Dr. Frank van Rijnsoever

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 7.46
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Frank van Rijnsoever

Universitair hoofddocent
030 253 7484



Wetenschappelijke publicaties

de Boer, T., & Van Rijnsoever, F. J. (Accepted/In press). One field too far? Higher cognitive relatedness between bachelor and master leads to better ­predictive validity of bachelor grades during admission. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2022.2158453
Leendertse, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2022). Greening pastures, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.. Abstract from Innodays 2022, Casablanca , Morocco.
Leendertse, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2022). Region of Dreams, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.. Abstract from GEOINNO 2022, Milano, Italy.
Leendertse, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2022). Finding Neverland, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.. Abstract from 7th NEST Conference, Lyon.
Leendertse, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2022). Finding Neverland, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship.. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Leendertse, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2022). Finding Neverland, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Abstract from EU-SPRI Conference 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2022). Intermediaries for the greater good: How entrepreneurial support organizations can embed constrained sustainable development startups in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Research Policy, 51(2), 1-11. [104438]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2021.104438


van Rijnsoever, F., Wanzenböck, I., Leendertse, J., Vazquez Villegas, O., & Sitzler, S. (2022). Towards sustainability impact. Utrecht University.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

de Boer, T., van Rijnsoever, F., & Leendertse, J. (2021). Private (and Public) Investigations: How do Public and Private Incubators change different Types of Institutions?. 1-46. Paper presented at DRUID Conference 2021. https://conference.druid.dk/acc_papers/vjsiblewa7ci5xnyv60dkrh5cbtj3n.pdf
van Rijnsoever, F. (2021). Avenues for Incubators to direct Entrepreneurial Ecosystems toward Sustainability. 1-32. Paper presented at DRUID Conference 2021. https://conference.druid.dk/acc_papers/8tvoccwh1n5mbcm1tve0q26248229z.pdf
de Boer, T., & Van Rijnsoever, F. (2021). In search of valid non-cognitive student selection criteria. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2021.1958142
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Eveleens, C. P. (2021). Money Don't matter? How incubation experience affects start-up entrepreneurs' resource valuation. Technovation, 106, [102294]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102294
Tiba, S., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2021). Sustainability startups and where to find them: Investigating the share of sustainability startups across entrepreneurial ecosystems and the causal drivers of differences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 306, 1-15. [127054]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127054
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hessels, L. K. (2021). How academic researchers select collaborative research projects: a choice experiment. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 46, 1917–1948. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-020-09833-2
Leendertse, J., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Eveleens, C. P. (2021). The sustainable start-up paradox: Predicting the business and climate performance of start-ups. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(2), 1019-1036. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2667


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (Author). (2020). Wetenschappers werken liever samen met andere wetenschappers en minder graag met bedrijven. Web publication/site, Utrecht University. https://www.uu.nl/nieuws/wetenschappers-werken-liever-samen-met-andere-wetenschappers-en-minder-graag-met-bedrijven
Leendertse, J. (Producer), van Rijnsoever, F. J. (Producer), de Boer, T. H. J. (Producer), & Bours, S. A. M. J. V. (Producer). (2020). Podcast Innovation Strategies for Firms and Entrepreneurs (ISFE). Web publication/site, Utrecht University. https://open.spotify.com/show/7ETITWjmvhal23PhJyAtE3
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Leendertse, J. (2020). A practical tool for analyzing socio-technical transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 37, 225-237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2020.08.004
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Leendertse, J. (2020). The Transition Model Canvas: A practical tool to analyze socio-technical transitions. Paper presented at The 11th International Sustainability Transition conference (IST).
Tiba, S., van Rijnsoever, F., & Hekkert, M. P. (2020). The lighthouse effect: How successful entrepreneurs influence the sustainability-orientation of entrepreneurial ecosystems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 264, [121616]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121616
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2020). Meeting, mating, and intermediating: How incubators can overcome weak network problems in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Research Policy, 49(1), [103884]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2019.103884
van Weele, M. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., Groen, M., & Moors, E. H. M. (2020). Gimme shelter? Heterogeneous preferences for tangible and intangible resources when choosing an incubator. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, 984-1015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-019-09724-1


