Prof. dr. Ed Jonker

Prof. dr. Ed Jonker

Emeritus Professor
Cultural History

I teach mainly at two levels: that of the history bachelor program and that of the researchmasters in the humanities. Most of the courses are scheduled every year.

In the bachelorprogram I teach, in collaboration with several of my colleagues, two compulsory courses for all history students:
- Introduction in historiography
- Foundations of history writing

Optional courses are on:
- Theory of History
- Reflection on Science

More specialized education in:
* RMA Historical and Comparative Studies of Science and the Humanities
   - History, role, and impact of the social sciences
   - Dilemmas of Modernity
* RMA of the Institute for History and Culture (OGC):
      - Fundamentals of the Humanities
* In the Huizinga Instituut (graduate school for cultural history):
   - Introduction in cultural historical research

Involved in the following study programme(s)