

Scholarly publications

Crone, V., Prins, F., Lutz, C. I., Meijerman, I., Schutjens, V., van der Smagt, M., Wijngaards, L., Bovenschen, N., & Kluijtmans, M. (2023). Strengthening educational leadership through a professional development programme in conjunction with a teaching-focused full professor career track: reflections of participants. International Journal for Academic Development.
Crone, V. (2023). A mismatch: Why non-tenured teachers are ill-prepared to deal with the perceived job insecurity of students in the humanities. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 22(2), 183-193.
Crone, V. (2023). “I try not to be a ‘neutral teacher”: Teacher Identity Formation of Non-tenured Early-career Academics in the Humanities. Humanities, 12(1), [16].


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A. (Author), Dilaver, G. (Author), van Haeften, T. (Author), van den Hoven, M. A. (Author), Janssen, J. J. H. M. (Author), Kluijtmans, M. (Author), Lutz, C. I. (Author), Rebel, K. T. (Author), van Royen-Kerkhof, A. (Author), Schutjens, V. A. J. M. (Author), de Vries, U. (Author), & Meijerman, I. (Author). (2020). Vijf lessen van de coronacrisis die het universitair onderwijs beter maken. Web publication/site, ScienceGuide.

Professional publications

Leurs, R. H., & Crone, V. C. A. (Eds.) (2020). Media - 2e druk 2020. Noordhoff.


Professional publications

Leurs, R. H., & Crone, V. C. A. (Eds.) (2016). Media. Noordhoff.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V., & Mueller, F. (2015). The Reel claiming the Real: An actor network approach to understanding the achievement and management of documentary authority and authenticity. Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 4(2), 293-308.
Post, J., & Crone, V. (2015). Reporting revolution: Technological determinism in journalistic reports on social media and movements. Digital Journalism, 3(6), 871-887.


Popularising publications

Crone, V., & Duits, L. (2013). 'De publicatiedwang gaat ten koste van de wetenschap'. De Volkskrant.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A., & Müller, F. (2012). The Polysemic Documentary: Authenticity, Artistry and Change. In JMComm 2012 Global Science & Technology Forum.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A. (2011). The Rise and Fall of Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Dutch Media and the Mythology of the “Enlightened Muslim”. In S. Hutchings (Ed.), Islam in its International Context: Comparative Perspectives (pp. 101-118). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Crone, V. C. A. (2011). Televisiereceptie: het debat over de kwetsbare kijker. In J. Hermes (Ed.), Televisiestudies (pp. 129-139). Boom Lemma.


Popularising publications

Crone, V. C. A. (2009). Het Alledaagse leven: Spelprogramma’s & studiogasten. Over televisie. Waanders.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A. (2008). De onweerlegbare veronderstelling van de Kijkwijzer. Over de maatschappelijke rol van effectonderzoekers in het debat over de rol van televisie in de samenleving. Soundscapes, 11.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A. (2007). 'Mits in de juiste handen'. Het discours rondom televisie vóór de officiële introductie in Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 35(4), 290-306.


Scholarly publications

Crone, V. C. A. (2005). ‘Het journaal als tegengif. Over de rol van het NTS-JOURNAAL in de discussie over de betekenis van televisie voor Nederland’. Tijdschrift voor mediageschiedenis, 8(2), 43-60.