We want to thank all the participants for an exciting day! Photos were made by photographer Renske Holwerda. 

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This year, the Biomedical Sciences study programme (formerly called Medical Biology) celebrates its 35th anniversary. We would like to invite you to this special occasion on October 10th, 2019. Meet up with your former student friends, reminisce highlights from your student time, get in touch with new people, and revive the contact with some long-lost friends. We have organised a varied and interesting programme for this day.

On this website we will provide up-to-date information regarding October 10th. Anticipate the pleasure by visiting regularly, as new information will continue to be added.

The programme starts at 14.30 with a coffee in the Hijmans van den Bergh building, the teaching building where the current generation of students daily climbs the iconic red stairs.

We will return to the lecture halls for a (Dutch-spoken) programme based on the TV programme ‘Zomergasten’. The programme will be led by Rosanne Hertzberger, microbiologist and columnist for the NRC Handelsblad. She will look back on 35 years of biomedical science, and ahead to the current and future developments, together with invited scientists and the public. 

Herfstgasten (Autumn guests) - the programme itself will be in Dutch only.

  • Rosanne Hertzberger is microbiologist and columnist for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. Besides her activities as a writer and columnist, Rosanne regularly spends time in the lab, where she assesses how bacterial metabolism affects the human microbiota. She supports open science, and enjoys/loves to speak about/discuss the role of science, technology and innovation in our daily lives.
  • Elianne Gerrits started her PhD at the Biomedical Sciences bachelor education in October last year. Her research is focused on how to prepare students in Biomedical Sciences for the impact biomedical advances may have on society.
  • Madelon Maurice is professor in Molecular Cell Biology at the UMC Utrecht and a member of the Oncode Institute for cancer research. Through various interdisciplinary collaborations, she unravels the mechanisms underlying the regulation of stem cell division, and how disruption of this process contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Geert Kops is a senior principal investigator at the Hubrecht Institute and scientific Director at the Oncode Institute. In the early 90’s he followed a number of courses at the then-called Medical Biology programme. From 2007 to 2014 he worked at the Molecular Cancer Research department at the UMC Utrecht and taught at the Biomedical Sciences bachelor programme.


UMC Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100
3584 CX Utrecht
Number Four
Herculesplein 281
3584 AA Utrecht


The application deadline is October 1st. Is it past the deadline, but you want to apply? Please send an e-mail to lustrumbmw@umcutrecht.nl and we will inform you about the possibilities. Please state if you want to apply for the afternoon programme, dinner and/or the party. If you want to apply for dinner, you will receive an invoice for 15 euros. 

Send an email to apply


We hope to see you at the anniversary. Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us:

The organising committee