W.J. (Wessel) van Wijngaarden BA

W.J. (Wessel) van Wijngaarden BA

Communications Officer
Communications and Marketing

What I do

As coordinator for (international) bachelor's degree marketing within the Faculty of Humanities, I help programmes put themselves (better) on the study electorate map. I do this by looking together with the programmes at what they want to convey to their target group(s) and why. I then help them reach their target group as effectively and efficiently as possible. I also take care of all resources for this, from the Bachelor Open Day's to the study voter website with good texts, videos and interviews. In addition, I am editor-in-chief of the GW Instagram @humanitiesuu. Here, I try to bring our diverse faculty together by telling staff and student stories and sharing relevant events and news.

What kind of questions can you come to me with?

A few examples...

  • I would like to revise the texts on the study choice website (uu.nl/bachelors/programme), can you take a look?
  • I want to create a new promo video (Burning Questions) for my programme, where to start?
  • I would like new testimonials (in video or text format) on the website, how do I organise that?
  • What kind of sessions can I best organise during the (online) open days?
  • I would like to reach out to all GW staff and students with a cool event, news item or research. What can you do on @humanitiesuu?


And more

As a coordinator, would you like to know in more detail what we can do together? Then check out this website. Want to know who my colleagues are and what they can do for you? Then check out our Communications & Marketing department page. Also read the interview by Wouter Steenbeek with me about the open day's.