Scholarly publications
Ilochonwu, B. C., van der Lugt, S. A.
, Annala, A., Di Marco, G., Sampon, T., Siepmann, J., Siepmann, F.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2023).
Thermo-responsive Diels-Alder stabilized hydrogels for ocular drug delivery of a corticosteroid and an anti-VEGF fab fragment.
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society,
361, 334-349. Falandt, M., Bernal, P. N., Dudaryeva, O., Florczak, S., Größbacher, G., Schweiger, M., Longoni, A., Greant, C., Assunção, M., Nijssen, O., van Vlierberghe, S.
, Malda, J., Vermonden, T., & Levato, R. (2023).
Spatial-Selective Volumetric 4D Printing and Single-Photon Grafting of Biomolecules within Centimeter-Scale Hydrogels via Tomographic Manufacturing.
Advanced Materials Technologies,
8(15), [2300026]. Casadidio, C., Mayol, L., Biondi, M., Scuri, S., Cortese, M.
, Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., De Rosa, G., Di Martino, P.
, & Censi, R. (2023).
Anionic polysaccharides for stabilization and sustained release of antimicrobial peptides.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics,
636, [122798]. van de Looij, S. M., de Jong, O. G., Vermonden, T., & Lorenowicz, M. J. (2023).
Injectable hydrogels for sustained delivery of extracellular vesicles in cartilage regeneration.
Journal of Controlled Release,
355, 685-708. Yanev, P., van Tilborg, G. A. F., Boere, K. W. M., Stowe, A. M., van der Toorn, A.
, Viergever, M. A., Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Dijkhuizen, R. M. (2023).
Thermosensitive Biodegradable Hydrogels for Local and Controlled Cerebral Delivery of Proteins: MRI-Based Monitoring of In Vitro and In Vivo Protein Release.
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
9(2), 760-772. Professional publications
Annala, A., Ilochonwu, B. C., Wilbie, D., Sadeghi, A.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2023).
Self-Healing Thermosensitive Hydrogel for Sustained Release of Dexamethasone for Ocular Therapy.
ACS Polymers Au,
3(1), 118-131. 2022
Scholarly publications
Burute, M., Jansen, K. I., Mihajlovic, M., Vermonden, T., & Kapitein, L. C. (2022).
Local changes in microtubule network mobility instruct neuronal polarization and axon specification.
Science advances,
8(44), 1-11. [eabo2343]. Timmers, M., Weterings, J., Van Geijn, M., Bell, R., Lenting, P. E.
, Rijcken, C. J. F., Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., & Liskamp, R. M. J. (2022).
A New Class of Tunable Acid-Sensitive Linkers for Native Drug Release Based on the Trityl Protecting Group.
Bioconjugate Chemistry,
33(9), 1707-1715. Viola, M., Piluso, S.
, Mihajlovic, M., Malda, J., Castilho, M.
, & Vermonden, T. (2022).
Tissue Engineering - Part A.,
28(S1), S110-S110. [400]. Schuiringa, G. H.
, Mihajlovic, M., van Donkelaar, C. C.
, Vermonden, T., & Ito, K. (2022).
Creating a Functional Biomimetic Cartilage Implant Using Hydrogels Based on Methacrylated Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid.
8(7), 1-15. [457]., B. C., Mihajlovic, M., Maas-Bakker, R. F., Rousou, C., Tang, M., Chen, M.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2022).
Hyaluronic Acid-PEG-Based Diels-Alder
In Situ Forming Hydrogels for Sustained Intraocular Delivery of Bevacizumab. Biomacromolecules,
23(7), 2914-2929. Genderen, A. M. V., G Valverde, M., Capendale, P. E.
, Kersten, V., Sendino Garví, E., Schuurmans, C. C. L., Ruelas, M., Soeiro, J. T., Tang, G.
, Janssen, M. J., Jansen, J., Mihăilă, S. M., Vermonden, T., Zhang, Y. S.
, & Masereeuw, R. (2022).
Co-axial Printing of Convoluted Proximal Tubule for Kidney Disease Modeling.
14(4), 1-16. [044102]. Steverink, J. G., van Tol, F. R., Oosterman, B. J.
, Vermonden, T., Verlaan, J-J.
, Malda, J., & Piluso, S. (2022).
Robust gelatin hydrogels for local sustained release of bupivacaine following spinal surgery.
