
Ohl, F., & Meijboom, F. (2015). Ethical Issues Associated with the Use of Animal Experimentation in Behavioral Neuroscience Research. In G. Lee, J. Illes, F. Ohl, & F. Meijboom (Eds.), Ethical Issues in Behavioral Neuroscience (pp. 3-15). ( Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences; Vol. 19). Springer.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Kostrzewa, E., & Leenaars, C. H. C. (2020). Joining forces: the need to combine science and ethics to address problems of validity and translation in neuropsychiatry research using animal models. Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine : PEHM, 15, Article 1.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Food biotechnology: trust and trustworthiness. In J. Simon (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy (1 ed., pp. 378-390). Routledge.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). More Than Just a Vet? Professional Integrity as an Answer to the Ethical Challenges Facing Veterinarians in Animal Food Production. Food Ethics, 1, 209–220.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stafleu, F. R. (2015). Farming ethics in practice: from freedom to professional moral autonomy for farmers. Agriculture and Human Values.



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B., & Bovenkerk, B. (2024). Fish resilience as an ethical issue. Journal of Fish Biology. Advance online publication.
Deelen, E., & Meijboom, F. (2024). Fur-ever comfort: the role of normative professionalism in animal hospice and palliative care. In Back to the future: Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (pp. 248-253). Brill | Nijhoff.
Giersberg, M., van Putten, A., & Meijboom, F. (2024). Next level collaboration: towards responsible innovation for behavioural phenotyping in farm animals. In M. Giersberg, B. Bovenkerk, & F. Meijboom (Eds.), EurSafe 2024: Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (pp. 448-453).
Giersberg, M., Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. (Eds.) (2024). EurSafe2024: Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption. ( 18 th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EurSafe), Ede, Netherlands, 11/09/24). Brill | Nijhoff.
van Gerwen, M. A., Rodenburg, T. B., Arndt, S. S., Meerburg, B. G., & Meijboom, F. L. (2024). Attitudes of clients of Dutch pest controllers towards integrated pest management (IPM) and preventive measures in relation to rodent nuisance. Pest Management Science, 80(11), 5555-5563.
Anthony, R., Miller, D. S., Hoenig, D. E., Millar, K. M., Goodwin, J., Dean, W. R., Grimm, H., Meijboom, F. L. B., Murphy, J., Persico Murphy, E., Scott, H. M., & De Paula Vieira, A. (2024). Incorporate ethics into US public health plans. Science (New York, N.Y.), 383(6687), 1066-1067.
Chuang, E. Y. S., Wellmann, R., Meijboom, F. L. B., Tetens, J., & Bennewitz, J. (2024). Simulation of dual-purpose chicken breeding programs implementing gene editing. Genetics Selection Evolution, 56(1), Article 7.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Guo, X., & Meijboom, F. (2023). The development of animal welfare science in China: An explorative analysis. Animal Welfare, 32, 1-8. Article e72.
Deelen, E., Meijboom, F., Tobias, T., Koster, F., Hesselink, J. W., & Rodenburg, B. (2023). Legal requirements as a source for moral problems in end-of-life situations. In The Proceedings Booklet of the Veterinary Ethics Conference 2023 (pp. 167-169)
Deelen, E., Meijboom, F., Tobias, T., Koster, F., Hesselink, J. W., & Rodenburg, B. (2023). Handling End-of-Life Situations in Small Animal Practice: What Strategies do Veterinarians Contemplate During their Decision-Making Process? Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. Advance online publication.
Giersberg, M., Geijtenbeek, D. K., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Captured! On the use of patient cameras in veterinary practices and clinics in the Netherlands. 85-87. Abstract from Veterinary Ethics Conference 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Leenaars, C. H. C., Teerenstra, S., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Bleich, A. (2023). Methodical advances in reproducibility research: A proof of concept qualitative comparative analysis of reproducing animal data in humans. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 397, Article 109931.
Giersberg, M., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Creating a culture of openness for the responsible use of video observation in animal sciences. 885. Abstract from 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Lyon, France.
Giersberg, M., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Veterinarians’ perceptions of using PLF technologies in pig husbandry in the Netherlands and Germany. 647. Abstract from 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Lyon, France.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Staman, J., & Pothoven, R. (2023). From Blind Spot to Crucial Concept: On the Role of Animal Welfare in Food System Changes towards Circular Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 36(3), Article 14.
Brom, F., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Vertrouwen als noodzakelijk bijproduct. In F. Van der Meer (Ed.), Staat van de Ambtelijke dienst / Bouwen aan Vertrouwen: Van der Meer, Frits (Red.) (Vol. 55, pp. 171). (Recht en Overheid ; Vol. 55)..
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Know your animal: Knowing animals within veterinary scientific education. on_education Journal for Research and Debate, 6(16).
Boissevain, I. E., Jongbloed, A. W., Meijboom, F. L. B., Hesselink, J. W., & Mandigers, P. J. J. (2023). Experiences and recommendations of veterinarians for the Dutch disciplinary system-a survey-based study. Veterinary Record Open, 10(1), Article e67.
Gerwen, M. AAM. V., Rodenburg, T. B., Arndt, S. S., Meerburg, B. G., & Meijboom, F. LB. (2023). Attitudes of clients of Dutch pest controllers towards animal welfare in the management of liminal rodents. Animal Welfare, 32, Article e41.
Andreoli, L., Vlasblom, R., Drost, R., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Salvatori, D. (2023). Challenging Future Generations: A Qualitative Study of Students’ Attitudes toward the Transition to Animal-Free Innovations in Education and Research. Animals, 13(3), Article 394.
Giersberg, M. F., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2023). As if you were hiring a new employee: on pig veterinarians’ perceptions of professional roles and relationships in the context of smart sensing technologies in pig husbandry in the Netherlands and Germany. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(4), 1-14.
Deelen, E., Meijboom, F., Tobias, T., Koster, F., Hesselink, J. W., & Rodenburg, B. (2023). Considering life and death: a qualitative vignette study among farm animal veterinarians in the Netherlands on considerations in end-of-life decision-making. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, 1-10. Article 1163062.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Being with other animals: transitioning toward sustainable food futures. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 1-6. Article 1017975.
Middelveld, S., Macnaghten, P., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Imagined futures for livestock gene editing: Public engagement in the Netherlands. Public Understanding of Science, 32(2), 143-158.


