Dr. Jeroen Koch

Cultural History
Assistant Professor
Cultural History
+31 30 253 8421

Dr. J.P.M. Koch is assistant professor in cultural history. He published on political and intellectual  history. He wrote about the American literary critic Lionel Trilling (1905-1975), the German historian Golo Mann (1909-1994), the Dutch politican, theologian, journalist and church reformer Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920), the German-American political philospher Hannah Arendt (1905-1975), and, for something completely different, about the Papacy. In november 2013 he published his biography of the Dutch king William I (1772-1843), part of a series of three biographies of the 19th century Orange kings. His summary of these three biographies, published in 2018 is currently under translation and will be published by Reaktion Books, Londen under the title The House of Orange in War & Revoluton, 1772-1890.   

Koch teaches on history of the 19th and the 20th century, German historiography, bourgeois culture, imperialism, social darwinism, secularization, the papacy, the European monarchy, and the history of capitalist thought.