Acta Biomaterialia,
146, 145-158., M., Rikkers, M.
, Mihajlovic, M., Viola, M., Schuiringa, G.
, Ilochonwu, B. C., Masereeuw, R., Vonk, L.
, Malda, J., Ito, K.
, & Vermonden, T. (2022).
Viscoelastic Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid Double-Network Hydrogels with Reversible Cross-Links.
23(3), 1350-1365. van de Looij, S. M.
, Hebels, E. R., Viola, M., Hembury, M., Oliveira, S., & Vermonden, T. (2022).
Gold Nanoclusters: Imaging, Therapy, and Theranostic Roles in Biomedical Applications.
Bioconjugate Chemistry,
33(1), 4-23.
Scholarly publications
Schuurmans, C. C. L., Brouwer, A. J., Jong, J. A. W., Boons, G-J. P. H., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2021).
Hydrolytic (In)stability of Methacrylate Esters in Covalently Cross-Linked Hydrogels Based on Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid Methacrylate.
ACS Omega,
6(40), 26302-26310. Mihajlovic, M., Fermin, L., Ito, K.
, Van Nostrum, C. F., & Vermonden, T. (2021).
Hyaluronic acid-based supramolecular hydrogels for biomedical applications.
Multifunctional Materials,
4(3), [032001]. Viola, M., Piluso, S., Groll, J.
, Vermonden, T., Malda, J., & Castilho, M. (2021).
The Importance of Interfaces in Multi-Material Biofabricated Tissue Structures.
Advanced healthcare materials,
10(21), 1-19. [2101021]. Hebels, E. R., Najafi, M., van den Dikkenberg, J., Beztsinna, N., van de Looij, S.
, Wilbie, D., Meeldijk, J., Hembury, M., & Vermonden, T. (2021).
Luminescent gold nanocluster-decorated polymeric hybrid particles for laser guided therapy.
European Polymer Journal,
152, 1-8. [110467]. Najafi, M., Habibi, M., Fokkink, R.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2021).
LCST polymers with UCST behavior.
Soft Matter,
17(8), 2132-2141. Schuurmans, C. C. L., Mihajlovic, M., Hiemstra, C., Ito, K.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2021).
Hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate (meth)acrylate-based hydrogels for tissue engineering: Synthesis, characteristics and pre-clinical evaluation.
268, 1-24. [120602]. van Genderen, A. M., Jansen, K., Kristen, M.
, van Duijn, J. H., Li, Y.
, Schuurmans, C. C. L., Malda, J., Vermonden, T., Jansen, J., Masereeuw, R., & Castilho, M. (2021).
Topographic Guidance in Melt-Electrowritten Tubular Scaffolds Enhances Engineered Kidney Tubule Performance.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,
8, 1-14. [617364]. Jansen, K., Evangelopoulou, M.
, Pou Casellas, C., Abrishamcar, S., Jansen, J., Vermonden, T., & Masereeuw, R. (2021).
Spinach and Chive for Kidney Tubule Engineering: the Limitations of Decellularized Plant Scaffolds and Vasculature.
AAPS Journal,
23(1), 1-7. [11]. 2020
Scholarly publications
Jahanmard, F., Dijkmans, F. M., Majed, A., Vogely, H. C., van der Wal, B. C. H.
, Stapels, D. A. C., Ahmadi, S. M.
, Vermonden, T., & Amin Yavari, S. (2020).
Toward Antibacterial Coatings for Personalized Implants.
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
6(10), 5486-5492. Yavari, S.
, Croes, M., Akhavan, B.
, Jahanmard, F., Eigenhuis, C. C., Dadbakhsh, S., Vogely, H. C., Bilek, M. M., Fluit, A. C., Boel, C. H. E., van der Wal, B. C. H.
, Vermonden, T., Weinans, H., & Zadpoor, A. A. (2020).
Layer by layer coating for bio-functionalization of additively manufactured meta-biomaterials.
Additive Manufacturing,
32, [100991]., S., Flores Gomez, D., Dokter, I., Moreira Texeira, L., Li, Y., Leijten, J.
, van Weeren, R., Vermonden, T., Karperien, M.
, & Malda, J. (2020).
Rapid and cytocompatible cell-laden silk hydrogel formation via riboflavin-mediated crosslinking.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B,
2020(8), 9566-9575., F.