van Bijnen- Hendrikx, L., Meijboom, F., Rommers, J., Verkaik, J., & Gerritzen, M. A. (2023). Verantwoorde omgang met zorgbehoevende dieren en euthanasie op het primaire bedrijf. Wageningen Livestock Research.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. (2023). Aging Gracefully: Compassion for Nonhuman Animal Elders. In Optimal Wellbeing of Aging Wild Animals In Human Care (pp. 13-24). Springer.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Gerwen, M., Nieuwland, J., van Lith, H., & Meijboom, F. (2022). Animal welfare in rodent control: attitudes of pest controllers and dilemmas they face. Abstract from 10th International Conference on Urban Pests, Barcelona, Spain.
Boissevain, I. E., van Rooij, M., Jongbloed, A. W., Meijboom, F. L. B., Hesselink, J. W., & Mandigers, P. J. J. (2022). 15 years of facts and figures on veterinary disciplinary measures in the Netherlands. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, Article 987797.
Scheele, C. L. G. J., Herrmann, D., Yamashita, E., Lo Celso, C., Jenne, C. N., Oktay, M. H., Entenberg, D., Friedl, P., Weigert, R., Meijboom, F. L. B., Ishii, M., Timpson, P., & van Rheenen, J. (2022). Multiphoton intravital microscopy of rodents. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2(1), Article 89.
Giersberg, M., Bolhuis, J. E., Rodenburg, B., & Meijboom, F. (2022). How smart should resilience be? On the need of a transdisciplinary approach to transform pig production systems. In D. Bruce, & A. Bruce (Eds.), Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility (pp. 513-518). Wageningen Academic .
van Putten, A., Giersberg, M., & Meijboom, F. (2022). Do we improve any aspects of animal welfare by implementing Computer Vision in livestock farming? In D. Bruce, & A. Bruce (Eds.), Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility (pp. 481-486). Wageningen Academic .
Deelen, E., Meijboom, F., Tobias, T., & Smolders, L. F. E. (2022). Challenges of future vets – the impact of the killing of animals during education on veterinary students’ wellbeing. In D. Bruce, & A. Bruce (Eds.), Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility (pp. 322-327). Wageningen Academic .
Kramer, K., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2022). How Do Technologies Affect How We See and Treat Animals? Extending Technological Mediation Theory to Human-animal Relations. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 25(4), 595-611.
Deelen, E., Meijboom, F. L. B., Tobias, T. J., Koster, F., Hesselink, J., & Rodenburg, T. B. (2022). The views of farm animal veterinarians about their roles and responsibilities associated with on-farm end-of-life situations. Frontiers in Animal Science, 3, 1-14. Article 949080.
Krijger, I. M., Gerwen, M. A. A. M. V., Rodenburg, B., Meijboom, F. L. B., Andel, M. E. V., & Meerburg, B. (2022). Effectiviteit en welzijnsaspecten van kastvallen (verdrinkingsvallen) voor de bestrijding van schadelijke wilde knaagdieren. (Rapport ; Vol. 1362). Wageningen Livestock Research.
Meijboom, F., Bruce, D., Kramer, K., & Bruce, A. (2022). Broadening the ethical debate on breeding innovations, public engagement and the role of the Democs Game. 1-5. Paper presented at WCGALP, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Kramer, K., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2022). The Ethics of Innovations in Genomic Selection: On How to Broaden the Scope of Discussion. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 35(2), 1-18. Article 7.
Giersberg, M., & Meijboom, F. (2022). Caught on Camera: On the Need of Responsible Use of Video Observation for Animal Behavior and Welfare Research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1-7. Article 864677.
Deelen, E., & Meijboom, F. (2022). Why ‘mercy’ killing wild animals is so controversial. Web publication/site, The Conversation.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. (2021). Animals in Transition: On ethics and livestock farming. In N. Y. Yalim, & M. Evren (Eds.), Proceedings Book of 3rd International Congress on Agricultural and Food Ethics: Printed in Yalim, N.Y., Evren, M (2021). (pp. 85-90).
Deelen, E., & Meijboom, F. (2021). Killing in plural? On animal life assessments by veterinarians and the role of euthanasia. In H. Schübel, & I. Wallimann-Helmer (Eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate (pp. 255-260). Wageningen Academic .
Leenaars, C. H. C., Mierden, S. V. D., Joosten, R. N. J. M. A., Weide, M. A. V. D., Schirris, M., Dematteis, M., Meijboom, F. L. B., Feenstra, M. G. P., & Bleich, A. (2021). Risk-Based Decision Making: A Systematic Scoping Review of Animal Models and a Pilot Study on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Rats. Clocks & Sleep, 3(1), 31-52.
Leenaars, C. H. C., Vries, R. BM. D., Reijmer, J., Holthaus, D., Visser, D., Heming, A., Elzinga, J., Kempkes, R. W. M., Beumer, W., Punt, C., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2021). Animal models for cystic fibrosis: a systematic search and mapping review of the literature. Part 2: nongenetic models. Laboratory Animals, 55(4), 307-316.
Laursen, D. C., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2021). Pausing for reflection to make progress: An assessment framework for ethical discussions on innovations in fisheries. Journal of Fish Biology, 99(1), 4-8.
Kramer, K., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2021). Using Breeding Technologies to Improve Farm Animal Welfare: What is the Ethical Relevance of Telos? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34(1), 1-18. Article 2.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2021). “Eek! a rat!”. In B. Bovenkerk , & J. Keulartz (Eds.), International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics (pp. 301-322). (International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics; Vol. 33). Springer.
Laursen, D. C., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2021). Between Food and Respect for Nature: On the Moral Ambiguity of Norwegian Stakeholder Opinions on Fish and Their Welfare in Technological Innovations in Fisheries. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 34(5), 1-20. Article 28.
van Gerwen, M. A. A. M., Meijboom, F., & Nieuwland, J. (2021). 33. What if we lack a licence to kill – thinking out-of-the-box in our relationship with liminal rodents. In H. Schübel, & I. Wallimann-Helmer (Eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate (pp. 224-229)
Giersberg, M., & Meijboom, F. (2021). Smart Technologies Lead to Smart Answers? On the Claim of Smart Sensing Technologies to Tackle Animal Related Societal Concerns in Europe Over Current Pig Husbandry Systems. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 1-6. Article 588214.


