Jelle van Dijk (Class of 2013)

Step outside your comfort zone.

jelle van dijk

Major: Science (Mathematics, Chemistry and Cognitive Neuroscience), Minor: Psychology

Current occupation: Phd in Cognitive Neuroscience, followed by postdoctoral research in Amsterdam

What do you like about your current job? 

Its independence and variety.

How did University College Utrecht prepare you for the life after graduation? 

The highly interdisciplinary approach to education at University College Utrecht has provided me with a vast array of skills to approach new problems and topics. Also the immersive English-speaking environment and frequent presentations in class greatly improved my language and public speaking skills. 

What is your best memory of University College Utrecht? 

The community. It facilitates meeting people from all around the world. That really broadened my horizon. It was equally awesome to have a lot of friends living nearby. It was very easy to meet up. 

Do you have any advice for current and future students? 

Step outside your comfort zone: take any course that you find even remotely interesting, befriend people from other countries and cultures, and don't forget to leave the bubble every once a while.