Scholarly publications
Snijders, V., van Witteloostuijn, M., Boerma, T., Timmermeister, M., & Blom, E. (2024).
Effects of dominance on language switching: a longitudinal study of Turkish–Dutch children with and without developmental language disorder.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-14. Advance online publication. Wouda, L., Boerma, T., Gerrits, E., & Blom, E. (2024).
First Steps Toward Implementation of the Online Test Battery LITMUS-NL: A Usability and Feasibility Study.
Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. Advance online publication. Verhoeven, E., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2024).
To mix or not to mix? The relation between parental language mixing and bilingual language development. OSF. Verhoeven, E., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2024).
Comparing Different Methods That Measure Bilingual Children’s Language Environment: A Closer Look at Audio Recordings and Questionnaires.
9(7), 1-19. Article 231. Blom, E., Yazıcı, G.
, Boerma, T., & van Witteloostuijn, M. (2024).
A longitudinal study of Turkish-Dutch children's language mixing in single-language settings: Language status, language proficiency, cognitive control and developmental language disorder.
Cognitive Development,
71, Article 101481. Tribushinina, E., Boz, B., Aalbers, V.
, & Blom, E. (2024).
Revisiting bilingual foreign language learning advantages: The role of extramural exposure.
International Journal of Bilingualism. Advance online publication. Koskulu, S., Blom, E., van de Weijer - Bergsma, E., Grandfield, E., Verhagen, J.
, & Mulder, H. (2024).
Teachers matter in early childhood: The relation between teacher behaviours and executive function development in toddlerhood.
Infant and Child Development,
33(3), Article e2474. 2023
Scholarly publications
Verhoeven, E., van Witteloostuijn, M., Oudgenoeg - Paz, O., & Blom, E. (2023).
Optimizing language environment measures: combining LENA audio recordings with the Q-BEx questionnaire. OSF. van Witteloostuijn, M., de Bree, E., & Blom, E. (2023).
Parental language mixing and its association with language outcomes of children with (a suspicion of) Developmental Language Disorder. OSF. Haggiyannes, A.
, van Witteloostuijn, M., Blom, E., & de Bree, E. (2023).
The influence of parental input and parent-child interactions on language outcomes in children with (a suspicion of) Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): A Systematic Review. PROSPERO: International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews., T., ter Haar, S., Ganga, R., Wijnen, F., Blom, E., & Wierenga, C. (2023).
What risk factors for Developmental Language Disorder can tell us about the neurobiological mechanisms of language development.
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews,
154, Article 105398. Blom, E., Fikkert, P., Scheper, A.
, van Witteloostuijn, M., & van Alphen, P. (2023).
The Language Environment at Home of Children With (a Suspicion of) a Developmental LanguagDisorder and Relations With Standardized Language Measures.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
66(8), 2821-2830. Spit, S., Geambașu, A., van Renswoude, D.
, Blom, E., Fikkert, P., Hunnius, S.
, Junge, C., Verhagen, J., Visser, I.
, Wijnen, F., & Levelt, C. C. (2023).
Robustness of the cognitive gains in 7-month-old bilingual infants: A close multi-center replication of Kovács and Mehler (2009).
Developmental Science,
26(6), Article e13377. Cat, C., Kascelan, D., Prevost, P., Serratrice, L., Tuller, L., Unsworth, S., & Consortium Q-BEx (2023).
How to quantify bilingual experience? Findings from a Delphi consensus survey.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
26(1), 112-124., S., Mulder, H., van de Weijer - Bergsma, E., & Blom, E. (2023).
Examining the Role of Parents and Teachers in Executive Function Development in Early and Middle Childhood: A Systematic Review .
Developmental Review,
67, Article 101063. Dams, J., Schaars, M., Segers, E.
, & Blom, E. (2023).
Understanding variation in prospective poor decoders: A person-centred approach from Kindergarten to Grade 2.
29(4), 312-329. Geambasu, A., Spit, S., van Renswoude, D.
, Blom, E., Junge, C., Fikkert, P., Hunnius, S., Verhagen, J., Visser, I.