van den Berg, G. P., Eppink, D. M., Gehring, R., den Hartog, L. A., ten Have-Mellema, A. L., Hofstra, G., Kemps, A., Meijboom, F., Rodenburg, B., Schukken, Y., Urlings, H. A. P., & van de Ven, J. (2021). Zorg voor het jonge dier: Naar meer aandacht voor het individuele dier en minder sterfte. Raad voor Dieraangelegenheden.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Trust and food biotechnology. In The Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy (pp. 378-390). Taylor & Francis.
Speksnijder, D., Verheij, T. J. M., Meijboom, F., Sanders, P., Bens, D., & Leneman, M. (2020). Onderzoek naar kritische succesfactoren voor een laag antibiotica voorschrijfpatroon van dierenartsen: Rapport van het project Kritische Succesfactoren Dierenartsen (KSF Dierenartsen). Utrecht University.
Hartnack, S., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Veterinary ethics. Animals.
Leenaars, C., Tsaioun, K., Stafleu, F., Rooney, K., Meijboom, F., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., & Bleich, A. (2020). Reviewing the animal literature: how to describe and choose between different types of literature reviews. Laboratory Animals, 0(0), 1-13.
Rodenburg, T. B., van Gerwen, M., Meijer, E., Tobias, T. J., Giersberg, M. F., Goerlich, V. C., Nordquist, R. E., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Arndt, S. S. (2020). End the cage age: looking for alternatives: Overview of alternatives to cage systems and the impact on animal welfare and other aspects of sustainability. European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, policy Department C: citizen's Rights and Constitutional Affairs.
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Ethics and the Welfare of Fish. In T. Kristiansen , A. Fernö, M. Pavlidis, & H. van de Vis (Eds.), The Welfare of Fish (pp. 19-42). (Animal Welfare; Vol. 20). Springer.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Food biotechnology: trust and trustworthiness. In J. Simon (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy (1 ed., pp. 378-390). Routledge.
Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., Leenaars, C., Beumer, W., Roo, T. C. D., Stafleu, F., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Improving translation by identifying evidence for more human-relevant preclinical strategies. Animals, 10(7), Article 1170.
van Gerwen, M. A. A. M., Nieuwland, J., van Lith, H. A., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Dilemmas in the management of liminal rodents— attitudes of Dutch pest controllers. Animals, 10(9), Article 1614.
Leenaars, C., Stafleu, F., de Jong, D., van Berlo, M., Geurts, T., Coenen‐De Roo, T., Prins, J. B., Kempkes, R., Elzinga, J., Bleich, A., de Vries, R. B. M., Meijboom, F., & Ritskes‐hoitinga, M. (2020). A Systematic Review Comparing Experimental Design of Animal and Human Methotrexate Efficacy Studies for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Lessons for the Translational Value of Animal Studies. Animals, 10(6), Article 1047.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Kostrzewa, E., & Leenaars, C. H. C. (2020). Joining forces: the need to combine science and ethics to address problems of validity and translation in neuropsychiatry research using animal models. Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine : PEHM, 15, Article 1.


Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Tijd voor een intersoortelijke draai in gezondheidsbeleid. Podium voor Bio-ethiek, 27(3), 20.
Kuppler-van der Aa, A. S., Meijboom, F. L. B., Deelen, E., Arndt, S. S., van Herten, J., Tobias, T. J., & Herder, F. (2020). Beslisondersteuner Zorgbehoevende Varkens: voor dieren vanaf +/- 2 maanden oud. Web publication/site, .

Populariserende publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2020). Ook een besmette nerts heeft waarde, maar welke? de Volkskrant.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Laursen, D. C., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). The importance of stakeholder opinion in ethical reflection on technological innovation in fisheries. In E. Vinnari, & M. Vinnari (Eds.), Sustainable governance and management of food systems: ethical perspectives : EurSafe 2019 : Tampere, Finland, 18-21 September 2019 (pp. A3-A8). Wageningen AP.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). One Health: How Interdependence Enriches Veterinary Ethics Education. Animals, 10(1).
Guo, X., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Understanding the development of animal welfare science – what can we learn from an actor-network-theory approach?.
Nieuwland, J., van Gerwen, M. A. A. M., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Rumble in the urban jungle: moral dilemmas in the management of liminal rodents perceived as pests.
Leenaars, C. H. C., De Vries, R. B. M., Heming, A., Visser, D., Holthaus, D., Reijmer, J., Elzinga, J., Kempkes, R. W. M., Punt, C., Beumer, W., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2019). Animal models for cystic fibrosis: A systematic search and mapping review of the literature – Part 1: genetic models. Laboratory Animals, 54(4).
Leenaars, C. H. C., Kouwenaar, C., Stafleu, F. R., Bleich, A., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., De Vries, R. B. M., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Animal to human translation: A systematic scoping review of reported concordance rates. Journal of Translational Medicine, 17(1), Article 223.
van Herten, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Veterinary Responsibilities within the One Health Framework. Food Ethics, 3(1-2), 109-123.


