Scholarly publications
Pansters, W., & Smith, B. T. (2022). Histories of Drug Trafficking in Twentieth-Century Mexico. University of New Mexico.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. (2021). Is narco-caciquismo good to think? Reflections on histories and ethnographies of caciquismo and drug trafficking. Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association: Crisis global, desigualdades y centralidad de la vida
Pansters, W. (2021).
‘La mafia muere: Violence, drug trade and the state in Sinaloa, 1940-1980’.
European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,
2021(112), 91-116. 2020
Scholarly publications
Smith, B. T.
, & Pansters, W. G. (2020).
U.S. Moral Panics, Mexican Politics, and the Borderlands Origins of the War on Drugs 1950-1962.
Journal of Contemporary History,
55(2), 364-387.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2019). Merijn de Waal, Over de Muur van Trump. Reis door het Mexicaans-Amerikaanse Grensland. Utrecht: Spectrum. 2019. Book review 'Stemmen uit de Mexicaanse Grensstreek'. NRC/Handelsblad, C10.
Pansters, W. G. (2019).
Pablo Picatto, A History of Infamy: Crime, Truth, and Justice in Mexico. University of California Press. 2017. Bookreview. Hispanic American Historical Review ,
99(1), 199-201. Pansters, W. G. (2019). "'Tuvimos que pagar para poder vivir!': Soberanías encontradas en el México Violente". In S. Maldonado Aranda (Ed.), Violencia, Inseguridad y Estado de Derecho en Michoacán (pp. 121-151). El Colegio de Michoacán/IFE-Michoacán.
Pansters, W. G. (2019). 'La Santa Muerte: History, Devotion, and Societal Context'. In W. Pansters (Ed.), La Santa Muerte: History, Devotion, and Societal Context (pp. 1-57). University of New Mexico.
Pansters, W. G. (Ed.) (2019). La Santa Muerte in Mexico: History, Devotion, Society. University of New Mexico.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G., Smith, B. T., & Watt, P. (Eds.) (2018). Beyond the Drug War in Mexico. Human Rights, the Public Sphere and Justice. Routledge.
Pansters, W. G. (2018).
Gema Santamaría and David Carey jr. (ed.): Violence and Crime in Latin America: Representations and Politics. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 2017. Hispanic American Historical Review ,
98(2), 367-369. Pansters, W. G. (2018).
Review of Jenkins of Mexico. How a Southern Farm Boy Became a Mexican Magnate, by Andrew Paxman.
European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,
105, [7]. Pansters, W. G., Smith, B. T., & Watt, P. (2018). Introduction: Beyond the Drug War: The United States, the public sphere and human rights. In W. Pansters, B. T. Smith, & P. Watt (Eds.), Beyond the Drug War in Mexico: Human Rights, the Public Sphere and Justice (pp. 1-29). (Europa Country Perspectives). Routledge.
Pansters, W. G. (2018). A dónde va la historiografía sobre la formación del Estado Mexicano? Reflexiones acerca de la violencia, la coerción y la hegemonía. In C. Espejel, & M. G. (Eds.), La paz alterada (pp. 139-164). El Colegio de Michoacán/IFE-Michoacán.
Pansters, W. G. (2018). Zones and Languages of State-Making: From Pax Priísta to Dirty War. In J. M. Pensado, & E. C. Ochoa (Eds.), México beyond 1968. Revolutionaries, Radicals and Repression during the Global Sixties and Subversive Seventies. (pp. 33-50). University of Arizona Press.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2017). ‘The politics of indigenous identity and representation in twentieth century Mexico’. In Native America: Indigenous Self-representation in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico (pp. 129-143). (Interamericana). Peter Lang Verlag.
Pansters, W. G. (2017).
´Spies, Assassins, and Statesmen in Mexico’s Cold War´.
European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,
103, 143-156. Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2017). ´Drug trafficking and the crime-governance nexus in Mexico´.
Pansters, W. G. (2017). ´Soberanía, Historia, Discurso´.
Pansters, W. G., & Smith, B. T. (2017). The War on Baja California: Drug Use, Trafficking, and the Moral Panics, 1910-1960.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G., & van Rinsum, H. J. (2016).
