Laura Henderson, Class of 2008

University College Utrecht taught me how to think in an interdisciplinary way and to question the status quo.

laura henderson

Major: Law, Minor: Anthropology

Further education: LL.B. Dutch Law at Utrecht University (consecutively with University College Utrecht), LL.M Legal Research at Utrecht University, PhD Legal Philosophy at Free University Amsterdam

Present occupation: Assistant Professor International Law & Human Rights at Utrecht University and chairperson of GroenLinks (Green Party) in the province of Utrecht

What do you like about your current job most? 

The opportunity to think about big legal and political problems and come up with interdisciplinary out-of-the-box-solutions.

How did University College Utrecht prepare you for the life after the College? 

University College Utrecht taught me how to think in an interdisciplinary way and to question the status quo. I have used these skills in my academic work and political activities.

What is your best memory from your time at University College Utrecht? 

Welcoming the Mayor of Utrecht as chairwoman of PoliticsCo (the students' politics club - red.)

Do you have any advice for current or future students?

Get active in the city of Utrecht, outside the college. 

Is there anything else you would like to share? 

The residential campus life was integral to the succesful, memorable and life-changing experience that University College Utrecht was for me and many of my peers. I hope that the college will remain residential, even if it has to move.