, Croes, M., Castilho, M., Majed, A.
, Steenbergen, M. J., Lietaert, K., Vogely, H. C., van der Wal, B. C. H.
, Stapels, D. A. C., Malda, J., Vermonden, T., & Amin Yavari, S. (2020).
Bactericidal coating to prevent early and delayed implant-related infections.
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society,
326, 38-52., B. C., Urtti, A.
, Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2020).
Intravitreal hydrogels for sustained release of therapeutic proteins.
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society,
326, 419-441. Fliervoet, L. A. L., Zhang, H.
, van Groesen, E., Fortuin, K., Duin, N. J. C. B., Remaut, K.
, Schiffelers, R. M., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2020).
Local release of siRNA using polyplex-loaded thermosensitive hydrogels.
12(18), 10347-10360. Najafi, M., Asadi, H.
, Van Den Dikkenberg, J., Van Steenbergen, M. J., Fens, M. H. A. M., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2020).
Conversion of an Injectable MMP-Degradable Hydrogel into Core-Cross-Linked Micelles.
21(5), 1739-1751. Ye, S., Boeter, J. W. B.
, Mihajlovic, M., van Steenbeek, F. G., van Wolferen, M. E., Oosterhoff, L. A., Marsee, A., Caiazzo, M., van der Laan, L. J. W.
, Penning, L. C., Vermonden, T., Spee, B., & Schneeberger, K. (2020).
A Chemically Defined Hydrogel for Human Liver Organoid Culture.
Advanced Functional Materials,
30(48), [2000893]., J.
, Schuurmans, C. C. L., Genderen, A. M. V., Cao, X., Li, W., Cheng, F., He, J. J., López, A., Huerta, V., Manríquez, J., Li, R., Li, H., Delavaux, C., Sebastian, S., Capendale, P. E., Wang, H., Xie, J., Yu, M.
, Masereeuw, R., ... Zhang, Y. S. (2020).
Complexation-induced resolution enhancement of 3D-printed hydrogel constructs.
Nature Communications,
11(1), [1267]., P., de Ruijter, M., Castilho, M., Gbureck, U.
, Vermonden, T., van Weeren, P. R., Malda, J., & Levato, R. (2020).
Combining multi-scale 3D printing technologies to engineer reinforced hydrogel-ceramic interfaces.
12(2), [025014]. Fliervoet, L. A. L., Lisitsyna, E. S., Durandin, N. A., Kotsis, I.
, Maas-Bakker, R. F. M., Yliperttula, M.
, Hennink, W. E., Vuorimaa-Laukkanen, E.
, & Vermonden, T. (2020).
Structure and Dynamics of Thermosensitive pDNA Polyplexes Studied by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
21(1), 73-88. 2019
Scholarly publications
Fliervoet, L. A. L., van Nostrum, C. F., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2019).
Balancing hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions in thermosensitive polyplexes for nucleic acid delivery.
Multifunctional Materials,
2(2), [024002]. Kordalivand, N., Tondini, E.
, Lau, C. Y. J., Vermonden, T., Mastrobattista, E., Hennink, W. E., Ossendorp, F.
, & Nostrum, C. F. V. (2019).
Cationic synthetic long peptides-loaded nanogels: An efficient therapeutic vaccine formulation for induction of T-cell responses.
Journal of Controlled Release,
315, 114-125. van Moorsel, M. V. A., Urbanus, R. T., Verhoef, S., Koekman, C. A., Vink, M.
, Vermonden, T., Maas, C., Pasterkamp, G.
, & Schiffelers, R. M. (2019).
A head-to-head comparison of conjugation methods for VHHs: Random maleimide-thiol coupling versus controlled click chemistry.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X,
1, [100020]. Hembury, M., Beztsinna, N., Asadi, H.
, van den Dikkenberg, J. B., Meeldijk, J. D., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2019).
Correction to "Luminescent Gold Nanocluster-Decorated Polymeric Hybrid Particles with Assembly-Induced Emission".
20(1), 566. Petre, D-G., Kucko, N. W.
, Abbadessa, A., Vermonden, T., Polini, A., & Leeuwenburgh, S. C. G. (2019).
Surface functionalization of polylactic acid fibers with alendronate groups does not improve the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced calcium phosphate cements.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,
90, 472-483., K., Castilho, M., Aarts, S., Kaminski, M. M., Lienkamp, S. S., Pichler, R.
