizen".


van Es, M. A. (2017). Book Review: Naaz Rashid (2016) Veiled Threats: Representing the Muslim Woman in Public Policy Discourses, Bristol: Policy Press. 224 pp. Religion and Gender, 7(1), 141-143 . https://doi.org/10.18352/rg.10204
van Es, M. A. (2017). Book Review: Jeanette S. Jouili (2015) Pious Practice and Secular Constraints: Women in the Islamic Revival in Europe, Stanford: Stanford University Press. 258 pp. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(1), 58-59. https://doi.org/10.1515/njmr-2017-0004

Populariserende publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2017). Blog: The Right to Self-Representation: Muslim Women Breaking Stereotypes. Web publication/site, STK.
van Es, M. A. (2017). Moslims, Spreek Je (Niet) Uit! Geen Wereld Zonder Religie: Magazine over de Studies Religiewetenschappen en Islam en Arabisch, Utrecht University, 19-21.
van Es, M. A. (2017). Terreuraanslagen veroordelen? Moslims doen bijna niet anders! AD / Algemeen Dagblad.

Overige resultaten

van Es, M. A. (2017). Van Es on Self-Representations of Muslim Women. Web publication/site


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2016). Stereotypes and Self-Representations of Women with a Muslim Background: The Stigma of Being Oppressed. (Citizenship, Gender and Diversity). Palgrave Macmillan.
van Es, M. A. (2016). Norwegian Muslim Women, Diffused Islamic Feminism and the Politics of Belonging. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, 29(2), 117-133. https://www.idunn.no/nordic_journal_of_religion_and_society/2016/02/norwegian_muslim_women_diffused_islamic_feminism_and_the_p


van Es, M. A. (2016). Muslims Condemning Violent Extremism. Poster session presented at 20 Years of Marie Skłodowska-Curie! , Amsterdam.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2015). Bildet av “muslimske kvinner” i Aftenposten 1975-2010. Pressehistorisk tidsskrift, 24, 103-113. http://www.pressetidsskrift.no/tidsskrift/pressehistorisk-tidsskrift-nr-24-2015/


van Es, M. A. (2015). Book Review: Marianne Takle (2015) Politisk Integrering. Innvandrerorganisasjoner Som Skoler i Demokrati og Byråkrati, Oslo: Cappelen Damm. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 3, 157-158.

Populariserende publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2015). Een Noorse Al Nisa? Moslimorganisaties in Noorwegen. Al Nisa: Islamitisch Maandblad voor Vrouwen, 34, 30-35 .


Overige resultaten

van Es, M. A. (2012, Mar 13). Competing Essentialisms: “Culture”, “Religion” and the “Oppression of Muslim Women” in Norwegian Newspaper Articles (1975-2010).


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Es, M. A. (2008). Etenstijd! Voedselconsumptie Onder Leidse Arbeiders Rond 1890. Jaarboek der Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis van Leiden en Omstreken, 19/20, 127-158.
van Es, M. A. (2008). Van Korset tot Kimono: Exotica in de Nederlandse Mode van het Belle Epoque 1890-1914. Textielhistorische Bijdragen, 48, 7-29.



van Es, M. A. (2007). 'Hollandse Heldin'. Book Review: Mineke Bosch (2005) Een Onwrikbaar Geloof in Rechtvaardigheid: Aletta Jacobs 1854-1929, Amsterdam: Balans. 852 pp. Leidschrift, 22(3), 127-129.