Enacting Identity and Transition: Public Events and Rituals in the University (Mexico and South Africa).
54(1), 21-43. 2015
Scholarly publications
Oosterbaan, M., & Pansters, W. G. (2015).
Introduction: Sovereignty and Social Contestation— Between Violence and Alternative Sociocultural Orders.
Conflict and Society: Advances in Research,
1(1), 125–128. Popularising publications
Pansters, W. G. (2015). Wie regeert Mexico? Crimineel geweld, zelfverdediging en gefragmenteerde soevereiniteit. LA chispa.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. (2014). Del control centralizado a la soberanía fragmentada: narcotráfico y Estado en México. In Estado y Crimen Organizado en América Latina (pp. 111-137). Libros de la Araucaria.
Pansters, W. (2014). "Pirandello": een neus voor identiteit. In C. van Nijnatten, & J. Bos (Eds.), Theorie en Bellettrie. Op het kruispunt van literatuur en sociale wetenschappen (pp. 137-152). SWP.
Pansters, W. (2014). Tropical passion in the desert. Gonzalo N. Santos and local elections in Northern San Luis Potosí, 1943-1958. In P. Gillingham, & B. Smith (Eds.), Dictablanda. Politics, Work, and Culture in Mexico, 1938-1968 (pp. 126-148). (American Encounters/Global Interactions). Duke University Press.
Pansters, W. (2014). Latijns Amerika in beeld. In M. Simon Thomas (Ed.), Drugs en geweld in Mexico: ervaring en verbeelding. Aantekeningen bij Narcocultura (pp. 140-149). CEDLA.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2013). La gobernabilidad en México y los agujeros negros de la democracia. In P. Silva, & F. Rojas Aravena (Eds.), Gobernabilidad y Convivencia Democrática en América Latina: Las dimensiones regionales, nacionales y locales (pp. 105-126). Flacso.
Pansters, W. G., & Hernandez Rodriguez, R. (2013). Moxige minzhu jincheng yu geming zhidu Dongshan zaiqi. (invited translation by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences of 'La democracia en México y el retorno del PRI'). Lading Meizhou yanjiu, 35(3), 57-70.
Pansters, W. G. (2013). Caudillismo/caciquismo/coronelismo. In S. Hensel, & B. Potthast (Eds.), Das Lateinamerika Lexikon (pp. 53-56). Peter Hammer Verlag.
Pansters, W. G., & Koonings, C. G. (2013). Gewalt. In S. Hensel, & B. Potthast (Eds.), Das Lateinamerika Lexikon (pp. 117-119). Peter Hammer Verlag.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2013). Boekbespreking. European review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 95, 128-131.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2013). Speaker and Discussant. Paper presented at Invited speaker and discussant at 'Reflection on Contemporary Mexican History and Anthropology, Mexican Studies Conference, Leiden.
Pansters, W. G. (2013). Resignation is something we cannot afford. The popular search for justice in violent Mexico. Paper presented at paper presented at seminar 'The Violence Border', Cork.
Pansters, W. G. (2013). Invited discussant. Paper presented at Invited discussant at panel 'The Once and Future Party? The Long Career of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (1929-2013)', Washington.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G., & Rodríguez, R. H. (2012). 'La democracia en México y el retorno del PRI'. Foro Internacional, LII, 4(210), 755-795.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). 'Zones of State-Making. Violence, Coercion and State-making in Twentieth-Century Mexico'. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), Violence, Coercion and State-Making in Twentieth Century Mexico. The other Half of the Centaur (pp. 3-39). Stanford University Press.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). 'México quo vadis? Política y sociedad en la transición'. Foro Internacional, LII, nr. 4(210), 749-754.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). Violence, Coercion and State-Making in Twentieth-Century Mexico. The Other Half of the Centaur. Stanford University Press.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2012). Boekbespreking. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 128-129.
