Scholarly publications
Vinter Seggev, Y. (2022).
On Partee’s “Noun Phrase Interpretation and Type-Shifting Principles”. In L. McNally, & Z. Gendler Szabó (Eds.),
A Reader's Guide to Classic Papers in Formal Semantics (1 ed., pp. 367–385). (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy; Vol. 100). Springer. 2021
Scholarly publications
Vinter Seggev, Y. (Accepted/In press). Word classes in formal semantics. In The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes Oxford University Press.
Vinter Seggev, Y. (2021). Presupposition, Admittance and Karttunen Calculus. In M. Blicha , & I. Sedlar (Eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2020 College Publications.
Kruitwagen, I., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Hampton, J. A. (2021).
Reciprocal predicates: a prototype model. 197-203. Paper presented at Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 1, Philadelphia, PA., United States. 2020
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Palmieri, G., Basso, R. M.
, Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019).
A Note on Lexical Reciprocity in Brazilian Portuguese. In G. Danon (Ed.),
Proceedings of IATL 34, Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2019).
Presupposition Projection and Repair Strategies in Trivalent Semantics. In
Proc. of Mathematics of Language (pp. 27–39) Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2019). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. In M. Baird, & J. Pesetsky (Eds.), NELS 49: Proceedings of the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (Vol. 3, pp. 15-28). GLSA.
Scholarly publications
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2018).
Symmetric predicates and the semantics of reciprocal alternations.
Semantics and Pragmatics,
11. Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from IATL 34, Beersheba, Israel.
Palmieri, G., Pinto, M., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2018). Lexical reciprocity vs. grammatical reciprocity: the case of Italian. Abstract from NELS 49, Ithaca, NY, United States.
Tieu, L., Romoli, J.
, Poortman, E. B., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Crain, S. (2018).
Children’s comprehension of plural predicate conjunction.
Journal of Child Language,
45(1), 242-259., E. B., Struiksma, M. E., Kerem, N., Friedmann, N.
, & Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2018).
Reciprocal expressions and the Maximal Typicality Hypothesis.
3(1), Article 18. 2017
Scholarly publications
Hampton, J. A.
, & Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2017).
Introduction. In J. A. Hampton, & Y. Winter (Eds.),
Compositionality and Concepts in Linguistics and Psychology (1 ed., pp. 1-7). (Language, Cognition, and Mind; Vol. 3). Springer. Seggev, Y. S. (2017).
Critical typicality: truth judgements and compositionality with plurals and other gradable concepts. In J. A. Hampton, & Y. Winter (Eds.),
Compositionality and Concepts in Linguistics and Psychology (pp. 163-190). (Language, Cognition, and Mind; Vol. 3). Springer. Hampton, J. A. (Ed.), & Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2017). Compositionality and Concepts in Linguistics and Psychology. Springer.
Other output
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2017). Bomen en Bossen: De Formele Semantiek van Collectiviteit.
Scholarly publications
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2016). Elements of Formal Semantics: an introduction to the mathematical theory of meaning in natural language. (Edinburgh advanced textbooks in linguistics). Edinburgh University Press.
Vinter Seggev, Y. S., Kruitwagen, I., Poortman, E. B., Westenbroek, C., Berghoff, R., & Bischetti, L. (2016). Lexical Reciprocity and Non-Symmetric Collectivity: a Typicality-Theoretic Account. Abstract from Cognitive Structures: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives, Heinrich-Heine-University Dusseldorf, September 15-17, 2016..
Noga, B., Vinter Seggev, Y. S., & Friedmann, N. (2016). Learning from right brain damaged individuals about two aspects of meaning. Abstract from International Neuropsychological Society 2016 Mid-Year Meeting, London, United Kingdom.
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2016). "With" without symmetry: the semantics of collective comitatives. Abstract from Conjunction and disjunction from a typological perspective, University of Vienna, December 2016.
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2016). A Role for Protoroles -- Lexical Reciprocity and Logical Symmetry. Abstract from Referential semantics one step further: Incorporating insights from conceptual and distributional approaches to meaning, ESSLLI, August 2016, Bolzano.
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2016). The Reciprocity-Symmetry Generalization: Proto-Roles and the Organization of Lexical Meanings.
Scholarly publications
Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2015). Proto-predicates and the Lexical Origins of Reciprocity. In 11th Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris
de Groote, P.
, & Winter, Y. (2015).
A Type-Logical Account of Quantification in Event Semantics. In T. Murata, K. Mineshima, & D. Bekki (Eds.),
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2014 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, and GABA, Kanagawa, Japan, October 27-28, 2014, Revised Selected Papers (1 ed., pp. 53-65). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 9067). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Scholarly publications
Alexandropoulou, S., Chesney, S., Grimm, R., Kokke, P., Kruit, B.
, Neophytou, K., Nguyen, A.
, & Winter, Y. (2014).
Annotating by Proving using SemAnTE. In
Proceedings of the Demonstrations at the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 77-80). Association for Computational Linguistics. Toledo, A., Alexandropoulou, S., Chesney, S., Grimm, R., Kokke, P., Kruit, B., Neophytou, K., Nguyen, A.
, & Winter, Y. (2014).
A Proof-Based Annotation Platform of Textual Entailment. In H. Bunt (Ed.),
Proceedings 10th Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (pp. 21-24) Grimm, R.
, Lee, C., Poortman, E., & Winter, Y. (2014).
Evidence for non-existential readings of locative indefinites. In T. Snider, S. D'Antonio, & M. Weigand (Eds.),
Proceedings of the 24th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held at New York University, May 30 - June 1, 2014 (pp. 197-212). (Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory ; Vol. 24).. output
Winter, Y. (2014). The intersectivity of distal PP modifiers.