Macnaghten, P., Middelveld, S., Kramer, K., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Just editing? Maatschappelijk verantwoord innoveren en genome editing bij dieren. Podium voor Bio-ethiek, 26/1, 32-36.(1), 32.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2019). Het Antropoceen en de dieren ertussenin. Podium voor Bio-ethiek, 25(4), 17-19.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. (2018). Anthropomorphism: a step too far? In BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2017 (pp. 422-423). (BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2017). British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Meijboom, F. (2018). Is it time? Euthanasia. In BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2017 (pp. 426-427). (BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2017). British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). Ethics and the changing attitudes towards animals and their welfare. In F. Ohl, & R. Putman (Eds.), The biology an management of animal welfare (pp. 8-17). Whittles Publishing.
Molavi, A., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). Raising the stakes in the stkeholder theory: should animals be considered stakeholders by business that affect them? In S. Springer, & H. Grimm (Eds.), Professionals in Food Chains (pp. 412-416). Wageningen AP.
van Gerwen, M., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). The black box of rodents perceived as pests: on inconsistencies, lack of knowledge and a moral mirror. In S. Springer, & H. Grimm (Eds.), Professionals in food chains (pp. 392-397). Wageningen AP.
van Herten, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). Veterinary responsibilities within the One health Framework. In S. Springer, & H. Grimm (Eds.), Professionals in Food Chains (pp. 281-286). Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Nieuwland, J. (2018). Manifold health: the need to specify One Health and the importance of cooperation in (bio)ethics. In S. Springer, & H. Grimm (Eds.), Professionals in food chains (pp. 266 - 271 ). Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2018). More Than Just a Vet? Professional Integrity as an Answer to the Ethical Challenges Facing Veterinarians in Animal Food Production. Food Ethics, 1, 209–220.


van der Zande, A. N., Alphen, J. J. M. V., Goodman, S. J., Meijboom, F. L. B., Stegeman, J. A., Thompson, D., Kuindersma, W., & Latour, B. (2018). Advice of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Seal Rehabilitation in the Netherlands. Wageningen AP.
Kuppler, A. S., Meijboom, F. L. B., Deelen, E., Arndt, S. S., van Herten, J., & Tobias, T. J. (2018). Beslishulp Euthanasie. Web publication/site


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2017). Applying Ethical Thinking and Social Relevance. In H. Röcklinsberg, M. Gjerris, & A. Olsson (Eds.), Animal Ethics in Animal Research (pp. 41-67). Cambridge University Press.
Janssen, M. R. E., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2017). Animal Ethics. In D. C. Poff , & A. C. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics (pp. 2). Springer.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Nieuwland, J. (2017). Gezondheid in meervoud: Over ethische aspecten bij One Health en de noodzaak tot samenwerking binnen de ethiek. (Preadvies Nederlandse Vereniging voor Bio-ethiek). NVBE.
Jensen, K. K., Michalopoulos, T., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Gjerris, M. (2017). Perceptions of Ethical Challenges within the LowInputBreeds Project. Food Ethics, 2017(1), 109-125.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Bruijnis, M. R. N., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stassen, E. N. (2016). Premature culling of production animals; ethical questions related to killing animals in food production. In The End of Animal Life: A Start for Ethical Debate (pp. 149-165). Wageningen Academic .
Molavi, A., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2016). Food, health and animal research: on the need for ethical reflections on uncertainty in animal research. In A. Olsson (Ed.), Food futures: Ethics, Science and Culture (pp. 493). Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stassen, E. N. (2016). The end of animal life: a start for ethical debate: On the role of the human-animal relationship and the plurality of views on the value of animals. In The end of animal life: a start for ethical debate: Ethical and societal considerations on killing animals (pp. 13-24). Article 1 Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stassen, E. N. (2016). The end of animal life: a start for ethical debate: Ethical and societal considerations on killing animals. Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2016). On current food consumption and future generations: Is there a moral need to change our food consumption in order to safeguard the human rights of future generations? In Human Rights and Sustainability: Moral Responsibilities for the Future (pp. 169-180). Taylor & Francis.
Vinke, C. M., van Zeeland, Y. R. A., Schoemaker, N. J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2016). As Free as a Bird on the Wing: Some Welfare and Ethical Considerations on Flight Restraint Methods in Birds. In B. L. Speer (Ed.), Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery (1 ed., pp. 683-708). Elsevier.