Popularising publications
Pansters, W. G. (2012). 'Un paso atrás"(interview) Marco Appel. Proceco, 1862, 24-26.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2012). Paper 'Mexico's new "uncommon democracy": interpreting the politics of the transition'. Paper presented at XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). Paper 'Mexico and the Netherlands: initial thoughts on shifting bilateral relations'. Paper presented at International conference Mexico and the world. Foreign policy and the challenges of an emerging power, XVIII Día de Mexicanistas, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). Invited discussant panel 'Transnational goods: informality and new illegalities in the urban space'. Paper presented at XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco.
Pansters, W. G. (2012). The Politics of indigenous identity and representation in contemporary Mexico. Paper presented at International workshop Native America. Indigenous Self-Representation in Canada, the US, and Mexico, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2010). Bookreview Rural resistance of the Land of Zapata. The Jaramillista movement and the myth of the Pax Priísta, 1940-1962. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 88, 133-135.
Pansters, W. G. (2010). De dubbele bodem van de Latijns-Amerikaanse moderniteit. Internationale Spectator, 64(3), 146-150.
Pansters, W. G. (2010). Bookreview Political Corruption in Mexico. The Impact of Democratization. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 89, 158-161.
Pansters, W. G. (2010). Bookreview Rural Resistance in the Land of Zapata. The Jaramillista Movement and the Myth of the Pax Priísta, 1940-1962. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 88, 133-135.
Pansters, W. G. (2010). boekbespreking. Journal of Latin American Studies, 42, 623-625.
Pansters, W. G. (2010). Bookreview Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-liberal Sate in Latin America. Journal of Latin American Studies, 42, 623-625.
Popularising publications
Pansters, W. G., & Verheij, M. (2010). De wil en het lot in Mexico (interview). Nederlands Dagblad, 25.
Pansters, W. G., & Aarnout, R. (2010). Mexico (interview). Broerstraat 5 (Alumniblad RUG), 12-14.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2009). Paper Çontemporary drug trafficking in Mexico: overview and analysis'. Paper presented at XV Día de Mexicanistas The Mexican Connection. Drug trafficking, the state and society in contemporary Mexico, Mexican Studies Centre, University of Groningen.
Pansters, W. G. (2009). Paper 'Insecurity, drug trafficking and governability in Mexico'. Paper presented at Conference 'Linking Local and Global Strategies for Development', Centre for Development Studies, University of Groningen.
Pansters, W. G. (2009). Paper: "Tropical passion in the desert. Gonzalo N. Santos and local elections in Northern San Luis Potosí, 1943-1958. Paper presented at Workshop Authoritarianism and Resistance in Mexico, 1940-1955, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, USA.
Pansters, W. G. (2009). Dubbelspel. Over de betekenis van de informele orde in de Latijns-Amerikaanse moderniteit. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculteit der letteren, oratie.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2008). The Troubled Triangle. Unravelling the linkages between inequality, pluralism and environment. Rozenberg Publishers.
Pansters, W. G. (2008). 'Gobernabilidad democrática, procuración de justicia y policía en México. Una introducción. In J. C. G. Aguiar, & M. E. Suárez (Eds.), Gobernabilidad democrática y policia en México (pp. 1-14). CEDLA.
Pansters, W. G. (2008). Inequality, Pluralism and Environment: Global Context and Conceptual Debates. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), The Troubled Triangle. Unravelling the linkages between inequality, pluralism and environment (pp. 13-26). Rozenberg Publishers.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2008). boekbespreking. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 27, 143-144.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2008). Invited discussant for keynote address by prof. Teresa Caldeira, University of California, 'Democracy, Neoliberalism, and the City: Remaking Urban Policy in Brazil'. Paper presented at International Conference 'Conflict, Fragmentation, and Hope in the Neoliberal City: Urban Space in Latin America', Amsterdam.
Pansters, W. G. (2008). Paper: Conociendo al otro. México en la academia holandesa, 1967-2007'. Paper presented at XIV Día de Mexicanistas, Mexico en Movimiento, RUG.
Pansters, W. G. (2008). Invited discussant. Paper presented at International Conference 'Mexico's national security: domestic and international dimensions', Oxford.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G., & Berthier, H. C. (2007). 'Violencia e inseguridad en la Ciudad de México: entre la fragmentación y la politización'. Foro Internacional, XLVII (3)(189), 577-615.