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Leendertse, J., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Eveleens, C. P. (2019). The sustainable start-up paradox: predicting the business and climate performance of start-ups. Paper presented at EURAM 2019, Lisboa, Portugal.
de Boer, T. H. J., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Leendertse, J. (2019). Private (and public) investigations: How do public and private incubators change different types of institutions?. Paper presented at EU-SPRI 2019 Conference, Rome, Italy.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., van Mossel, A., & Wesseling, J. H. (2019). Taking giants by the hand: simulating policy mixes to drive technological transitions of incumbent firms. Paper presented at EU-SPRI 2019 Conference, Rome, Italy.
Leendertse, J., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Eveleens, C. P. (2019). The sustainable start-up paradox: predicting the business and climate performance of start-ups. Paper presented at EU-SPRI 2019 Conference, Rome, Italy.
Tiba, S., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2019). Firms with benefits: A systematic review of responsible entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility literature. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(2), 265-284. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1682, https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1682


van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Voorlopen, volgen, vastzitten en vertragen: ondernemerschap in de duurzaamheidstransitie. MeJudice. http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/voorlopen-volgen-vastzitten-en-vertragen-ondernemerschap-in-de-duurzaamheidstransitie
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (Author). (2019). Startupgemeenschap: aanjager van succes. Web publication/site, Geografie.nl. https://geografie.nl/artikel/startupgemeenschap-aanjager-van-succes
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Publieke acceptatie in de duurzaamheidstransitie: beleid en valkuilen. MeJudice. http://www.mejudice.nl/artikelen/detail/publieke-acceptatie-in-de-duurzaamheidstransitie-beleid-en-valkuilen
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & de Boer, T. H. J. (2019). Op zoek naar evidence-based criteria voor masterselectie. Scienceguide. https://www.scienceguide.nl/2019/03/op-zoek-naar-evidence-based-criteria-voor-masterselectie/

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). € 18,8 mln voor de oudheid? Het Financieele Dagblad. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1202922/Start-up-insights-18-8-mln-voor-de-oudheid
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Ook start-ups verdienen een ambassadeur. Het Financieele Dagblad. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1178785/Ook-start-ups-verdienen-een-ambassadeur
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Maak er beleid van, EZ minister! Het Financieele Dagblad. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1215775/Maak-er-beleid-van-ez-minister
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Hervorm de polder. Het Financieele Dagblad. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1218150/Hervorm-de-polder
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Een brief aan Mona. Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 9. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1224409/Een-brief-aan-mona
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2019). Poldermodel zorgt wél voor werkbare oplossingen. DUB . https://dub.uu.nl/nl/analyse/poldermodel-zorgt-wél-voor-werkbare-oplossingen


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Leendertse, J., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Eveleens, C. P. (2018). The sustainable start-up paradox: Predicting the business and climate performance of start-ups. Abstract from EURAM 2019, Lisboa, Portugal.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Harmsen, R. (2018). Belevingsonderzoek proef draaiprogramma Windpark Houten. Universiteit Utrecht. https://www.houten.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/Burgers/Natuur_Milieu_en_duurzaamheid/Duurzaamheid/Windpark_Houten/Belevingsonderzoek_UU_eindmeting_2018-12.pdf
Shnayder, L., & Van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). How expected outcomes, stakeholders, and institutions influence corporate social responsibility at different levels of large basic needs firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(8), 1689-1707. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2235
Van Weele, M. A., Steinz, H. J., & Van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Start-up Communities as Communities of Practice: Shining a Light on Geographical Scale and Membership. Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 109(2), 173-188. https://doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12277
van Stijn, N., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & van Veelen, M. (2018). Exploring the motives and practices of university–start-up interaction: evidence from Route 128. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(3), 674-713. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-017-9625-5
van Mossel, A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2018). Navigators through the storm: A review of organization theories and the behavior of incumbent firms during transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 26, 44-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2017.07.001
Páez-Avilés, C., van Rijnsoever, F. J., Juanola-Feliu, E., & Samitier, J. (2018). Multi-disciplinarity breeds diversity: the influence of innovation project characteristics on diversity creation in nanotechnology. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(2), 458-481. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-016-9553-9
van Weele, M., van Rijnsoever, F. J., Eveleens, C. P., Steinz, H., van Stijn, N., & Groen, M. (2018). Start-EU-up! Lessons from international incubation practices to address the challenges faced by Western European start-ups. Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(5), 1161-1189. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-016-9538-8

