

Child and Adolescent Studies provides a doctoral training for its PhD students within the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences of Utrecht University. This PhD program focuses on research-related topics as well as personal and professional skills that are important for any career path.

The CAS PhD program includes the following components:

  1. Individual supervision by supervisors.
  2. General part, courses offered by the Graduate School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, e.g. Learn how to write your Research Data Management plan.
  3. Domain specific part. This includes seminars, workshops, and specialised courses offered by CAS staff, see the explanation below for each item.

Explanation of CAS domain specific part:

Specialised courses offered by CAS staff

The specialised courses can be followed also within other PhD training programs, either in Utrecht, or at another university. The only requirement for taking up a particular course as part of the PhD-curriculum is, that the pertinent course is part of either a PhD-program in a national Research School, part of a PhD-program or a graduate school at another university.  Proposal for choice of courses will be registered in the Education and Supervision Agreement of the Graduate School, and will be in accordance with the criteria of the Graduate School.

Other courses for PhDs

In addition, Utrecht University offers a wide range of courses for PhDs, from writing courses and career training to courses for starting teachers. Please check the Development Guide (UU staff only).

Within Dynamics of Youth (DoY), one of the strategic themes of Utrecht University, scientists from all fields of expertise study how children and young people develop in our changing society. Activities such as workshops, get-togethers etc. are announced on their Community Platform.

Educational tasks

To gain teaching experience, PhD candidates are supposed to spend a maximum of 10% of their time on teaching tasks as part of their research training. The 10% includes courses in how to teach, see Development Guide (UU staff only). The scope of the teaching obligations will be individually determined, but most frequently it will involve individual supervision of the bachelor project or the Master’s thesis.