Prof. dr. Ton Robben

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer A120
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. Ton Robben

Emeritus Professor
Social Sciences
+31 30 253 1563


2023. Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side (co-authored by Alexander Laban Hinton). Stanford: Stanford University Press. [2023 Choice Award from the American Library Association]

2018. Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Spanish edition: 2021. Argentina traicionada: Memoria, duelo, justicia. Barcelona: Anthropos editorial/Siglo veintiuno]

2005. Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. [2006 Textor Prize from the American Anthropological Association. Spanish edition: 2008. Pegar donde más duele: Violencia politica y trauma social en Argentina. Barcelona: Anthropos editorial]

1989. Sons of the Sea Goddess: Economic Practice and Discursive Conflict in Brazil. New York: Columbia University Press.


Selected edited books

2020 Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights (co-edited with R. Buikema and A. Buyse). London: Routledge.

2018. A Companion to the Anthropology of Death. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

2017. Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader. 2nd revised edition. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell (1st edition, 2004; reprinted in 2012).

2015. Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights (co-edited with F. Ferrándiz). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2012. Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (co-edited with J.A. Sluka). 2nd revised edition. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers (1st edition, 2007; reprinted in 2010 and 2011).

2010. Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2000. Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma (co-edited with M.M. Suárez-Orozco). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1995. Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival (co-edited with C. Nordstrom). Berkeley: University of California Press.


Selected articles

2024. Sheltered Silence: The Subjectivity of Hiding in Amsterdam during World War II. Subjectivity 31(3): 201-216.

2021. Metonyms of Destruction: Death, Ruination, and the Bombing of Rotterdam in the Second World War. Journal of Material Culture 26(3): 324-343.

2020. Does the Unconscious Influence Our Ethnography? Psychoanalysis during Fieldwork in Argentina. Anthropology and Humanism 45(2): 339-353.

2019. The Co-Constitution of Violent Death: Bombs, Civilian Victims and Material Destruction in Rotterdam during the Second World War. Human Remains and Violence 5(2): 72-90.

2016. Rethinking the Anthropology of Violence for the Twenty-First Century: From Practice to Mediation. Conflict and Society 2: 1-3.

2014. Massive Violent Death and Contested National Mourning in Post-Authoritarian Chile and Argentina: A Sociocultural Application of the Dual Process Model. Death Studies 38(5): 335-345.

2012. From Dirty War to Genocide: Argentina’s Resistance to National Reconciliation. Memory Studies 5(3): 305-315.

2010. Chaos, Mimesis and Dehumanisation in Iraq: American Counterinsurgency in the Global War on Terror. Social Anthropology 18(2):138-154.

2008. Whose Violence? Death in America – A California Triptych (co-author N. Scheper-Hughes). Social Anthropology 16(1):77-89.

2006. Combat Motivation, Fear, and Terror in Twentieth-century Argentinian Warfare. Journal of Contemporary History 41(2):357-377.

2005. How Traumatized Societies Remember: The Aftermath of Argentina’s Dirty War. Cultural Critique 59(Winter):120-164.

1996. Ethnographic Seduction, Transference and Resistance in Dialogues about Terror and Violence in Argentina. Ethos 24(1): 71-106.

1994. Conflicting Discourses of Economy and Society in Coastal Brazil. Man (n.s.) 29(4): 875-900.

1989. Habits of the Home: Spatial Hegemony and the Structuration of House and  Society in Brazil. American Anthropologist 91(3): 570-588.


Selected chapters in edited books

2019. Coping with Massive Urban Death: The Mutual Constitution of Mourning and Recovery in World War II's Bombing War. In: Articulate Necrographies: Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead. Anastasios Panagiotopoulos and Diana Espirito Santo, eds., Pp.40-62. New York: Berghahn.