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Politiek als succesfactor voor start-ups. Het Financieele Dagblad, Review; Blz. 21.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Zonder politiek spel overleeft een disruptieve start-up niet in de VS. Het Financieele Dagblad, REVIEW, p.21 . https://fd.nl/futures/1277400/zonder-politiek-spel-overleeft-een-disruptieve-start-up-niet-in-de-vs
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). De koningen van baan 3. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN, p.9 . https://fd.nl/Morgen/1260026/De-koningen-van-baan-3
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Steinbeck en start-ups. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 9. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1253996/Steinbeck-en-start-ups
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Crackers zijn wackers. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 9. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1254354/Crackers-zijn-wackers
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Tattoos en risico's. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN: BLZ. 9. https://fd.nl/Morgen/1252089/Tattoos-en-risicos
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Kun je sociale waarde meten? Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 11.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2018). Hypernonsens? Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 9.

Overige resultaten

van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Shnayder, L. (2018). Corporate social responsibility choices in large utility style industries. Paper presented at 9th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST) 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Weele, M. A., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Between a Soft Landing and a Hard Place: How Silicon Valley Software and Life Sciences Business Incubators Facilitate Learning. In J. A. Cunningham, & C. O'Kane (Eds.), Technology-Based Nascent Entrepreneurship: Implications for Economic Policymaking (pp. 167-201). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-59594-2_8
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). (I Can’t Get No) Saturation: A simulation and guidelines for sample sizes in qualitative research. PLoS One, 12(7), [e0181689]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181689
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Kempkes, S. N., & Chappin, M. M. H. (2017). Seduced into collaboration: A resource-based choice experiment to explain make, buy or ally strategies of SMEs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 120, 284-297. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2017.03.015
van Weele, M., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Nauta, F. (2017). You can't always get what you want: How entrepreneur's perceived resource needs affect the incubator's assertiveness. Technovation, 59, 18-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2016.08.004
Eveleens, C. P., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Niesten, E. M. M. I. (2017). How network-based incubation helps start-up performance: a systematic review against the background of management theories. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(3), 676-713. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-016-9510-7
Van Rijnsoever, F. J., Van Weele, M. A., & Eveleens, C. P. (2017). Network brokers or hit makers? Analyzing the influence of incubation on start-up investments. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13(2), 605-629. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-016-0416-5

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). (EURO) 18,8 mln voor de oudheid? Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Veel of weinig feedback? Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 9.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Het b-woord garandeert dat elke conversatie omslaat in een twistgesprek. Hier ben ik zelf mede debet aan. Ik heb het hier natuurlijk over het basisinkomen. Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Tevreden op Cannery Row. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN: Blz. 11.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Hervorm de polder. Het Financieele Dagblad.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Hoeveel feedback heb je nodig? Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 9. https://fd.nl/morgen/1230043/hoeveel-feedback-heb-je-nodig
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Tien tips voor Mona (Het Financieele Dagblad). Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 9. https://fd.nl/morgen/1227287/tien-tips-voor-mona
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Begin een kredietunie. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Start-up-beleid EU is onzinnig. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Bakkeleien over het b-woord. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Wetenschap is teamwork. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Ondernemen met de geest. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Defensie als start-up-motor. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Good burgers, bad burgers. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN: blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Land zonder techreuzen. Het Financieele Dagblad, MORGEN; Blz 3.