Overige resultaten

Leenaars, C., Meijboom, F. L. B., Stafleu, F. R., de Jong, D., de Roo, T. C., Prins, J.-B., de vries, R., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2016). From Animal Model to translational Strategy: A systematic review of experimental design in the preclinical and clinical studies of drugs for rheumatoid artritis (RA). Poster session presented at FELASA Congress, Brussels, Belgium.
Leenaars, C., Meijboom, F. L. B., Stafleu, F. R., de vries, R., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., Punt, C., & Beumer, W. (2016). From animal model to translational strategy: A systematic review of animal models for cystic fibrosis. Poster session presented at FELASA Congress, Brussels, Belgium.
Leenaars, C., de Jong, D., Coenen De Roo, T., Prins, J.-B., Meijboom, F. L. B., Stafleu, F. R., de vries, R., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2016). From animal model to translational strategy: A systematic review of experimental design in the preclinical and clinical studies of drugs for rheumatoid artritis (RA). 119. Abstract from 4 th annual conference of the European Society for translational Medicne ((EUSTM), Prague.
Stafleu, F. R., Leenaars, C. H. C., Coenen-de Roo, C. J., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2016). The translation-standardisation paradox: Translational strategies to tackle it. New horizons in translational medicine, 3, 96.
Leenaars, C. H. C., de Vries, R. B. M., Stafleu, F. R., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2016). From animal model to translational strategy: A systematic literature review of animal models for cystic fibrosis. New horizons in translational medicine, 33, 131.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Paul-Murphy, J., Koch, V. W., Briscoe, J. A., Vinke, C. M., Schoemaker, N. J., Meijboom, F. L. B., van Zeeland, Y. R. A., Endenburg, N., & Greenacre, C. B. (2015). Advancements in management ofthewelfare of avian species. a scientist's assessment. In Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery (pp. 669-718). Elsevier.
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2015). One Health as a normative concept: implications for food safety at the wildlife interface. In E. Dumitras, I. Jitea, & S. Aerts (Eds.), Know your food: food ethics and innovation (pp. 132-137). Wageningen AP.
Verweij, M. F., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2015). One Health as a collective responsibility. In F. Arion, D. Dumitras, & S. Aerts (Eds.), Know your food! Food Ethics and Innovation (pp. 144-149). Wageningen Academic .
Nieuwland, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2015). One Health as a normative concept. What are the implications for food production? In D. E. Dumitras, I. M. Jitea, & S. Aerts (Eds.), Know your food: Food ethics and innovation (pp. 132-137). Brill.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Li, J. (2015). Animal husbandry and food production in China and Europe: A shared moral problem? In F. Arion, D. Dumatris, & S. Aerts (Eds.), Know your food! – Food Ethics and Innovation (pp. 150-155). Wageningen Academic .
Potthast, T., Meisch, S., & Meijboom, F. (2015). Introduction: Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 28(3), 407-412.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stafleu, F. R. (2015). Farming ethics in practice: from freedom to professional moral autonomy for farmers. Agriculture and Human Values.
Ohl, F., & Meijboom, F. (2015). Ethical Issues Associated with the Use of Animal Experimentation in Behavioral Neuroscience Research. In G. Lee, J. Illes, F. Ohl, & F. Meijboom (Eds.), Ethical Issues in Behavioral Neuroscience (pp. 3-15). ( Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences; Vol. 19). Springer.


Meijboom, F. L. B. (2015). Veterinary ethics and moral problems in the context of food production. Eursafe News, 17.

Overige resultaten

Leenaars, C., Stafleu, F. R., Meijboom, F. L. B., de vries, R., Prins, J.-B., de Roo, T. C., Ritskes-Hoitinga, M., Molavi, A., Punt, C., & Beumer, W. (2015). From animal Model to translational strategy. 41.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Kalshoven, K., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2013). Sustainability at the Crossroads of Fish Consumption and Production Ethical dilemmas of fish buyers at retail organizations in the Netherlands. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26(1), 101-117.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2013). Individual animal welfare and the collective dimension of sustainability: the role of animal welfare in development towards sustainable food production and consumption. In H. Rocklinsberg, & P. Sandin (Eds.), The ethics of consumption (pp. 328-332). Wageningen Academic .
Bruinis, M. R. N., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Stassen, E. N. (2013). Longevity as an Animal Welfare Issue Applied to the Case of Foot Disorders in Dairy Cattle. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26(1), 191-205.
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2013). Fish Welfare in Aquaculture: Explicating the chain of interactions between science and ethics. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26(1), 41-61.
Nordström, K., Juth, N., Kjellström, S., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Görman, U. (2013). Values at Stake: Autonomy, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness in Relation to Genetic Testing and Personalized Nutrition Advice. Genes & Nutrition, 8(4), 365-372.
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2013). Beneath the surface: the killing of fish as a moral problem. In H. Rocklinsberg, & P. Sandin (Eds.), The ethics of consumption (pp. 245-250). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Bovenkerk, B. (2013). Fish Welfare: Challenge for Science and Ethics—Why Fish Makes the Difference. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26(1), 1-6.


