Dr. Müge Özoglu

Assistant Professor
Comparative Literature

Müge Özoglu is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University. Her work tackles questions concerning identity politics, gender and sexuality, knowledge production, and cultural and literary gerontology.
She obtained a BA in Turkish Language and Literature from Yildiz Technical University and an MA in Comparative Literature (Africa/Asia) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. She holds a PhD in Film and Literary Studies from Leiden University’s Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), where she also worked as a university lecturer and taught courses on cultural theory, as well as on gender and sexuality. Her dissertation entitled No Man’s Land: Gender and Sexuality in Erotic Narratives of the Late Ottoman Empire received the best dissertation prize from the LUCAS Impact Committee 2019. Her doctoral work explores the emergence of modern discourses on gender and sexuality and identity politics, discussing the ways in which the loss of imperial power resonated in erotic narratives of the early twentieth-century Ottoman Turkish literature.
In 2020, Müge was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Gender Studies at Lund University, where she worked on the intersection of different temporalities and spatialities in configuring new textual spaces and alternative forms of knowledge production.
Her current research project examines culturally specific representations of ageing and old age and the use of literature in healthcare.
Müge is the co-coordinator of the BA Literary Studies programme at Utrecht University.