2018. An Anthropology of Death for the Twenty-First Century. In: A Companion to the Anthropology of Death. A.C.G.M. Robben, ed., Pp.xv-xl. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

2015. Exhumations, Territoriality and Necropolitics in Chile and Argentina. In: Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. F. Ferrándiz and A.C.G.M. Robben, eds., Pp.53-75. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

 2014. Governing the Disappeared-Living and the Disappeared-Dead: The Violent Pursuit of Cultural Sovereignty during Authoritarian Rule in Argentina. In Governing the Dead: Sovereignty and the Politics of Dead Bodies. F. Stepputat, ed., Pp.143-162. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2013. The Hostile Gaze: Night Vision and the Immediation of Nocturnal Combat in Vietnam and Iraq. In: Virtual War and Magical Death: Technologies and Imaginaries for Terror and Killing. Neil L. Whitehead and Sverker Finnström, eds., Pp.132-151. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

2010. Testimonies, Truths, and Transitions of Justice in Argentina and Chile. In: Transitional Justice: Global Mechanisms and Local Realities in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass Violence. Alexander Laban Hinton, ed., Pp.179-205. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

2010. Mimesis in a War Among the People: What Argentina’s Dirty War Reveals About Counterinsurgency in Iraq. In: Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War. A.C.G.M. Robben, ed., Pp.133-158. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2010. Ethnographic Imagination at a Distance: An Introduction to the Anthropological Study of the Iraq War. In: Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War. A.C.G.M. Robben, ed., Pp.1-23. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2009. The Imagination of Genocide. In: Genocide: Truth, Memory, and Representation. Alexander Laban Hinton and Kevin Lewis O’Neill, eds., Pp.317-331. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

2003. The Fear of Indifference: Combatants’ Anxieties about the Political Identity of Civilians during Argentina’s “Dirty War”. In: Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology. Nancy Scheper-Hughes, and Philippe Bourgois, eds., Pp.200-206. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

2000. The Assault on Basic Trust: Disappearance, Protest, and Reburial in Argentina. In: Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma. A.C.G.M. Robben and M.M. Suárez-Orozco, eds., Pp. 70-101. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2000. State Terror in the Netherworld: Disappearance and Reburial in Argentina. In: Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror. Jeffrey A. Sluka, ed., Pp. 91-113. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

1995. The Politics of Truth and Emotion among Victims and Perpetrators of Violence. In: Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. C. Nordstrom and A.C.G.M. Robben, eds., Pp. 81-103. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1995. The Anthropology and Ethnography of Violence and Sociopolitical Conflict (co-author C. Nordstrom). In: Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. C. Nordstrom and A.C.G.M. Robben, eds., Pp. 1-23. Berkeley: University of California Press.



Scholarly publications

Robben, T. (2024). Transmutations of an Argentine Site of Traumatic Memory. In A. Erll, S. Knittel, & J. Wustenberg (Eds.), Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization: Doing Memory Studies with Ann Rigney (pp. 97-102). (Media and Cultural Memory). De Gruyter.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2024). Sheltered silence: the subjectivity of hiding in Amsterdam during World War II. Subjectivity, 31(3), 201–216.

Professional publications

Robben, T., & Hinton, A. (2024). Perpetrators of Mass Violence: How to Approach and Study Them. Politics and Rights Review.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2023). Afterword: Imaginations and traces of the disappeared. In An Anthropology of Disappearance: Politics, Intimacies and Alternative Ways of Knowing (pp. 269-282). Berghahn Books.
Robben, T. (2023). Mourning Violent Deaths and Disappearances. In R. Parra, & D. Ubelaker (Eds.), Anthropology of Violent Death: Theoretical Foundations for Forensic Humanitarian Action (pp. 133-151). Wiley.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Hinton, A. (2023). Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side. Stanford University Press.