Vos, L., van Herten, J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2013). Is onthoornen wel zo standaard? Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 138(11), 44-46.
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Düwell, M. (2013). Agenda on Ethics for Horizon 2020. (The future o.t. Soc. Sciences & Human. in Europe: collected LERU ed.) LERU.

Overige resultaten

Stafleu, F. R., Leenaars, C., de Roo, T. C., Meijboom, F. L. B., Molavi, A., & Ritskes-Hoitinga, M. (2013). The translation-standardisation paradox: on the added-value of translational strategies. 13. Abstract from FELASA Congress, Brussels, Belgium.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

De Weerd, M., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Merton, J. S. (2012). Implementation of ethical standards in a cattle improvement company. In Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production (pp. 436-438). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Ohl, F. (2012). Managing nature parks as an ethical challenge: A proposal for a practical tool to identify fundamental questions. In Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production (pp. 131-136). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Brom, F. W. A. (2012). Ethics and Sustainability: Guest or Guide? On Sustainability as a Moral Ideal. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 25(2).
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Ohl, F. (2012). Managing nature parks as an ethical challenge: aproposal for a practical tool to identify fundamental questions. In T. Potthast, & S. Meisch (Eds.), Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production (pp. 131-136).
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2012). The Moral Status of Fish. The importance and limitations of a fundamental discussion for practical ethical questions in fish farming. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 25(6), 843-860.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2012). From just using animals to a justification of animal use: the intrinsic value of animals as a confusing start. In T. Potthast, & S. Meisch (Eds.), Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production (pp. 447-450). Wageningen AP.


Ohl, F., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2012). Naar een afwegingsmodel voor gezondheidsbeleid. Ontwerp van een instrument voor de identificatie van morele vraagstukken in het Nederlandse gezondheidsbeleid”. In De mens centraal? Ethische dilemma’s bij gezondheidsbeleid met goede zorg voor dier en natuur Centrum voor Ethiek en Gezondheid.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2012). Houden van dieren: reden voor reflectie. V-focus, 9(5a), 6-7.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2012). Houden van dieren, Over morele rechtvaardiging, doelen en waarden bij het houden van dieren. Universiteit Utrecht.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2011). Eten om te voorkomen. Functionele voeding en gezondheidsbevordering. In M. van den Hoven, & C. Kessler (Eds.), Preventie en ethiek (pp. 53-61). Boom | Lemma.


Meijboom, F. L. B. (2011). Ethiek en beleid : stilstaan om een stap vooruit te komen : dier & welzijn. V-focus, 8(5), 8-10.
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2011). Hoe krijg je vissenwelzijn boven water?, Over het welzijn van vissen in de aquacultuur als een interdisciplinaire uitdaging. Biotechniek, 50(4), 155-164.

Populariserende publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2011). Biotechnologie hoeft niet. Tertio, 9-9.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B., Bracke, M. B. M., & van der Staay, F. J. (2010). Effects of feed supplements on meat quality: An ethical analysis that includes the welfare and health of production animals and human consumers. In Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges: EurSafe 2010 Bilbao, Spain 16-18 September 2010 (pp. 360-363). Wageningen Academic .
Wright, N., Meijboom, F. L. B., & Sandøe, P. (2010). Thoughts on the ethics of preventing and controlling epizootic diseases. Veterinary Journal, 186, 127-128.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2010). Ethical reflection on a practical proposal of sustainable poultry farming. In C. M. Romeo Casabona, L. Escajedo, & A. Emaldi Cirión (Eds.), Global food security: ethical and legal challenges (pp. 87-90). Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2010). Voedsel En Identiteit: Vertrouwen Of Betrouwbaarheid. In J. de Tavenier (Ed.), Ons dagelijks brood. Over oude en nieuwe spijswetten (pp. 243-260). Acco.
Bovenkerk, B., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2010). The Moral Status of the African Catfish. In C. M. Romeo Casabona, L. Escajedo San Epifanio, & A. Emaldi Cirionto (Eds.), Global Food Security: ethical and legal challenges (pp. 390-394). Wageningen Academic .
Stafleu, F. R., van Rij, H. M. J., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2010). Policy, ethics and animals use and the need for training. A Netherlands example of training civil servants in ethics. In C. M. Romeo Casabona, L. Escajedo, & A. Emaldi Cirión (Eds.), Global food security: ethical and legal challenges (pp. 459-463). Wageningen AP.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Stafleu, F. R., & van de Weijer, E. (2010). Ethiek bij het Gulden Ei. Ethiek Instituut.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B., & Cleton, N. B. (2009). A framework to address conflicts in veterinary responsibility. In K. Millar (Ed.), Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons (pp. 177-180). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B., de Cock Buning, T., & Swart, J. A. A. (2009). Ethiek en Dierproeven. In L. F. M. van Zutphen (Ed.), Handboek proefdierkunde. Proefdieren, dierproeven, alternatieven en ethiek (pp. 321-334). Elsevier.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2009). Five steps towards trustworthiness. In K. Millar, & P. Hobson West (Eds.), Ethical Futures (pp. 258-260). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B., & Kessler, C. J. (2009). Wat kan een DEC leren van een discussie over onderzoek bij kinderen? De ethische afweging in een DEC en een METC vergeleken. In R. Tramper, J. Swart, & M. Jonker (Eds.), De weging gewogen. Beschouwingen over dierproeven (pp. 165-174). Damon.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Cohen, N., Stassen, E. N., & Brom, F. W. A. (2009). Beyond the prevention of harm: animal disease policy as a moral question. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22(6), 559-571.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2009). Care and Responsibility as key concepts of agricultural ethics. In K. Millar (Ed.), Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons (pp. 237-240). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2009). Public Trust and Nutrigenomics. In W. B. Drees (Ed.), Technology, Trust, and Religion (pp. 269-288). Leiden University Press.