, Malda, J., Vermonden, T., Jansen, J., & Masereeuw, R. (2019).
Fabrication of Kidney Proximal Tubule Grafts Using Biofunctionalized Electrospun Polymer Scaffolds.
Macromolecular Bioscience,
19(2), [e1800412]. 2018
Scholarly publications
Fliervoet, L. A. L., Engbersen, J. F. J.
, Schiffelers, R. M., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2018).
Polymers and hydrogels for local nucleic acid delivery.
Journal of Materials Chemistry B,
6(36), 5651-5670. Hembury, M., Beztsinna, N., Asadi, H., van den Dikkenberg, J. B., Meeldijk, J. D., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2018).
Luminescent Gold Nanocluster-Decorated Polymeric Hybrid Particles with Assembly-Induced Emission.
19(7), 2841-2848. van Elk, M., van den Dikkenberg, J. B., Storm, G., Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Heger, M. (2018).
Preclinical evaluation of thermosensitive poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide mono/dilactate)-grafted liposomes for cancer thermochemotherapy.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics,
550(1-2), 190-199. Najafi, M., Kordalivand, N., Moradi, M-A.
, van den Dikkenberg, J., Fokkink, R.
, Friedrich, H., Sommerdijk, N. A. J. M.
, Hembury, M., & Vermonden, T. (2018).
Native Chemical Ligation for Cross-Linking of Flower-Like Micelles.
19(9), 3766-3775. van Genderen, A. M., Jansen, J., Cheng, C.
, Vermonden, T., & Masereeuw, R. (2018).
Renal Tubular- and Vascular Basement Membranes and their Mimicry in Engineering Vascularized Kidney Tubules.
Advanced healthcare materials,
7(19), [e1800529]. Schuurmans, C. C. L., Abbadessa, A., Bengtson, M. A., Pletikapic, G.
, Eral, H. B., Koenderink, G.
, Masereeuw, R., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2018).
Complex coacervation-based loading and tunable release of a cationic protein from monodisperse glycosaminoglycan microgels.
Soft Matter,
14(30), 6327-6341. Kordalivand, N., Li, D., Beztsinna, N., Sastre Torano, J., Mastrobattista, E., van Nostrum, C. F., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2018).
Polyethyleneimine coated nanogels for the intracellular delivery of RNase A for cancer therapy.
Chemical Engineering Journal,
340, 32-41. 2017
Scholarly publications
Fliervoet, L. A. L., Najafi Shah Kouhi, M., Hembury, M., & Vermonden, T. (2017).
Heterofunctional Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) Macroinitiator Enabling Controlled Synthesis of ABC Triblock Copolymers.
50(21), 8390-8397. Bakhshandeh, S., Gorgin Karaji, Z., Lietaert, K., Fluit, A. C.
, Boel, C. H. E., Vogely, H. C.
, Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., Weinans, H., Zadpoor, A. A., & Amin Yavari, S. (2017).
Simultaneous Delivery of Multiple Antibacterial Agents from Additively Manufactured Porous Biomaterials to Fully Eradicate Planktonic and Adherent Staphylococcus aureus.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,
9(31), 25691-25699., I., van Vreeswijk, S.
, Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., Kegel, W. K., & Eral, H. B. (2017).
Biodegradable Microparticles for Simultaneous Detection of Counterfeit and Deteriorated Edible Products.
13(39), [1701804]. Ribeiro, A.
, Blokzijl, M. M., Levato, R., Visser, C. W., Castilho, M.
, Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Malda, J. (2017).
Assessing bioink shape fidelity to aid material development in 3D bioprinting.
10, [014102]., M., Feyen, D., Flandes-Iparraguirre, M., Hochleitner, G., Groll, J., Doevendans, P. A. F.
, Vermonden, T., Ito, K., Sluijter, J. P. G.
, & Malda, J. (2017).
Melt Electrospinning Writing of Poly-Hydroxymethylglycolide-co-ε-Caprolactone-Based Scaffolds for Cardiac Tissue Engineering.
Advanced healthcare materials,
6(18), [1700311]., K., Schuurmans, C. C. L., Jansen, J., Masereeuw, R., & Vermonden, T. (2017).
Hydrogel-based cell therapies for kidney regeneration: current trends in biofabrication and in vivo repair.
