Van der klis, A., Junge, C., Adriaans, F., & Kager, R. (2024). Examining Dutch children's vocabularies across infancy and toddlerhood: Demographic effects are age-specific and task-specific. Journal of Child Language, 1-20. Advance online publication.
van der Klis, A. (2024). Caregiver-infant interactions and child vocabulary: A large-scale, longitudinal study of dyadic and multimodal behaviours. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. LOT.
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
van der Klis, A., Adriaans, F., Han, M., & Kager, R. (2023). Using Open-Source Automatic Speech Recognition Tools for the Annotation of Dutch Infant-Directed Speech. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 7(7), Article 68.
van der Klis, A., Adriaans, F., & Kager, R. (2023). Infants’ behaviours elicit different verbal, nonverbal, and multimodal responses from caregivers during early play. Infant Behavior and Development, 71, Article 101828.
van der Klis, A., Adriaans, F. W., Han, M., & Kager, R. W. J. (2020). Automatic Recognition of Target Words in Infant-Directed Speech. In ICMI '20 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 522). Association for Computing Machinery.