Scholarly publications

Robben, T., Hinton, A., & De Lauri, A. (2022). Perpetrators: Encountering humanity’s dark side: Book Conversation. Warfun Diaries, 1, 22-25.
Robben, T. (2022). Roundabout Fieldwork during Infectious and Ideological Pandemics. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie, 147(1/2), 137-141.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2021). Metonyms of destruction: Death, ruination, and the bombing of Rotterdam in the Second World War. Journal of Material Culture, 26(3), 324-343.
Robben, T. (2021). Argentina traicionada: Memoria, duelo, justicia. (1 ed.) Anthropos.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2020). The "Perfect Failure" of Communal Genocide Commemoration in Cambodia: Productive Friction or "Bone Business"? Current Anthropology, 61(3), 328-329.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2020). Does the Unconscious Influence Our Ethnography? Psychoanalysis during Fieldwork in Argentina. Anthropology and Humanism, 45(2), 339-353.


Scholarly publications

Buikema, R. L., Buyse, A. C., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (Eds.) (2019). Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights. Routledge.
Buikema, R. L., Robben, A. C. G. M., & Buyse, A. C. (2019). Introduction. In R. Buikema, A. Buyse, & A. C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights (pp. 1-8). Routledge.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2019). The Co-Constitution of Violent Death: Bombs, Civilian Victims and Material Destruction in Rotterdam during the Second World War. Human Remains and Violence, 5(2), 72-90.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2019). Coping with Massive Urban Death: The Mutual Constitution of Mourning and Recovery in World War II's Bombing War. In A. Panagiotopoulos, & D. Espirito Santo (Eds.), Articulate Necrographies: Comparative Perspectives on the Voices and Silences of the Dead (pp. 40-62). Berghahn.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M., & Ferrandiz, F. (2018). The Transitional Lives of Crimes against Humanity: Forensic Evidence under Changing Political Circumstances. In M. Maguire, U. Rao, & N. Zurawski (Eds.), Bodies as Evidence: Security, Knowledge, and Power (pp. 110-136). (Global insecurities). Duke University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2018). An Anthropology of Death for the Twenty-First Century. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), A Companion to the Anthropology of Death (pp. xv-xl). Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (Ed.) (2018). A Companion to the Anthropology of Death. Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2018). Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability. University of Pennsylvania Press.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2017). Witness Testimony and the Incommensurability of Truth in Argentina. In C. Brants, & S. Karstedt (Eds.), Transitional Justice and the Public Sphere: Engagement, Legitimacy and Contestation (pp. 221-240). (Onati International Series in Law and Society). Bloomsbury.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2017). State Terror in the Netherworld: Disappearance and Reburial in Argentina. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader (pp. 217-230). Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2017). Massive Violent Death and Contested National Mourning in Post-Authoritarian Chile and Argentina: A Sociocultural Application of the Dual Process Model. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader (2 ed., pp. 64-76). Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2017). Death and Anthropology: An Introduction. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader (2 ed., pp. 1-16). Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (Ed.) (2017). Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Wiley-Blackwell.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2016). Governing the disappeared-living and the disappeared-dead: The violent pursuit of cultural sovereignty during authoritarian rule in Argentina. In Governing the dead: Sovereignty and the politics of dead bodies (pp. 143-162). Manchester University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2016). Social Trauma, National Mourning, and Collective Guilt in Post-Authoritarian Argentina. In V. Broch-Due, & B. E. Bertelsen (Eds.), Violent Reverberations: Global Modalities of Trauma (pp. 91-115). (Culture, mind, and society). Palgrave Macmillan.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2016). Rethinking the Anthropology of Violence for the Twenty-First Century: From Practice to Mediation. Conflict and Society, 2(1), 1-3.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2016). Antropologia smerti v xxi veke: obzor literatury. Arheologiâ Russkoj Smerti, (2), 233-239.


