Dr. H. (Henriette) Schlupmann

Assistant Professor 
Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. H. (Henriette) Schlupmann

Assistant Professor
Azolla 01.01.2014
General project description

The Azolla lab, lead by Dr. Henriette Schluepmann focusses on three main Azolla related themes:

  1. Domestication
  2. Ecology
  3. Production and application

Azolla domestication aims to study and regulate molecular mechanisms key to Azolla growth and reproduction. Please also find this key publication on Azolla domestication, part of the thesis of Dr. Paul Brouwer.

The Azolla ecology sub-project focusses firstly on the microbial symbiosis essential to Azollas special properties. Secondly, it focusses on the ecology of Azolla in its natural setting here in the Netherlands.

Production en application
Growing Azolla in agricultural settings in the Dutch climate en researching applications of Azolla biomass. Please also find the thesis of Dr. Paul Brouwerr.

Recente publiciteit

  1. Artikel and interview in het Algemeen Dagblad.
  2. Radio interview op radio station BNR over de recente publicatie van het Azolla genoom.
  3. Interview op lokaal televisiestation RTV Utrecht bij UVandaag.
  4. Interview and article over Azolla bij Henk Westbroek  met Laura Dijkhuizen en Paul brouwer op RTV Utrecht
External project members
  • Dr. Paul Brouwer