, Wijnen, F., & Levelt, C. C. (2023).
Robustness of the rule-learning effect in 7-month-old infants: A close, multicenter replication of Marcus et al. (1999).
Developmental Science,
26(1), 1-12. Article e13244., E., Bakker, A., Zenger, L., & Blom, E. (2023).
Supporting the development of the bilingual lexicon through translanguaging: a realist review integrating psycholinguistics with educational sciences.
European Journal of Psychology of Education,
38(1), 225–247. Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Blom, E., Boerma, T., Karaca, F., de Jong, J., & Küntay, A. (2022).
Grammatical development in both languages of bilingual Turkish-Dutch children with and without Developmental Language Disorder.
Frontiers in Communication,
7, 1-25. Article 1059427. Boerma, T., Wijnen, F., & Blom, E. (2022).
Discontinuation of specialist educational provision for children with DLD in the Netherlands: performance and predictors.
Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie,
27, 1-23. de Bree, E., Boerma, T., Hakvoort, B.
, Blom, E., & van den Boer, M. (2022).
Word reading in monolingual and bilingual children with developmental language disorder.
Learning and Individual Differences,
98, 1-10. Article 102185. Boerma, T., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Blom, E. (2022).
Nonverbal Switching Ability of Monolingual and Bilingual Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder.
7(2), 1-20. Article 108. Verhagen, J., van Stiphout, M.
, & Blom, E. (2022).
Determinants of early lexical acquisition: Effects of word- and child-level factors on Dutch children’s acquisition of words.
Journal of Child Language,
49(6), 1193 - 1213., Z., Blom, W. B. T., & Le Pichon, E. M. M. (2022).
Towards More Multilingual Practices in the Mathematics Assessment of Young Refugee Students: Effects of Testing Language and Validity of Parental Assessment.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,
25(4), 1546-1561. 2021
Scholarly publications
Blom, E., Berke, R., Shaya, N., & Adi-Japha, E. (2021).
Cognitive flexibility in children with Developmental Language Disorder: drawing of nonexistent objects.
Journal of Communication Disorders,
93, Article 106137. Blom, E., Soto-Corominas, A.
, Attar, Z., Daskalaki, E., & Paradis, J. (2021).
Interdependence between L1 and L2: the case of Syrian children with refugee backgrounds in Canada and the Netherlands.
Applied Psycholinguistics,
42(5), 1159-1194. Blom, E., Bosma, E., & Heeringa, W. (2021).
Regular and irregular inflection in different groups of bilingual children and the role of verbal short-term and verbal working memory.
6(1), Article 56. 2020
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., Boerma, T. D., & de Jong, J. (2020).
Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives(MAIN) adapted for use in Dutch. In N. Gagarina, & J. Lindgren (Eds.),
ZAS Papers in Linguistics: ZAS (Vol. 64, pp. 51-56). Erisman, M. C., & Blom, W. B. T. (2020).
Reading outcomes in children with developmental language disorder: A person-centered approach.
Autism and Developmental Language Impairments,
5, 1-18. van Dijk, M., Blom, W. B. T., Kroesbergen, E. H.
, & Leseman, P. P. M. (2020).
The influence of situational cues on children’s creativity in an alternative Uses task and the moderating effect of selective attention.
Journal of Intelligence,
8(4), Article 37. Boerma, T. D., & Blom, W. B. T. (2020).
Effects of developmental language disorder and bilingualism on children's executive functioning: A longitudinal study.
Research in Developmental Disabilities,
107, Article 103782. Timmermeister, M., Leseman, P., Wijnen, F., & Blom, E. (2020).
No Bilingual Benefits Despite Relations Between Language Switching and Task Switching.
Frontiers in Psychology,
11, Article 1832. Blom, W. B. T. (2020).
Cognitive and memory-related effects of child multilingualism. In I. Gogolin, A. Hansen, S. McMonagle, & D. Rauch (Eds.),
Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung (pp. 105-108). Springer. Francot, R., Blom, E., Broekhuizen, M., & Leseman, P. (2020).