Scholarly publications

Ferrándiz, F., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Introduction: The ethnography of exhumations. In Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights (pp. 1-38). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Writing Futures: An Anthropologist's View of Global Scenarios. Current Anthropology, 56(6), 811-812.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Fieldwork. In R. Segal, & K. von Stuckrad (Eds.), Vocabulary for the Study of Religion (Vol. 2, pp. 22-26). Brill.
Ferrandiz, F., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Introduction: The Ethnography of Exhumations. In F. Ferrandiz, & A. C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights (pp. 1-38). (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Exhumations, Territoriality, and Necropolitics in Chile and Argentina. In F. Ferrandiz, & A. C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights (pp. 53-75). (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Sluka, J. A. (2015). Ethnography. In J. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 ed., Vol. 8, pp. 178-183). Elsevier.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). The Survival and Resilience of Anthropology during Democratic and Dictatorial Times in Argentina. American Anthropologist, 117(3), 572-574.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Disappearance and Liminality: Argentina's Mourning of State Terror. In P. Berger, & J. Kroesen (Eds.), Ultimate Ambiguities: Investigating Death and Liminality (pp. 99-122). Berghahn.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). Wie zijn de bruggenbouwers? Veldwerk onder Argentijnse militairen. In H. Driessen (Ed.), Het hart van de wetenschap: Over de waarde van veldwerk (pp. 47-61). Wereldbibliotheek.
Ferrandiz, F., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (Eds.) (2015). Necropolitics: Mass Graves and Exhumations in the Age of Human Rights. (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2015). How to Scale Factional Divisions in Conflict Situations: Finding Perpetrators and Switchboard Operators in Post-Authoritarian Argentina. Conflict and Society: Advances in Research, 1(1), 81-91.


Scholarly publications

John P., H., & Robben, T. (2014). The Undergraduate Ethnographic Field School as a Research Method. Current Anthropology, 55(5), 579-580.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2014). Massive Violent Death and Contested National Mourning in Post-Authoritarian Chile and Argentina: A Sociocultural Application of the Dual Process Model. Death Studies, 38(5), 335-345.
Robben, T. (2014). Governing the Disappeared-Living and the Disappeared-Dead: The Violent Pursuit of Cultural Sovereignty during Authoritarian Rule in Argentina. In F. Stepputat (Ed.), Governing the Dead: Sovereignty and the Politics of Dead Bodies (pp. 143-162). Manchester University Press.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M., & Klep, K. F. M. (2013). Contested National Commemoration in Chile and Argentina: A Comparison of Memory Walls to the Dead and Disappeared of Dictatorial Rule. In C. Kelk, F. Koenraadt, & D. Siegel (Eds.), Veelzijdige gedachten: Liber amicorum prof. dr. Chrisje Brants (pp. 417-427). Boom | Lemma.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2013). The Hostile Gaze: Night Vision and the Immediation of Nocturnal Combat in Vietnam and Iraq. In N. L. Whitehead, & S. Finnström (Eds.), Virtual War and Magical Death: Technologies and Imaginaries for Terror and Killing. (pp. 132-151). Duke University Press.

Popularising publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2013). 'Veldwerk' by Lisa Bontebal. De Volkskrant.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2013). Cultural Trauma, interview with Kirsten Kamphuis. De Groene Amsterdammer.