Overige resultaten

Broecks, K. P. F., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2017). The communicator's dilemma; how to make trade-offs between technological attributes, arguments and social norms in communicating to citizens about emerging technologies?. Abstract from The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden.
van Mossel, A., Wesseling, J. H., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). Taking giants by the hand: Simulating policy mixes to drive technological transitions of incumbent firms. Paper presented at The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden.
Eveleens, C. P., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2017). Entrepreneurial networks and the sustainability and growth of early stage clean-tech start-ups. Paper presented at The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden.
Broecks, K. P. F., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Harmsen, R. (2017). Wrong turn? Perceived justice and the treacherous route towards public acceptance of a wind park. Poster session presented at The 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenberg, Sweden.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2017). More meeting or mating? the relationship between incubator support mechanism and weak problems in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Paper presented at Eu-SPRI Annual Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Shnayder, L., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2016). Motivations for Corporate Social Responsibility in the packaged food industry: An institutional and stakeholder management perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122, 212-227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.02.030
Broecks, K. P. F., van Egmond, S., van Rijnsoever, F. J., Verlinde-van den Berg, M., & Hekkert, M. P. (2016). Persuasiveness, importance and novelty of arguments about Carbon Capture and Storage. Environmental Science & Policy, 59, 58-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2016.02.004
Steinz, H. J., Van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Nauta, F. (2016). How to Green the red Dragon: A Start-ups' Little Helper for Sustainable Development in China. Business Strategy and the Environment, 25(8), 593-608. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.1899
Bos, C., van der Lans, I. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & van Trijp, H. C. M. (2016). Heterogeneity in barriers regarding the motivation, the opportunity and the ability to choose low-calorie snack foods and beverages: associations with real-life choices. Public Health Nutrition, 19(9), 1584-1597. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980015002517

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Universitaire incubators, part three. Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Hebben incubators wel nut? Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Een zinloos sociaal evenement bij Disneyland. Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). De universitaire incubator, Part Three. Het Financieele Dagblad, 2016(nov), 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Zijn universitaire incubators nuttig? Het Financieele Dagblad, 3.
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Ondernemer, ben jij type A, B of C? Het Financieele Dagblad, Morgen; Blz. 3.

Overige resultaten

Lorenz, A., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Evidence from a serious game about the effects of performance feedback on strategic decisions. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2016(1). https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2016.15695abstract
Harmsen, R., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Broecks, K. P. F. (2016). Evaluation of a Dutch Wind Farm: Lessons for National Onshore Wind Policies. Paper presented at International Energy Policy and Programme Evaluation Conference (IEPPEC), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Broecks, K. P. F., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2016). Why do firms, universities and knowledge institutes collaborate in multidisciplinary research programs? A mixed methods approach to evaluation. Abstract from 2016 Eu-SPRI Conference “Exploring New Avenues for Innovation and Research Policies, Lund, Sweden.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2015). (I Can’t Get No) Saturation: A Simulation and Guidelines for Minimum Sample Sizes in Qualitative Research. (pp. 1-25). (Innovation Studies Utrecht (ISU) Working Paper Series; Vol. 15, No. 05). Utrecht University. http://www.geo.uu.nl/isu/pdf/isu1505.pdf
Faber, J., Dijk, J., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2015). Incentives and barriers for R&D-based SMEs to participate in European research programs: An empirical assessment for the Netherlands. Science and Public Policy, 43(3), 414-428. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scv050
Bos, C., Van Der Lans, I., Van Rijnsoever, F., & Van Trijp, H. (2015). Consumer acceptance of population-level intervention strategies for healthy food choices: The role of perceived effectiveness and perceived fairness. Nutrients, 7(9), 7842-7862. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu7095370
Harmsen, R., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Broecks, K. P. F. (2015). Evaluatie Windpark Houten. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development.
Van Rijnsoever, F. J., Van Mossel, A., & Broecks, K. P. F. (2015). Public acceptance of energy technologies: The effects of labeling, time, and heterogeneity in a discrete choice experiment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 45, 817-829. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.02.040
Shnayder, L., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2015). Putting your money where your mouth is: why sustainability reporting based on the triple bottom line can be misleading. PLoS One, 10(3), [e0119036]. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0119036
van Rijnsoever, F. J., van den Berg, J., Koch, J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2015). Smart innovation policy: How network position and project composition affect the diversity of an emerging technology. Research Policy, 44(5), 1094-1107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2014.12.004