Profiles of Bilingualism in Early Childhood: A Person-centred Latent Profile Transition Approach.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
24(3), 569-582. Blom, W. B. T., & Boerma, T. D. (2020).
Do children with Developmental Language Disorder have difficulties with interference control, visuospatial working memory, and selective attention? Developmental patterns and the role of severity and persistence of DLD.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
63(9), 3036-3050. Blom, W. B. T., Boerma, T. D., Bosma, E., Cornips, L., van den Heuij, K.
, & Timmermeister, M. (2020).
Cross-language distance influences receptive vocabulary outcomes of bilingual children.
First Language,
40(2), 151-171. Daskalaki, E.
, Blom, W. B. T., Chondrogianni, V., & Paradis, J. (2020).
Effects of Parental Input Quality in Child Heritage Language Acquisition.
Journal of Child Language., E., & Boerma, T. (2020).
Bilingual children's lexical and narrative comprehension in Dutch as the majority language. In U. Bohnacker, & N. Gagarina (Eds.),
Developing Narrative Comprehension: Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (pp. 197-229). (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 61). John Benjamins. Bosma, E.
, & Blom, W. B. T. (2020).
Language activities in a minority–majority language context: book-reading at home is more important for Frisian than for Dutch.
Journal of Child Language,
47(special issue 2), 289-308. publications
Scholarly publications
Ticheloven, A. H. L., Blom, W. B. T., Leseman, P. P. M., & McMonagle, S. (2019).
Translanguaging challenges in multilingual classrooms: scholar, teacher and student perspectives.
International Journal of Multilingualism,
18(3), 491-514 . Blom, W. B. T., & Boerma, T. D. (2019).
Reciprocal relationships between lexical and syntactic skills of children with Developmental Language Disorder and the role of executive functions.
Autism and Developmental Language Impairments,
4, 1-17. Blom, W. B. T. (2019).
Domain-general cognitive ability predicts bilingual children’s receptive vocabulary in the majority language.
Language Learning,
69(2), 292-322. Bosma, E., & Blom, E. (2019).
A code-switching asymmetry in bilingual children: code-switching from Dutch to Frisian requires more cognitive control than code-switching from Frisian to Dutch.
International Journal of Bilingualism,
23(6), 1431-1447. Daskalaki, E., Chondrogianni, V.
, Blom, W. B. T., Argyri, E., & Paradis, J. (2019).
Input effects across domains: The case of Greek subjects in child heritage language.
Second Language Research,
35(3), 421-445. Dijk, M., Kroesbergen, E. H., Blom, W. B. T., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2019).
Bilingualism and Creativity: Towards a Situated-Embodied Cognition Approach.
Journal of Creative Behavior,
53(2), 178-188. Leseman, P. P. M., Henrichs, L. F., Blom, W. B. T., & Verhagen, J. (2019).
Young mono- and bilingual children’s exposure to academic language as related to language development and school achievement. In V. Grøver, P. Ucelli, M. Rowe, & E. Lieven (Eds.),
Learning through language: Towards an Educationally Informed Theory of Language Learning (pp. 205-217). Cambridge University Press. Blom, W. B. T., Boerma, T. D., & de Jong, J. (2019).
First language attrition and Specific Language Impairment. In M. S. Schmid, & B. Köpke (Eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition Oxford University Press. Bosma, E., Blom, W. B. T., Hoekstra, E., & Versloot, A. (2019).
A longitudinal study on the gradual cognate facilitation effect in bilingual children’s Frisian receptive vocabulary.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,
22(4), 371-385. Professional publications
Boerma, T. D., & Blom, W. B. T. (2019). Taalontwikkelingsstoornis en meertaligheid. Tijdschrift taal voor opleiders en onderwijsadviseurs, March(14), 20-22.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2018). Morphological theory and first language acquisition. In J. Audring, & F. Masini (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory Oxford University Press.
Professional publications
Blom, W. B. T., Oudgenoeg-Paz, O., & Verhagen, J. (2018).