Other output

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2013, Mar 19). Zorreguieta, een klassiek geval van klassenjustitie? University of Amsterdam.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Beginnings. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 51-55). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). 9/11 en de global war on terror als cultureel trauma. In E. Vermetten, R. J. Kleber, & O. van der Hart (Eds.), Handboek posttraumatische stressstoornissen (pp. 217). De Tijdstroom.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). From Dirty War to Genocide: Argentina's Resistance to National Reconciliation. Memory Studies, 5(3), 305-315.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Sensorial Fieldwork. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 443-449). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). The Politics of Truth and Emotion among Victims and Perpetrators of Violence. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 175-190). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Silence, denial and confession about state terror by the Argentine military. In M. Six-Hohenbalken, & N. Weiss (Eds.), Violence Expressed: An Anthropological Approach (pp. 169-186). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). The dead of night: Chaos and spectacide of nocturnal combat in the Iraq war. In K. Stroeken (Ed.), War, Technology, Anthropology (Vol. 13, pp. 34-44). Berghahn Books.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Fieldwork Identity. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 85-91). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Reflexive Ethnography. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 513-519). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Vom Schmutzigen Krieg zum Völkermord: Argentiniens wechselvolle Erinnerung an eine gewalttätige Vergangenheit. In E. Halbmayer, & S. Karl (Eds.), Die erinnerte Gewalt: Postkonfliktdynamiken in Latinamerika (pp. 31-56). transcript Verlag.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Multi-Sited Fieldwork. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 367-373). Blackwell Publishers.
Sluka, J. A., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Fieldwork in Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction (with Jeffrey A. Sluka). In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition (pp. 1-47). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Sluka, J. A. (Eds.) (2012). Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). The Human Right to Mourning: Social Trauma and Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Argentina. In I. Boerefijn, L. Henderson, R. Janse, & R. Weaver (Eds.), Human Rights and Conflict: Essays in Honour of Bas de Gaay Fortman Intersentia.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2012). Boekbespreking Au! Er tikt een tijdbom in het Surinaamse oerwoud. Oso, Tijdschrift voor Surinaamse Taalkunde, Letterkunde, Cultuur en Geschiedenis, 31, 130-132.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2011). Neue Kriege. In F. Kreff, E.-M. Knoll, & A. Gingrich (Eds.), Lexikon der Globalisierung (pp. 296-299). transcript Verlag.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2011). Cómo recuerdan las sociedades traumatizadas: La secuelas de la Guerra Sucia argentina. In S. E. Visacovsky (Ed.), Estados críticos: la experiencia social de la calamidad (pp. 323-376). Ediciones al Margen.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2011). Seducción Etnográfica, Transferencia, y Resistencia en Diálogos sobre Terror y Violencia en Argentina. Aletheia, 1(2), 1-32.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2011). Vuile oorlog, staatsterreur of genocide? De Argentijnse worsteling met de herinnering aan de militaire dictatuur van 1976-1983. Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis, 124(4), 525-541.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Testimonies, Truths, and Transitions of Justice in Argentina and Chile. In A. Laban Hinton (Ed.), Transitional Justice: Global Mechanisms and Local Realities in the Aftermath of Genocide and Mass Violence (pp. 179-205). Rutgers University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Ethnographic Imagination at a Distance: An Introduction to the Anthropological Study of the Iraq War. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War (pp. 1-23). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Mimesis in a War Among the People: What Argentina's Dirty War Reveals About Counterinsurgency in Iraq. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Iraq at a Distance: What Anthropologists Can Teach Us About the War (pp. 133-158). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Chaos, Mimesis and Dehumanisation in Iraq: American Counterinsurgency in the Global War on Terror. Social Anthropology, 18(2), 138-154.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Memory Politics among Perpetrators and Bereaved Relatives about Spain's Mass Graves. In C. Jerez-Farrán, & S. Amago (Eds.), Unearthening Franco's Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain (pp. 264-278). University of Notre Dame Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Group Dynamics in Social Reconciliation Processes during Transitional Justice. Transcultural Psychiatry, 47(1), 50-54.

Other output

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Sustainable Peace Building. Marie Curie Pre-Doctoral fellowships (3.1 million euros).
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010, Jan 23). Radio interview. Radio 1.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010, Sept 8). Invited guest. Mayor Aleid Wolfsen (Diner Pensant, Mensenrechten, Steden en Utrecht in het bijzonder).
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2010). Las políticas de la memoria en la España contemporánea: Análisis del impacto de las exhumaciones de la Guerra Civil en los primeros años del siglo veintiuno (The Politics of Memory in Comtemporary Spain: An Analysis of the Impact of the Exhumations of the Civil War during the First Years of the 21st Century).