Current Pharmaceutical Design,
23(26), 3845 - 3857. Sabbieti, M. G.
, Dubbini, A., Laus, F., Paggi, E., Marchegiani, A., Capitani, M., Marchetti, L., Dini, F.
, Vermonden, T., Di Martino, P., Agas, D.
, & Censi, R. (2017).
In vivo biocompatibility of p(HPMAm-lac)-PEG hydrogels hybridized with hyaluronan.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine,
11(11), 3056–3067., S. J., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2017).
Hydrogels for Therapeutic Delivery: Current Developments and Future Directions.
18(2), 316-330. Abbadessa, A., Landín, M.
, Oude Blenke, E., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2017).
Two-component thermosensitive hydrogels: Phase separation affecting rheological behavior.
European Polymer Journal,
92, 13-26. Poldervaart, M. T., Goversen, B., De Ruijter, M.
, Abbadessa, A., Melchels, F. P. W., Öner, F. C.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Vermonden, T., & Alblas, J. (2017).
3D bioprinting of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA) hydrogel with intrinsic osteogenicity.
PLoS One,
12(6), 1-15. [e0177628]., D., Chen, Y., Mastrobattista, E., Van Nostrum, C. F., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2017).
Reduction-sensitive polymer-shell-coated nanogels for intracellular delivery of antigens.
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
3(1), 42-48. Mouser, V. H. M.
, Abbadessa, A., Levato, R.
, Hennink, W., Vermonden, T., Gawlitta, D.
, & Malda, J. (2017).
Development of a thermosensitive HAMA-containing bio-ink for the fabrication of composite cartilage repair constructs.
9(1), [015026]., D., van Nostrum, C. F., Mastrobattista, E., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2017).
Nanogels for intracellular delivery of biotherapeutics.
Journal of Controlled Release,
259, 16-28. 2016
Scholarly publications
Castro, A. G. B., Lo Giudice, M. C.
, Vermonden, T., Leeuwenburgh, S. C. G.
, Jansen, J. A., Van Den Beucken, J. J. J. P., & Yang, F. (2016).
Top-Down Approach for the Preparation of Highly Porous PLLA Microcylinders.
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering,
2(11), 2099-2107. Elk, M., Murphy, B. P., Eufrásio-da-Silva, T., O'Reilly, D. P.
, Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., Duffy, G. P.
, & Ruiz-Hernández, E. (2016).
Nanomedicines for advanced cancer treatments: Transitioning towards responsive systems.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics,
515(1-2), 132-164. Li, D., Sun, F., Bourajjaj, M., Chen, Y., Pieters, E. H., Chen, J., Van Den Dikkenberg, J. B., Lou, B., Camps, M. G. M., Ossendorp, F.
, Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Van Nostrum, C. F. (2016).
Strong: In vivo antitumor responses induced by an antigen immobilized in nanogels via reducible bonds.
8(47), 19592-19604. Melchels, F. P. W., Blokzijl, M. M., Levato, R., Peiffer, Q. C., Ruijter, M. D.
, Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Malda, J. (2016).
Hydrogel-based reinforcement of 3D bioprinted constructs.
8(3), [035004]. Abbadessa, A., Blokzijl, M. M., Mouser, V. H. M., Marica, P.
, Malda, J., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2016).
A thermo-responsive and photo-polymerizable chondroitin sulfate-based hydrogel for 3D printing applications.
Carbohydr Polym,
149, 163-174. Abbadessa, A., Mouser, V. H. M.
, Blokzijl, M. M., Gawlitta, D.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Hennink, W. E., Malda, J., & Vermonden, T. (2016).
A Synthetic Thermosensitive Hydrogel for Cartilage Bioprinting and Its Biofunctionalization with Polysaccharides.
17(6), 2137-2147. 2015
Scholarly publications
van Elk, M., Ozbakir, B. U., Barten-Rijbroek, A. D.
, Storm, G., Nijsen, F.
, Hennink, W., Vermonden, T., & Deckers, R. (2015).
Alginate Microspheres Containing Temperature Sensitive Liposomes (TSL) for MR-Guided Embolization and Triggered Release of Doxorubicin.
PLoS One,
10(11), [0141626]. Dubbini, A., Censi, R., Butini, M. E., Sabbieti, M. G., Agas, D.