Wat als ouders talen mixen? Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen mixen van talen door ouders en de taalvaardigheid van meertalige kinderen.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Logopedie,
90(7), 18-25. 2017
Scholarly publications
Marinis, T., Chondrogianni, V.
, Vasic, N., Weerman, F. P.
, & Blom, E. (2017).
The impact of transparency and morpho-phonological cues in the acquisition of grammatical gender in sequential bilingual children and children with Specific Language Impairment. In
Cross-linguistic Influence in Bilingualism (pp. 153-180). John Benjamins., W. B. T., Cornips, L., & Schaeffer, J. (2017).
Cross-linguistic influence in bilingualism: in honor of Aafke Hulk. Benjamins. Bosma, E., Heeringa, W., Hoekstra, E., Versloot, A. P.
, & Blom, W. B. T. (2017).
Verbal Working Memory Is Related to the Acquisition of Cross-Linguistic Phonological Regularities.
Frontiers in Psychology,
8(1487). Boerma, T. D., Leseman, P. P. M., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Blom, W. B. T. (2017).
Language proficiency and sustained attention in monolingual and bilingual children with and without language impairment.
Frontiers in Psychology,
8, Article 1241. Blom, W. B. T., Boerma, T. D., Bosma, E., Cornips, L.
, & Everaert, E. (2017).
Cognitive advantages of bilingual children in different sociolinguistic contexts.
Frontiers in Cognition,
8, Article 552. Boerma, T. D., Wijnen, F., Leseman, P. P. M., & Blom, W. B. T. (2017).
Grammatical Morphology in Monolingual and Bilingual Children with and without Language Impairment: The Case of Dutch Plurals and Past Participles.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,
60, 2064-2080. Blom, W. B. T., & Boerma, T. D. (2017).
Effects of language impairment and bilingualism across domains: vocabulary, morphology and verbal memory.
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism,
7(3-4), 277-300. Francot, R., van den Heuij, K.
, Blom, W. B. T., Heeringa, W., & Cornips, L. (2017).
Inter-individual variation among young children growing up in a bidialectal community: the acquisition of dialect and standard Dutch vocabulary. In
Language variation European Perspectives VI. Studies in Language Variation: Selected papers from the Eighth International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 8), Leipzig (Vol. 8, pp. 85-98). John Benjamins. Blom, W. B. T., van Dijk, C., Vasic, N., van Witteloostuijn, M., & Avrutin, S. (2017).
Textese and use of texting by children with typical language development and Specific Language Impairment.
Computers in Human Behavior,
66, 42-51. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Blom, E., & Boerma, T. (2016).
Why do children with language impairment have difficulties with narrative macrostructure? Research in Developmental Disabilities,
55, 301-311. Boerma, T. D., Leseman, P. P. M., Timmermeister, M., Wijnen, F. N. K., & Blom, W. B. T. (2016).
Narrative abilities of monolingual and bilingual children with and without language impairment: implications for clinical practice.
International journal of language & communication disorders,
51(6), 626-638. van Dijk, C. N., van Witteloostuijn, M., Vasic, N., Avrutin, S., & Blom, E. (2016).
The Influence of Texting Language on Grammar and Executive Functions in Primary School Children.
PLoS One,
11(3), Article e0152409. Blom, W. B. T., & Bosma, E. (2016).
The sooner the better? An investigation into the role of age of onset and its relation with transfer and exposure in bilingual Frisian-Dutch children.
Journal of Child Language,
43(3), 581-607. Blom, E., Chondrogianni, V., Marinis, T.
, & Vasic, N. (2016).
The acquisition of verbal paradigms in Dutch and Greek L2 children: Cross-linguistic differences and inflectional defaults.
International Journal of Bilingualism,
20(4), 386-402. Łuniewska, M., Haman, E., Armon-Lotem, S., Etenkowski, B., Southwood, F., Anđelković, D.
, & Blom, W. B. T. (2016).
Ratings of age of acquisition of 299 words across 25 languages: Is there a cross-linguistic order of words? Behavior Research Methods,
48(3), 1154–1177., J.
, & Blom, E. (2016).
