Prof. dr. Sander Thomaes

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H2.24
3584 CS Utrecht

Prof. dr. Sander Thomaes

Developmental Psychology
+31 30 253 3666

Human beings are endowed with a pervasive sense of self. We have the ability to take a bird’s-eye view of ourselves, and reflect on our past and future behavior. We experience feelings about who we are and what we do, and cannot help but to evaluate ourselves. Along the way, we learn to know who we are.

My research probes the origins, nature, and consequences of the developing self. What causes youth to think and feel about themselves the way they do? How do significant others shape how youth come to view themselves? Why is it that the self has such a profound impact on psychological development and health? And can we harness self and identity processes to promote youth behavior change?

The questions I take are at the intersection of developmental, social, and environmental psychology. I use theory from these disciplines, integrate diverse methods (e.g., experimental, longitudinal, and experience sampling research methods), and prepare the ground for application.


Doomed or Blessed? Identity Development in Adolescents from a Refugee Background 01.09.2022 to 31.08.2026
Utrecht University AIO workload fund