Winter, Y. (2014). The vector-based semantics of distal PP modification.
Poortman, E., Tieu, L., Romoli, J., Vinter Seggev, Y., & Crain, S. (2014). Boolean and Non-Boolean Conjunction in Acquisition. Rencontres d’Automne de Linguistique formelle : Langage, Langues et Cognition RALFe 2014, Paris, France.
Scholarly publications
Toledo, A., Alexandropoulou, S., Katrenko, S., Klockmann, H. E. K., Kokke, P., & Winter, Y. S. (2013). Semantic Annotation of Textual Entailment. In K. Erk, & A. Koller (Eds.), The 10th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2013) (pp. 240-251). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Scholarly publications
Blom, C., de Groote, P.
, Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2012).
Implicit Arguments: Event Modification or Option Type Categories? In M. Aloni, V. Kimmelman, F. Roelofsen, G. W. Sassoon, K. Schulz, & M. Westera (Eds.),
Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam , The Netherlands, December 19-21, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (1 ed., pp. 240-250). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7218). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Scholarly publications
Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2011).
Event semantics and abstract categorial grammar. In M. Kanazawa, A. Kornai, M. Kracht, & H. Seki (Eds.),
The Mathematics of Language: 12th Biennial Conference, MOL 12, Nara, Japan, September 6-8, 2011. Proceedings (pp. 174-191). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 6878). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Winter, Y. S., & Ruys, E. G. (2011). Scope Ambiguities in Formal Syntax and Semantics. In D. Gabbay, & F. Guenthner (Eds.), Handbook of Philosophical Logic (2nd edition)
Scholarly publications
Winter, Y. S. (2010). Elements of Formal Semantics. Edinburgh University Press.
Sabato, S.
, & Winter, Y. S. (2010).
Against partitioned readings of reciprocals. In
The Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics (pp. 283–290). John Benjamins. output
Winter, Y. S. (2010). I-language, E-language, linguistic communication and music.
Scholarly publications
Kerem, N., Friedmann, N.
, & Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2009).
Typicality effects and the logic of reciprocity. In E. Cormany, S. Ito, & D. Lutz (Eds.),
Proceedings of SALT 19: Proceedings of the 19th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held April 3-5, 2009 at The Ohio State University (pp. 257-274). Linguistic Society of America. Seggev, Y. S. (2009). Binding without Identity: Towards a Unified Semantics for Bound and Exempt Anaphors. In proceedings of 7th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium (DAARC7)
Ben-Avi, G.
, & Vinter Seggev, Y. S. (2009).
Scope Dominance with Generalized Quantifiers. In O. Grumberg, M. Kaminski, S. Katz, & S. Wintner (Eds.),
Languages: From Formal to Natural: Essays Dedicated to Nissim Francez on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (1 ed., pp. 36-44). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5533). Springer Berlin Heidelberg., E. J., & Winter, Y. S. (2009).
Binding without Identity: Towards a Unified Semantics for Bound and Exempt Anaphors. In S. Lalitha Devi, A. Branco, & R. Mitkov (Eds.),
Anaphora Processing and Applications: 7th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium, DAARC 2009 Goa, India, November 5-6, 2009 Proceedings (1 ed., pp. 69-79). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 5847). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2008
Scholarly publications
Winter, Y. S., Bar-Haim, R., Sima'an, K., & Winter, Y. (2008). Part-of-Speech tagging of Modern Hebrew text. Natural Language Engineering.
Scholarly publications
de Swart, H. E., Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2005).
Bare predicate nominals in Dutch. In E. Maier, & C. Bary (Eds.),
Proceedings of SuB9 (pp. 446-460). NCS. de Swart, H. E., Winter, Y. S., & Zwarts, J. (2005).
Properties, sets, and the interpretation of predicate nominals. In E. Maier, & C. Bary (Eds.),
Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 9 (pp. 446-460). NCS. 1998
Scholarly publications
Zwarts, J., & Winter, Y. S. (1998).
A semantic characterization of locative PPs. In A. Lawson (Ed.),
Proceedings of SALT 7: Proceedings of the 7th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held March 21-23, 1997, at Stanford University, edited by Aaron Lawson. (pp. 294-311). Linguistic Society of America. Winter, Y. S. (1998). Flexible Boolean Semantics: Coordination, Plurality and Scope in Natural. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), UiL OTS].
Winter, Y. S. (1998).
Atom predicates and set predicates: towards a general theory of plural quantification. In D. Strolovitch, & A. Lawson (Eds.),
Proceedings of SALT 8: Proceedings of the 8th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference, held May 8-10, 1998 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (pp. 249-266). Linguistic Society of America. Winter, Y. S. (1998). Dependency and distributivity of plural definites. In A. Z. Wyner (Ed.), IATL5: The proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (pp. 251-281). Bar-Ilan University.
Scholarly publications
Winter, Y. S. (Accepted/In press). Choice functions and the scopal semantics of indefinites. Linguistics and Philosophy, 399-467.
Winter, Y. S. (Accepted/In press). What makes choices natural? In U. Egli, & K. von Heusinger (Eds.), Proceedings of the Konstanz conference 'Reference and anaphoric Relations' (pp. 349-366).
Winter, Y. S. (Accepted/In press). Dependency and Distributivity of Plural Definites. In P. Dekker, J. van der Does, & H. de Hoop (Eds.), De Dag. Proceedings of the Workshop on Definites (pp. 135-165). LEd.