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J., & van Weele, M. A. (2015). Ruim baan voor de smart-up! Het Financieele Dagblad. http://fd.nl/fd-outlook/1118164/ruim-baan-voor-de-smart-up
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2015). De drie lessen van Google. Het Financieele Dagblad.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

Van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Farla, J. C. M. (2014). Identifying and explaining public preferences for the attributes of energy technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 31(March 2014), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2013.11.048
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Welle, L., & Bakker, S. (2014). Credibility and legitimacy in policy-driven innovation networks: resource dependencies and expectations in Dutch electric vehicle subsidies. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 39(4), 635-661. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-013-9326-7

Overige resultaten

Broecks, K., van Egmond, S., van Rijnsoever, F., & Hekkert, M. (2014). Cleaning up your garbage: Arguments on Carbon Capture and Storage. Paper presented at International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
van Mossel, A., van Rijnsoever, F., & Hekkert, M. (2014). How Theories of Organization Inform Transition Studies. Paper presented at DRUID Society Conference 2014, CBS, Copenhagen, Denmark. http://druid8.sit.aau.dk/druid/acc_papers/xtrbsm2j06637xaemcx0xdmn5yj4.pdf


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J., Hagen, P., & Willems, M. (2013). Preferences for alternative fuel vehicles by Dutch local governments. Transportation research. Part D, Transport and environment, 20(May 2013), 15-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2013.01.005
Bos, C., van der Lans, I., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & van Trijp, HCM. (2013). Understanding consumer acceptance of intervention strategies for healthy food choices: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1073. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-13-1073

Overige resultaten

van Weele, M. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Nauta, F. (2013). Take them by the hand? Unconsciously incompetent entrepreneurs and incubation processes. Abstract from 35th Druid Celebration Conference 2013, Barcelona, Spain. http://druid8.sit.aau.dk/acc_papers/7ctf5xb7vesckpxl2tl0f61e1brv.pdf
Broecks, K. P. F., van Rijnsoever, F. J., van Egmond, S., Verlinde-van den Berg, L. M., & Hekkert, M. P. (2013). Choice models in communication studies: arguments for and against Carbon Capture and Storage. 1-20. Abstract from International Choice Modeling Conference 2013, Sydney, Australia.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., van der Berg, J., Koch, J., & Hekkert, M. P. (2013). Technological variety in innovation systems: the role of actors, networks, resources and institutions. 1-7. Abstract from 2013 EU-Spri Forum Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Broecks, K. P. F., van Egmond, S., van Rijnsoever, F. J., Verlinde-van den Berg, L. M., & Hekkert, M. P. (2013). Choice models in communication studies: framing Carbon Capture and Storage. Abstract from International Choice Modelling Conference 2013, Sydney, Australia. http://www.icmconference.org.uk/index.php/icmc/ICMC2013/paper/view/697


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2012). The social sciences are already relevant (Correspondence). Nature, 485(7398), 309. https://doi.org/10.1038/485309e
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Meeus, M. T. H., & Donders, A. R. T. (2012). The effect of economic status and recent experience on innovative behavior under environmental variability: An experimental approach. Research Policy, 41(5), 833-847. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2012.02.005
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Castaldi, C., & Dijst, M. J. (2012). In what sequence are information sources consulted by involved consumers? The case of automobile pre-purchase search. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 19(3), 343-352. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2012.03.008
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Oppewal, H. (2012). Predicting early adoption of successive video player generations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(3), 558-569. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2011.08.008

Populariserende publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2012). Een digitaal boek is geen boek. Trouw, Section: Tijd; blz. 38.