Meijboom, F. L. B., & Ohl, F. (2009). Hoe weeg je dieren in de ethiek? Ethiek bij dierproeven. Folia Pharmaceutica, 96(6), 12-13.

Populariserende publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2009). Weghalen pijn is te mooi om waar te zijn. Agrarisch Dagblad, 2-2.

Overige resultaten

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2009). co-projectleider NWO project Agression in Catfish Aquaculture (2009) i.s.m. Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2008). A proposal to broaden the analysis of problems of trust regarding food and biotechnology. In R. J. Busch, & G. Prötz (Eds.), Biotechnologie in Gesellschaftlicher Deutung (pp. 113-130). Herbert Utz Verlag.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2008). Problems of trust: A question of trustworthiness : An ethical inquiry of trust and trustworthiness in the context of the agricultural and food sector. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University]. Utrecht University.


Meijboom, F. L. B. (2008). Why problems of trust are to be addressed as problems of trustworthiness. Newsletter of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, 10(1), 3-5.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B. (2007). Trustworthiness: the concrete task to take vague moral ideals seriously. In W. Zollitsch, & C. Winckler (Eds.), Sustainable food production and ethics (pp. 132-136). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2007). Trust, Food, and Health. Questions of Trust at the Interface between Food and Health. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 20(3), 231-245.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2007). Animal disease policy as a moral question with respect to risks of harm. In W. Zollitsch, & C. Winckler (Eds.), Sustainable food production and ethics. (pp. 342-346). Wageningen Academic .


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

De Greef, K., De Lauwere, C., Stafleu, F., Meijboom, F., De Rooij, S., Brom, F., & Van Der Ploeg, J. D. (2006). Towards value based autonomy in livestock farming? In Ethics and the Politics of Food: Preprints of the 6th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (pp. 61-65). Wageningen Academic .
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2006). For public prevention or on private plates? The ethical evaluation of personal diets and the shift towards market applications. In M. E. Lien (Ed.), Ethics and the politics of food (pp. 418-422). Wageningen University Press.
Meijboom, F. L. B., Visak, T., & Brom, F. W. A. (2006). From trust to trustworthiness: why information is not enough in the food sector. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 19(5), 427-442.
Meijboom, F. L. B. (2006). Why increasing predictability cannot do the job alone when we aim to establish trust in the agri-food sector. In Ethics and the politics of food (pp. 167-171). Wageningen University Press.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Brom, F. W. A., Visak, T., & Meijboom, F. L. B. (2005). Food, Citizens and Market: The Quest for Responsible Consuming. In T. Potthast, C. Baumgartner, & E.-M. Engels (Eds.), Die richtigen Masse für die Nahrung. Biotechnologie, Landwirtschaft und lebesnmittle in ethischer Perspektive (pp. 115-132). Francke-Verlag.


Meijboom, F. L. B. (2005). ‘Dikke mensen zijn gezellig’, maar wat als het te gezellig wordt? Verantwoordelijkheid van ouders en overgewicht bij kinderen. NVBe-Nieuwsbrief, 12(1), 10-12.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B., Verweij, M. F., & Brom, F. W. A. (2003). You eat what you are. Moral dimensions of diets tailored to one's genes. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 16(6), 557-568.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Meijboom, F. L. B., Brom, F. W. A., & Verweij, M. F. (2001). From conceptual questions to ethical problems. Preprints EurSafe, 313-316.