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M., & Gleach, F. (2009). Textor Prize in Anticipatory Anthropology: 10th Anniversary. Anthropology News, 50, 1-22.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2009). Anthropology and the Iraq War: An Uncomfortable Engagement. Anthropology Today, 25(1), 1-3.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2009). Epilogue: The Imagination of Genocide. In A. L. Hinton, & K. L. O´Neill (Eds.), Genocide: Truth, Memory, and Representation (pp. 317-331). Duke University Press.

Other output

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2009). Obama´s policy on Iraq and Afghanistan.. Performance, .


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Un trabajo de campo desde la distancia: Las paradojas de una antropología de la guerra al terror. In M. Bullen, & C. D. Mintegui (Eds.), Retos teóricos y nuevas prácticas. (pp. 55-87). Ankulegi.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Burial and Funeral Services. In B. G. Smith (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History. 4 vols (pp. 15-17). Oxford University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Pegar donde más duele: Violencia política y trauma social en Argentina. Anthropos Editorial.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Making Trouble with the Police: Alternatives to Riding Along. Journal of Legal Anthropology, 1(1), 131-133.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Scheper-Hughes, N. (2008). Whose Violence? Death in America - A California Triptych. Social Anthropology, 16(1), 77-89.

Other output

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Combat and Creativity: Guerilla Insurgency as Artistic Expression in Argentina. Paper presented at Unknown event.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Veerkracht in een ontwrichte samenleving (Resilience in a Traumatized Society). Paper presented at Trauma and Resilience symposium, Utrecht.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Is er een causaal verband tussen counterinsurgency-tactieken en mensenrechtenschendingen in Irak? (Is there a Causal Relation between Counterinsurgency Tactics and Human Rights Violations in Iraq?). Paper presented at Faculty of Social and behavioural Sciences.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Southern Sorrows: Mourning, Reparation, and Justice in Latin America. Paper presented at Invited presentation at the Dept. of Anthropology, Los Angeles, USA.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Critical Ethnographic Perspectives on the War in Iraq. Paper presented at Presentation at Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2008). Un trabajo de campo desde la distancia: Las paradojas de una antropología de guerra al terror.. Paper presented at Keynote address at XI Congreso de Antropología, San Sebastián, Spain.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M., & Sluka, J. A. (2007). Fieldwork in Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 1-28). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Sensorial Fieldwork. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 385-388). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Multi-Sited Fieldwork. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 331-335). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Beginnings. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 29-32). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Sluka, J. A. (Eds.) (2007). Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader. Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Reflexive Ethnography. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 443-446). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Ferrándiz, F. (Eds.) (2007). Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research: A view from Europe. University of Deusto.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Fieldwork Identity. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & J. A. Sluka (Eds.), Ethnographic Fieldwork: An Anthropological Reader (pp. 59-63). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Mourning and Mistrust in Civil-Military Relations in Post-Dirty War Argentina. In F. Ferrándiz, & A. C. G. M. Robben (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research: A View from Europe (pp. 253-270). University of Deusto.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Ferrándiz, F. (2007). Introduction: Peace and Conflict Research in Europe. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & F. Ferrándiz (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Peace and Conflict Research: A View from Europe (pp. 9-28). University of Deusto.