Pansters, W. G., & Berthier, H. C. (2007). 'Mexico City'. In K. Koonings, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Fractured Cities. Social Exclusion, Urban Violence and Contested Spaces in Latin America (pp. 36-56). Zed Books.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2007). boekbespreking. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 134-137.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2006). 'El rector tiene la palabra'. Ritual, narrativa e identidad en la educación superior en México. Revista Relaciones. Estudios de Historia y Sociedad, XXVII(106), 81-131.
Pansters, W. G. (2006). Bookreview Revolution in Mexico's Heartland. Politics, War, and State Building in Puebla, 1913-1920. Journal of Latin American Studies, 38, 448-449.
Pansters, W. G. (2006). Bookreview Militarism, Ethnicity, and Politics in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, 1917-1930. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 80, 109-111.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G., & Botello, R. M. (2006). 35 años del Consejo Nacional de Fomento Educativo. Historia, contexto educativo y políticas. CONAFE.
Pansters, W. G. (2006). De geschiedenis van een ideologische arena. Een eeuw basisonderwijs en onderwijspolitiek in Mexico. In W. Hoogbergen, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Functionele Alfabetisering. Lessons learned. Liber Americum voor Dr. Jan Ooijens (pp. 97-118). Shaker Publishing.
Popularising publications
Pansters, W. G. (2006). Bookreview Het einde van de waanzin. LA chispa, 321, 26-26.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2005). 'Building a cacicazgo in a neoliberal university'. In A. Knight, & W. G. Pansters (Eds.), Caciquismo in Twentieth-Century Mexico (pp. 296-326). Institute for the Study of the Americas, Univ. of London.
Knight, A., & Pansters, W. G. (2005). Caciquismo in Twentieth-Century Mexico. Institute for the Study of the Americas, Univ. of London.
Pansters, W. G. (2005). 'Values, traditions and practices: Reflections on the concept of political culture (and the Mexican case)'. In W. Assies, M. A. Calderón, & T. Salman (Eds.), Citizenship, Political Culture and State Reform in Latin America (pp. 197-219). Dutch University Press & El Colegio de Michoacán.
Popularising publications
Pansters, W. G. (2005). 'Proces tegen de oud-burgemeester van Mexico Stad mislukt'. LA chispa, 313, 4-7.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2005). Discussant of 3 papers. Paper presented at Invited discussant at the ESRC Seminar on Social Policy, Stability and Exclusion in Latin America: Definitions, Concepts and Theories, London.
Pansters, W. G. (2005, Aug 17). External manuscript reviewer. Duke University Press.
Pansters, W. G. (2005). Invited discussant of 7 papers. Paper presented at Seminar Integrados y marginados en la construcción del Estado mexicano posrevolucionario. Una investigación de los juegos de poder local y sus nexus con la política nacional, 1920-1940, Mexico City.
Pansters, W. G. (2005). 'Globalisering en solidariteit: mondiale discoursen en praktijken'. Paper presented at Seminar Globalisering en Ethiek, Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G., Kalb, D. P., & Siebers, H. (2004). 'Introduction: conflictive domains of globalization and development'. In D. Kalb, W. G. Pansters, & H. Siebers (Eds.), Globalization and Development. Themes and Concepts in Current Research (pp. 1-8). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Pansters, W. G. (2004). 'Understanding regional culture. Elements for further debate'. In D. Kruijt, P. van Lindert, & O. Verkoren (Eds.), State and Development. Essays in honour of Menno Vellinga (pp. 27-40). Rozenberg Publishers.
Pansters, W. G., Kalb, D. P., & Siebers, H. (2004). Globalization and Development. Issues and Debates in Current Research. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2004). Bookreview Revolution in the street. Women, Workers and Urban Protest in Veracruz, 1870-1927. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 77, 114-116.
Pansters, W. G. (2004). Bookreview Politics after Neoliberalism. Reregulation in Mexico. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 23, 267-269.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2004). 'El rector tiene la palabra': ritual and the politics of identity in Mexican higher education in the 1990's. Paper presented at paper presented at conference 'Rituals y transición política en México', El Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora.
van Beek, W. E. A., Pansters, W. G., & Bouwine, R. (2004). Artesanat and performances in tourism: a cross-ocean comparison. Paper presented at Paper in congres sustainable development and tourism. CEDLA, Amsterdam.