Do early successive bilinguals show the English L2 pattern of precocious BE acquisition? Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,
19(3), 630-635. publications
Blom, W. B. T., Avrutin, S., van Dijk, C. N., Vasic, N., & van Witteloostuijn, M. T. G. (2016).
Is er een verband tussen het gebruik van texting-taal en taalontwikkeling bij kinderen tussen de 10 en 13 jaar? Levende Talen Tijdschrift,
17(2), 3-12. Other output
Blom, W. B. T., Pinto, M., & Zuckerman, S. (2016). Taaltesten voor meertalige kinderen. Performance
Scholarly publications
Boerma, T., Chiat, S.
, Leseman, P., Timmermeister, M., Wijnen, F., & Blom, E. (2015).
A Quasi-Universal Nonword Repetition Task as a Diagnostic Tool for Bilingual Children learning Dutch as a Second Language.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research,
58(6), 1747-1760. Yarbay Duman, T., Topbas, S.
, & Blom, E. (2015).
At the intersection of cognition and grammar: deficits comprehending counterfactuals in Turkish children with specific language impairment.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research,
58(2), 410-421., V.
, Vasic, N., Marinis, T.
, & Blom, E. (2015).
Production and on-line comprehension of definiteness in English and Dutch by monolingual and sequential bilingual children.
Second Language Research,
31(3), 309-341., E., & Paradis, J. (2015).
Sources of individual differences in the acquisition of tense inflection by English second language learners with and without Specific Language Impairment.
Applied Psycholinguistics,
36(4), 953-976. Chondrogianni, V., Marinis, T., Edwards, S.
, & Blom, W. B. T. (2015).
Production and on-line comprehension of definite articles and clitic pronouns by Greek sequential bilingual children and monolingual children with specific language impairment.
Applied Psycholinguistics,
36(5), 1155-1191. publications
Scholarly publications
Blom, E., Kuntay, A., Messer, M.
, Verhagen, J., & Leseman, P. (2014).
Do Bilingual Turkish-Dutch Children Show Working Memory Benefits despite Lower Linguistic Proficiency? In
Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 64-76). (Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development; Vol. 1). Blom, E., Küntay, A., Messer, M., Verhagen, J., & Leseman, P. (2014). Do bilingual Turkish-Dutch children show working memory benefits despite lower linguistic proficiency? In Proceedings of the 38th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 64-76). (BUCLD: Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development; Vol. 38). Cascadella Press.
Blom, W. B. T., de Jong, J.
, & Vasic, N. (2014).
Production and processing of subject-verb agreement in monolingual Dutch children with Specific Language Impairment.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 952-965. Verhagen, J., & Blom, W. B. T. (2014).
Asymmetries in the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in Dutch: Evidence from comprehension and production.
First Language,
34(4), 315-335. Blom, W. B. T., Küntay, A. C., Messer, M. H., Verhagen, J., & Leseman, P. P. M. (2014).
The Benefits of Being Bilingual: Working Memory in Bilingual Turkish-Dutch Children.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,
128, 105-119. Blom, W. B. T. (2014).
From the bird to the frog: A closer look at the acquisition of V2 in Dutch.
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism,
4(3), 321-324. Popularising publications
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., de Jong, J., Orgassa, A., Baker, A. E., & Weerman, F. P. (2013).
Verb inflection in monolingual Dutch and sequential bilingual Turkish-Dutch children with and without SLI.
International journal of language & communication disorders,
48(4), 382-393. Blom, W. B. T., van de Craats, I., & Verhagen, J. (2013). Dummy auxiliaries in first and second language acquisition. (SOLA ed.) De Gruyter Mouton.
Blom, W. B. T. (2013). Boekbespreking van doctoral dissertation Loes Oldekamp “The trouble with inflection for adult learners of Dutch: A study of the L1-L2 interplay of morphosyntactic and phonetic-phonological factors”. Nederlandse taalkunde, 2013-3.
Blom, W. B. T., & Paradis, J. (2013).
Past tense production by English second language learners with and without language impairment.
Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research,
56, 281-294. Blom, W. B. T., & Baayen, H. R. (2013). The impact of verb form, sentence position, home language and L2 proficiency on subject-verb agreement in child L2 Dutch. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(4), 777-811.
de Jong, J., Blom, W. B. T., & Orgassa, A. (2013). Dummy auxiliaries in children with SLI – a study on Dutch, in monolinguals and bilinguals. In W. B. T. Blom, I. van de Craats, & J. Verhagen (Eds.), Dummy auxiliaries in first and second language acquisition (pp. 251-278). (Studies on Language Acquisition (SOLA)). De Gruyter Mouton.
Scholarly publications
Vasić, N., Chondrogianni, V., Marinis, T.
, & Blom, W. B. T. (2012).
Processing of gender in Turkish-Dutch and Turkish-Greek child L2 learners. In A. K. Biller, E. Y. Chung, & A. E. Kimball (Eds.),
BUCLD36: proceedings of the 36th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 646-659). Cascadilla Press., W. B. T., & Baayen, H. R. (2012).
The impact of verb form, sentence position, home language and proficiency on subject-verb agreement in child L2 Dutch.
Applied Psycholinguistics,
34(04), 777-811. Blom, W. B. T., Paradis, J., & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2012).
Effects of input properties, vocabulary size, and L1 on the development of third person singular –s in child L2 English.
Language Learning,
62(3), 965-994. Professional publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2012). Hebben tweetalige kinderen een taalachterstand? In De taalcanon: Alles wat je altijd al had willen weten over taal Meulenhof.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., & Vasić, N. (2011).
The production and processing of determiner-noun agreement in child L2 Dutch.
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism,
1(3), 265-290. 2010
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., & Unsworth, S. (2010). Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research. John Benjamins.
Unsworth, S., & Blom, W. B. T. (2010). Comparing L1 children, L2 children and L2 adults. In Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research (pp. 201-222)
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2008). Testing the Domain-by-Age Model: inflection and placement of Dutch verbs. In B. Haznedar, & E. Gavruseva (Eds.), Current trends in child second language acquisition: a generative perspective (pp. 271-300). (Language acquisition and language disorders; 46). Benjamins.
Blom, W. B. T., Polišenská, D., & Weerman, F. (2008).
Articles, adjectives and age of onset: the acquisition of Dutch grammatical gender.
Second Language Research,
24(3), 297-331. Blom, W. B. T., Polišenská, D.
, & Unsworth, S. (2008).
The acquisition of grammatical gender in Dutch [introduction].
Second Language Research,
24(3), 259-265. Blom, W. B. T. (2008). The acquisition of finiteness. De Gruyter Mouton.
Blom, W. B. T., & de Korte, S. (2008). De verwerving van het Nederlands: dummies en Verb Second. Nederlandse taalkunde, 13(2), 133-159.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2007). Modality, infinitives and finite bare verbs in Dutch and English child language. Language Acquisition, 14(1), 75-113.
Other output
Blom, W. B. T., Polisenska, D., & Weerman, F. P. (2007). The acquisition of Dutch gender: determiners and adjectives.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2006). Agreement inflection in child L2 Dutch. In A. Belletti, E. Bennati, C. Chesi, E. DiDomenico, & I. Ferrari (Eds.), Language Acquisition and Development (pp. 49-61). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Blom, W. B. T., & Polisenska, D. (2006). Verbal Inflection and verbal placement in first and second language acquisition. In M. Vliegen (Ed.), Linguistik International 16, Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb; Akten des 39. linguistischen Kolloquiums in Amsterdam 2004 (pp. 1-10). Lang.
Don, J., & Blom, W. B. T. (2006). A constraint-based approach to morphological neutralization. In J. van de Weijer, & B. Los (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2006 (pp. 78-88). (AVT publications; 23). John Benjamins.
Blom, W. B. T. (2006). Recensie proefschrift Erica Thrift. Journal Title.
Popularising publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2006). Verschillende soorten van taalverwerving. In N. van der Sijs, J. Stroop, & F. Weerman (Eds.), Wat iedereen van het Nederlands moet weten en waarom (pp. 11-20). Bert Bakker.