Other output

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). PTSD is een Westerse welvaartsziekte! (PTSD is a Western Welfare State Disease). Paper presented at chairman, forum discussion at the conference 'Trauma: Silemma's in Kennis en Toepassing' (Trauma: Dilemmas in Knowledge and Application), Utrecht University, Utrecht.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Panelist. Paper presented at The Predicament of Anthropology, Nederlands Openluchtmuseum, Arnhem.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2007). Societal Mourning and memory Politics in the 21st Century. Paper presented at From the Cradle to the Grave: Identity, Violence and Memory Politics in the 21st Century, CERES Summer School, Utrecht.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2006). Self-Evaluation Report of Research. Research Assessement 200-2005 by External Evaluation Commission.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2006). El asalto a la confianza básica: desaparición, protesta y re-entierros en Argentina. Cuadernos de Antropología Social, 24, 11-49.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2006). Combat Motivation, Fear, and Terror in Twentieth-century Argentinian Warfare. Journal of Contemporary History, 41(2), 357-377.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2006). Boekbespreking. Ethos, 34, 3-4.
Mommersteeg, G. L. A. M., & Robben, A. C. G. M. (Eds.) (2006). Een handvol kolanoten. Antropologische opstellen aangeboden aan Wouter van Beek. Shaker Publishing.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2006). Boekbespreking. American Anthropologist, 108, 398-400.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). Political Violence and Trauma in Argentina. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). boekbespreking. American Anthropologist, 103.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). Comments on 'Anthropology as a Moral Science of Possibilities´ by Michael Carrithers. Current Anthropology, 46(3), 451.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). Enemigos y Aliados contra indiferentes e indecidibles: lo siniestro en la guerra sucia Argentina. Anuario de Estudios en Antropología Social, 1, 145-159.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). How Traumatized Societies Remember: The Aftermath of Argentina's Dirty War. Cultural Critique, 59, 120-164.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). Anthropology at War? What Argentina's Dirty War Can Teach Us. Anthropology News, 46(6), 5.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2005). Zelfevaluatierapport Opleiding Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Samenlevingen. CERES (UU FSS).


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2004). State Terror in the Netherlands World: Disappearance and Reburial in Argentina. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader (pp. 134-148). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2004). Death and Anthropology: An Introduction. In A. C. G. M. Robben (Ed.), Death, Mourning, and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader (pp. 1-16). Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2004). De dood in cultureel-antropologische zin. In J. van den Bout (Ed.), Sterven, uitvaart, rouw. Handboek voor begeleiding rond de dood (pp. 1-14). Elsevier.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (Ed.) (2004). Death Mourning and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader. Blackwell Publishers.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2004). The Perils of Truth and Impartiality during War. Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America, 3(1), 48-49.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2004). Bookreview Annihilating Difference: The Anthropology of Genocide. American Anthropologist, 102, 398-400.