Pansters, W. G. (2004). 'Rituals, Narrative and Identity in the Mexican Transition'. Paper presented at paper presented for Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2003). 'Meeting cultures, merging cultures. Reflections on nation-building and 'meztizaje' in Mexico'. In W. E. A. van Beek, M. A. Fumerton, & W. G. Pansters (Eds.), 'Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 153-167). Shaker Publishing.
van Beek, W. E. A., Pansters, W. G., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). Preface. In W. E. A. van Beek, W. G. Pansters, & M. A. Fumerton (Eds.), Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 9-15). Shaker Publishing.
Pansters, W. G., van Beek, W. E. A., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). 'Meeting culture: an introduction'. In W. E. A. van Beek, M. A. Fumerton, & W. G. Pansters (Eds.), Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter (pp. 9-14). Shaker Publishing.
van Beek, W. E. A., Pansters, W. G., & Fumerton, M. A. (2003). Meeting Culture. Essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter. Shaker Publishing.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2003). boekbespreking. Journal of Latin American Studies, 35, 420-421.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2002). 'Valores, tradiciones y prácticas. Reflexiones sobre el concepto de cultural política (y el caso mexicano)'. In M. A. Calderón, W. Assies, & T. Salman (Eds.), Ciudadanía, cultura política y reforma del estado en América Latina (pp. 281-307). El Colegio de Michoacán/IFE-Michoacán.
Pansters, W. G. (2002). 'Transición y violencia. Reflexiones sobre el cambio político en México'. In K. Koonings, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Las Sociedades del Miedo. El legado de la guerra civil, la violencia y el terror en América Latina (pp. 247-274). Ediciones Universidad Salamanca.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2002). 'Building a cacicazgo in a neo-liberal university' (paper). Paper presented at Conference 'Cacique and caudillo in Modern Mexico', St. Antony's College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2001). Meanings of Land in Modern Mexico. In H. Hermans, D. Papousek, & C. Raffi-Béroud (Eds.), México en Movimiento. Los Mexicanos y la Tierra (pp. 11-18). Centro de Estudios Mexicanos.
de Bell, L. A., & Pansters, W. G. (2001). Winners and Losers: Preliminary reflections on the 2000 presidential elections in Mexico. Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, (70), 79-87.
Pansters, W. G. (2001). Mexico. In M. Ember, & C. R. Ember (Eds.), Countries and their Cultures (Vol. 3) (pp. 1447-1461). Macmillan Reference USA.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2001). 'El Laberinto Hermenéutico'. Política y Cultura, 14, 157-162.
Pansters, W. G., & Siebers, H. (2001). In Search of Common Ground. Reflections on articulating concepts and theoretical orientations in CERES. CERES (UU FSS).
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2001). 'Valores, Tradiciones y Práctical Reflections sobre cultura Política en América Latina'. Paper presented at XXIII Coloquio de Antropologia e Historia Regionales, Zamora, Michoacán, Mexico.
Pansters, W. G. (2001). 'The Politics of Reform in Mexican Higher Education'. Paper presented at X FIEALC, Moskou.
Pansters, W. G. (2001). 'Institutional Politics and Reform in Mexican Higher Education'. Paper presented at XXIII Congress Latin American Studies Association, Washington D.C..
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (2000). Rethinking poverty. Comparative perspectives from below. Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Pansters, W. G. (2000). Poverty and social exclusion in a comparative perspective. In W. G. Pansters, G. Dijkstra, P. Hoebink, & E. Snel (Eds.), Rethinking Poverty. Comparative Perspectives from Below (pp. 1-11). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Pansters, W. G. (2000). Historia Regional de Puebla. Perfil socio-económico. Ed. Limusa, Conalep, SEP.
Hoebink, P. R. J., Pansters, W. G., Dijkstra, A. G., & Snel, E. (2000). Rethinking poverty: comparative perspectives from below. Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Pansters, W. G. (2000). 'Politics, Culture and the State. Explaining the Mexican Regime' (Review Essay). Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 68, 77-82.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (2000). 'Machtswisseling in Mexico'. Facta, 5, 22-25.