Scholarly publications
Backes, C. W., Koelemeijer, R. B. A., Blom, W. B. T., Bouwman, A., & Hammingh, P. (2005). Consequenties van de EU-luchtkwaliteitsrichtlijnen voor ruimtelijke ontwikkelingsplannen in verschillende EU-landen. RIVM uitgevers.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., & van Geert, P. (2004). Signs of a developing grammar: subject drop and inflection in early child Dutch. Linguistics, 42(1), 195-234.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2003).
From root infinitive to finite sentence: the acquisition of verbal inflections and auxiliaries. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Utrecht University]. LOT Dissertation Series. 2002
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., & Krikhaar, E. M. (2002). Where to use a nonfinite clause: an experiment on the use of early verb forms in Dutch and English child language. In J. Costa, & M. J. Freitas (Eds.), Proceedings of the GALA'2001 Conference on Language Acquisition (pp. 17-24). Associação Portuguesa de Linguística.
Blom, W. B. T. (2002). On the use and interpretation of root infinitives in Early Child Dutch. In S. Barbiers, F. Beukema, & W. van der Wurff (Eds.), Modality and its Interaction with the Verbal System John Benjamins.
Professional publications
Blom, W. B. T. (2002). Hoe en waarom kinderen root infinitives gebruiken. AT-Net Bulletin, 67-75.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., Krikhaar, E. M., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2001). Root infinitives in Dutch and English child language: an experimental approach. In A. H. J. Do, L. Domínguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual BUCLD (pp. 133-144). Cascadilla Press.
Blom, W. B. T., Krikhaar, E. M., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2001). Nonfinite clauses in Dutch and English child language: An experimental approach. In A. H.-J. Do, L. Domínguez, & A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual BUCLD (pp. 133-144). Cascadilla Press.
Scholarly publications
Blom, W. B. T., Kempen, M., Gillis, S., & Wijnen, F. N. K. (2000). What they hear is what you get? Infinitives and modality in child language and child-directed speech. In M. Perkins, & S. Howard (Eds.), New Directions in Language Development and Disorders Kluwer.
Wijnen, F. N. K., & Blom, W. B. T. (2000). How Dutch children's root infinitives become modal. In S. C. Howell, S. A. Fish, & T. Keith-Lucas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th BU Conference on Language Development (pp. 128-139). Cascadilla Press.
Blom, W. B. T., Wijnen, F. N. K., Kempen, M., & Gillis, S. (2000). Betekenis blijft, vorm verandert. Modale zinnen in Nederlandse kindertaal. In S. Gilles, J. Nuyts, & J. Taeldeman (Eds.), Met taal om de tuin geleid. Opstellen voor Georges de Schutter (pp. 25-35). Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen.
Scholarly publications
Jansen, A., & Blom, W. B. T. (1998). Tijdperk Taal! 10 jaar linguistiek in Utrecht. HAG.
Popularising publications
Blom, W. B. T., & Breukels, F. (1998). "Asterix in het Twents is leuker". Noordzee, 1(1), 25-27.
Blom, W. B. T. (1998). Zijn kinderen lazy learners? In E. Blom, & A.-L. Jansen (Eds.), Tijdperk Taal! 10 jaar linguistiek in Utrecht (pp. 71-83). HAG.
Blom, W. B. T. (1998). IK WIL en JIJ MOET. Over het modale gebruik van werkwoorden door Nederlandse kinderen. Link : Tijdschrift voor Linguistiek te Utrecht, 10(2), 61-77.
Blom, W. B. T., & Breukels, F. (1998). De complexe taal van allochtone jongeren in Nederland. Kleur, 1(1pp.), 24-24.
Other output
Wijnen, F. N. K., Blom, W. B. T., & Gillis, S. (1998). Modal infinitives in the speech of Dutch mothers and their children. Reims, International Pragmatics Conference, 19 juli 1998. Digital or Visual Products, .
Professional publications
Andeweg, A., & Blom, E. (1995). Bibliografie Genderstudies in de Neerlandistiek. Lover, 22(4), 23-27.