Overige resultaten

van Mossel, A., & van Rijnsoever, F. (2012). A choice based approach to regime shifts.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Welle, L., & Bakker, S. (2012). Credibility and legitimacy in policy-driven innovation networks: Resource dependencies and expectations in Dutch electric vehicle subsidies. Abstract from the DRUID 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. http://druid8.sit.aau.dk/acc_papers/ong9q6nv1chaxcovoo8a37fimkh1.pdf
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (Author). (2012). Overheden bereid extra te betalen voor auto's op alternatieve brandstof. Web publication/site, Nieuwsbrief Milieu en Economie. http://www.nieuwsbriefmilieueneconomie.nl/


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Castaldi, C. (2011). Extending consumer categorization based on innovativeness: Intentions and technology clusters in consumer electronics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(8), 1604-1613. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21567
van Rijnsoever, F. J., van Lente, H., & van Trijp, HCM. (2011). Systemic policies toward a healthier and more responsible food system. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 65(9), 737-739. https://doi.org/10.1136/jech.2011.141598
van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2011). Two important issues when promoting healthier food. The Lancet, 377(9773), 1240. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60504-7
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Hessels, L. K. (2011). Factors associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration. Research Policy, 40(3), 463-472. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2010.11.001
van Laerhoven, F. S. J., Dieperink, C., Barnes, C. A., van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Schot, P. P. (2011). Governing nature, man, and technology in the delta - The effects of climate on the vulnerability of marginalized communities in urbanizing deltas. In World Delta Summit


van den Berg, I., van Dijk, J., Farla, J. C. M., van Laerhoven, F. S. J., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2011). Peer feedback bij de Bachelor thesis. Eindrapport didactische aanpak. Centrum voor Onderwijs en Leren.


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2010). Consumers in demand : The relationship between innovativeness and use of information sources. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University]. Utrecht University.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Faber, J., Brinkman, M. L. J., & van Weele, M. A. (2010). User-producer interaction in Web site development: Motives, modes, and misfits. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(3), 495-504. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21277


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Donders, A. R. T. (2009). The Effect of Innovativeness on Different Levels of Technology Adoption. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(5), 984-996. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21029
van Rijnsoever, F. J., van Hameren, D., Walraven, P. F. G., & van Dijk, J. P. (2009). Interdependent technology attributes and the diffusion of consumer electronics. Telematics & Informatics, 26(4), 410-420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2009.01.001
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Farla, J. C. M., & Dijst, M. J. (2009). Consumer car preferences and information search channels. Transportation research. Part D, Transport and environment, 14(5), 334-342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trd.2009.03.006
van Rijnsoever, F. J., & Castaldi, C. (2009). Perceived technology clusters and ownership of related technologies: The case of consumer electronics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2), 381-392. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20975


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

van Rijnsoever, F. J., Hessels, L. K., & Vandeberg, R. (2008). A resource-based view on the interactions of university researchers. Research Policy, 37(8), 1255-1266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2008.04.020


Overige resultaten

Noothout, P. M., Meeus, M. T. H., & van Rijnsoever, F. J. (2005). The Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory; an experimental evaluation. Poster session presented at Technology, Management & Policy Graduate Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, USA.
van Rijnsoever, F. J., Meeus, M. T. H., Reader, S. M., & Donders, A. R. T. (2005). The effects of status on innovation. Technology, Management & Policy Graduate Consortium. Poster session presented at Technology, Management & Policy Graduate Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, USA.