Scholarly publications

Frederic, S. A., & Robben, T. (2003). Buenos, vecinos, malos politicos. Moralidad, politica y comunidad en Lomas de Zamora, Argentina. [Doctoral thesis 2 (Research NOT UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University].
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2003). The Multicultural Self: Meeting Culture inside Argentina' s Heart of Darkness. In W. E. A. van Beek, W. G. Pansters, & M. Fumerton (Eds.), Meeting Culture: Essays in Honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 77-89). Shaker Publishing.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2003). 'The Fear of Indifference: Combatants' Anxieties about the Political Identity of Civilians during Argentina' s "Dirty War". In N. Scheper-Hughes, & P. Bourgois (Eds.), Violence in War and Peace: An Anthology (pp. 200-206). Blackwell Publishers.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2002). El miedo a la indiferencia: los temores de los combatientes sobre la identidad política de los civiles durante la guerra sucia argentina. In K. Koonings, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Las Sociedades del Miedo: El legado de la guerra civil, la violencia y el terror en América Latina. (pp. 141-156). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2001). Zorreguieta: méér dan technocraat. Internationale Spectator, 55, 395-397.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Maris, D. (2001). The Netherlands. In M. Ember, & C. R. Ember (Eds.), Countries and Their Cultures (pp. 1564-1575). Macmillan Reference USA.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2001). Studying Violence: Victims, Perpetrators, and the Ethnographer. In D. B. Heath (Ed.), Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin America: A Reader in the Social Anthropology of Middle and South America (pp. 384-398). Waveland Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2001). Mourning and Mistrust in Civil-Military Relations in Post-Dirty War Argentina. In P. Silva (Ed.), The Soldier and the State in South America: Essays in Civil-Military Relations (pp. 109-126). Palgrave Macmillan.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2001). Bookreview The Heart is Unknown Country: Love in the Changing Economy of Northeast Brazil. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 7, 171-172.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (2000). State Terror in the Netherworld: Disappearance and Reburial in Argentina. In J. A. Sluka (Ed.), Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror (pp. 91-113). University of Pennsylvania Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Suárez-Orozco, M. M. (2000). Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma. Cambridge University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (2000). The Assault on Basic Trust: Disappearance, Protest, and Reburial in Argentina. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & M. M. Suárez-Orozco (Eds.), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma (pp. 70-101). Cambridge University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Suárez-Orozco, M. M. (2000). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Trauma. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & M. M. Suárez-Orozco (Eds.), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma (pp. 1-41). Cambridge University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Suárez-Orozco, M. M. (2000). The Management of Collective Trauma. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & M. M. Suárez-Orozco (Eds.), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma (pp. 43-47). Cambridge University Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Suárez-Orozco, M. M. (2000). Cultural Responses to Collective Trauma. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & M. M. Suárez-Orozco (Eds.), Cultures under Siege: Collective Violence and Trauma (pp. 155-157). Cambridge University Press.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1999). The Fear of Indifference: Combatants' Anxieties about the Political Identity of Civilians during Argentina's " Dirty War". In K. Koonings, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America (pp. 125-140). Zed Books.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (1999). Comments on Professions of Duplexity: A Prehistory of Ethnical Codes in Anthropology by Peter Pels. Current Anthropology, 40(2), iii-122.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1999). boekbespreking: 'Arguing Sainthood'. Anthropological Quarterly, 72, 95-96.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1998). Das Unheimliche in tijden van oorlog en conflict (The Uncanny in Times of War and Conflict). In J. Baneke, & R. Pierloot (Eds.), Psychoanalyse en antropologie (pp. 57-72). Thela.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1998). Bookreview Argentina, the United States, and the Anti-Communist Crusage in Central America, 1977-1984. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 65, 126-129.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (1998). Bookreview Op blote voeten door het huis: Een studie naar laagbouw in hoge dichtheid en woonwensen van migranten in de Bijlmermeer. Oso, Tijdschrift voor Surinaamse Taalkunde, Letterkunde, Cultuur en Geschiedenis, 17, 97-99.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1996). Ethnographic Seduction, Transference and Resistence in Dialogues about Terror and Violence in Argentina. Ethos, 24(1), 71-106.

Professional publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1996). Bookreview Enigma Variations. Oso, Tijdschrift voor Surinaamse Taalkunde, Letterkunde, Cultuur en Geschiedenis, 15, 100-102.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (1996). Bookreview Anthropology and Psychoanalysis: An Encounter through Culture. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2, 368-369.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1995). Seduction and Persuasion. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & C. Nordstrom (Eds.), Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. (pp. 81-103). University of California Press.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Nordstrom, C. (Eds.) (1995). Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival. University of California Press, Cloth and pb.
Robben, A. C. G. M. (1995). Who's Afraid of Post-, Modern, and Ism? In K. Geuijen, D. Raven, & J. de Wolf (Eds.), Post-Modernism and Anthropology: Theory and Practice. (pp. 136-160). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Robben, A. C. G. M., & Nordstrom, C. (1995). The Anthropology of Violence and Political Conflict. In A. C. G. M. Robben, & C. Nordstrom (Eds.), Fieldwork under Fire: Contemporary Studies of Violence and Survival (pp. 1-23). University of California Press.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1994). Conflicting discourses of economy and society in coastal Brazil. Man, 29(4), 875-900.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1989). Habits of the Home: Spatial Hegemony and the Structuration of House and Society in Brazil. American Anthropologist, 91(3), 570-588.


Scholarly publications

Robben, A. C. G. M. (1982). Stratification, scale, and ranking: social change in two Brazilian fishing communities. Ethnology, 21(2), 125-135.