Bachelor Pedagogiek:
- Hoorcollegedocent Development, Learning, and Behavior (Language development)
- Hoorcollegedocent Developmental Psychopathology (Developmental Language Disorder)
- Intern jaarbegeleider Pedagogisch Practicum
- Thesisbegeleiding
Master Orthopedagogiek en Maatschappelijke Opvoedingsvraagstukken:
- Werkgroepdocent Critical Analysis of Parenting, Educational and Care Issues: an Ecological System Approach (thema Meertaligheid)
- Hoorcollegedocent Ontwikkelingsneuropsychologie
- Hoorcollegedocent Global Perspectives & Cultural Diversity
- Thesis- en stagebegeleiding
Research master Educational Sciences:
- Coordinator EdSci 6: Individual differences in learning and special needs education
- Thesisbegeleiding
- Begeleiding onderzoeksstages
- Examencommissie Research Masters Sociale Wetenschappen
- PhD mentor Pedagogiek en Onderwijskunde