Other output
Pansters, W. G. (2000). Invited discussant.. Paper presented at Conference Regions and regionalisms in Latin America, The Latin American Centre, Oxford University.
Pansters, W. G. (2000). discussant at seminar Los mexicanos y la tierra. Paper presented at conferentie, Groningen University.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (1999). `The transition under fire: rethinking contemporary Mexican politics'. In K. Koonings, & D. Kruijt (Eds.), Societies of Fear. The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America (pp. 235-263). Zed Books.
Pansters, W. G. (1999). `Authenticiteit en hybriditeit: Cultureel essentialisme in Mexico'. Krisis, 76, 46-64.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (1998). `La transicion a fuego cruzado. Nuevo analisis de la politica mexicana centemporanea'. Estudios Sociologicos, XVI(48), 623-659.
Pansters, W. G. (1998). `Universidad, Modernidad y Cultura. La transformacion organizacional de la Universidad Autonoma de Puebla'. Política y Cultura, 9, 177-199.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (1998). `Democratie van de axolotes. Over de cultuur van de Mexicaanse transitie'. Facta, 6, 10-13.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (1997). Ciudadanos con dignidad. Oposicion y gobierno en San Luis Potosi, 1938-1993. In S. Zermeno (Ed.), Moviementos sociales e identidades colectivas. Mexico en la decada de los noventa. (pp. 15-53). La Jornada Ediciones/CIICH.
Pansters, W. G. (1997). Theorizing political culture in modern Mexico. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), Citizens of the puyramid. Essays on Mexican political culture (pp. 1-37). Thela.
Pansters, W. G. (1997). Citizins of the pyramid. Essays on Mexican political culture and politics. Thela.
Pansters, W. G. (1997). Politica y poder en Puebla. Formacion y ocaso del cacicazgo avilacamachista en Puebla, 1937-1987. (renewed and enlarged edition). Fondo de Cultura Economica.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (1996). Por el camino de la universidad. Una introduccion. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), La mirada del Fenix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla, 1880-1990 (pp. 1-19). Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
Pansters, W. G. (1996). De las aulas al zocalo. La Universidad Autonoma de Puebla y el ocaso del avilacamachismo, 1956-1973. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), La mirada del Fenix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla, 1880-1990 (pp. 77-127). Universidad Autonoma de Puebla.
Pansters, W. G. (1996). Citizens with dignity.Opposition and government in San Luis Potosi, 1938-1993. In R. Aitken (Ed.), Dismantling the Mexican state? (pp. 244-266). Macmillan.
Pansters, W. G. (1996). Mexico: de lange adem van de revolutie (1910-1995). In C. G. Koonings, & D. A. N. M. Kruijt (Eds.), Latijns-Amerika tussen democratie en dictatuur (pp. 189-210). Thela.
Pansters, W. G. (1996). La mirada del Fenix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla, 1880-1990. Universidad Autónoma.
Pansters, W. G. (1996). El hambre por la democracia. Recuento de un pequeqo drama a grandes rasgos. In H. Hermans (Ed.), Mexico en movimiento. Las crisis socioecomocicas y sus soluciones (pp. 63-80). Centro de Estudios Mexicanos.
Scholarly publications
Pansters, W. G. (1995). Por el camino de la universidad. Una introduccisn. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), La mirada del Finix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla, 1880-1990. (pp. 1-19). Universidad Autsnoma de Puebla.
Pansters, W. G. (1995). De las aulas al zscalo. La Universidad Autsnoma de Puebla y el ocaso del avilacamachismo, 1956-1973. In W. G. Pansters (Ed.), La mirada del Finix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla, 1880-1990. (pp. 77-123). Universidad Autsnoma de Puebla.
Pansters, W. G. (1995). La mirada del Finix. Universidad y sociedad en Puebla. 1880-1990. Universidad Autsnoma de Puebla.
Professional publications
Pansters, W. G. (1995). Regional Mexican history: treasury or Pandora's Box? Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 59.