, Vermonden, T., & Di Martino, P. (2015).
Injectable hyaluronic acid/PEG-p(HPMAm-lac)-based hydrogels dually cross-linked by thermal gelling and Michael addition.
European Polymer Journal,
72, 423-437. Boere, K. W. M., Blokzijl, M. M., Visser, J., Linssen, J. E. A.
, Malda, J., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2015).
Biofabrication of reinforced 3D-scaffolds using two-component hydrogels.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A,
3(46), 9067-9078. Van Elk, M., Lorenzato, C.
, Ozbakir, B., Oerlemans, C., Storm, G., Nijsen, F., Deckers, R.
, Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2015).
Alginate microgels loaded with temperature sensitive liposomes for magnetic resonance imageable drug release and microgel visualization.
European Polymer Journal,
72, 620-631. Boere, K. W. M., Van Den Dikkenberg, J., Gao, Y.
, Visser, J., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2015).
Thermogelling and chemoselectively cross-linked hydrogels with controlled mechanical properties and degradation behavior.
16(9), 2840-2851. Li, D., Kordalivand, N., Fransen, M. F., Ossendorp, F., Raemdonck, K.
, Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., & Van Nostrum, C. F. (2015).
Reduction-sensitive dextran nanogels aimed for intracellular delivery of antigens.
Advanced Functional Materials,
25(20), 2993-3003. Petit, A., Redout, E. M., van de Lest, C. H., de Grauw, J. C., Müller, B., Meyboom, R., van Midwoud, P.
, Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., & van Weeren, R. (2015).
Sustained intra-articular release of celecoxib from in situ forming gels made of acetyl-capped PCLA-PEG-PCLA triblock copolymers in horses.
53, 426-436. 2014
Scholarly publications
Van Elk, M., Deckers, R.
, Oerlemans, C., Shi, Y., Storm, G.
, Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2014).
Triggered release of doxorubicin from temperature-sensitive poly(N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide mono/dilactate) grafted liposomes.
15(3), 1002-1009. Buwalda, S. J., Boere, K. W. M., Dijkstra, P. J., Feijen, J.
, Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2014).
Hydrogels in a historical perspective: From simple networks to smart materials.
Journal of Controlled Release,
190, 254-273. Boere, K. W. M., Soliman, B. G.
, Rijkers, D. T. S., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2014).
Thermoresponsive Injectable Hydrogels Cross-Linked by Native Chemical Ligation.
47(7), 2430-2438. Samadi, N., van Steenbergen, M. J., van den Dikkenberg, J. B., Vermonden, T., van Nostrum, C. F., Amidi, M., & Hennink, W. E. (2014).
Nanoparticles Based on a Hydrophilic Polyester with a Sheddable PEG Coating for Protein Delivery.
Pharmaceutical Research,
31(10), 2593-2604. Petit, A., Sandker, M., Müller, B., Meyboom, R., van Midwoud, P.
, Bruin, P., Redout, E. M., Versluijs-Helder, M., van der Lest, C. H. A.
, Buwalda, S. J., de Leede, L. G. J.
, Vermonden, T., Kok, R. J., Weinans, H.
, & Hennink, W. E. (2014).
Release behavior and intra-articular biocompatibility of celecoxib-loaded acetyl-capped PCLA-PEG-PCLA thermogels.
35(27), 7919-7928. 2013
Scholarly publications
Samadi, N., Abbadessa, A., Di Stefano, A.
, Van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., Rahimian, S., Teunissen, E. A., Van Steenbergen, M. J., Amidi, M., & Hennink, W. E. (2013).
The effect of lauryl capping group on protein release and degradation of poly(d,l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) particles.
Journal of Controlled Release,
172(2), 436-443. 2012
Scholarly publications
Seyednejad, H., Ji, W., Yang, F.
, Van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., Van Den Beucken, J. J. J. P.
, Dhert, W. J. A., Hennink, W. E., & Jansen, J. A. (2012).
Coaxially electrospun scaffolds based on hydroxyl-functionalized poly(ε-caprolactone) and loaded with VEGF for tissue engineering applications.
13(11), 3650-3660. Seyednejad, H., Gawlitta, D.
, Kuiper, R. V., de Bruin, A., van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., Dhert, W. J. A., & Hennink, W. E. (2012).
In vivo biocompatibility and biodegradation of 3D-printed porous scaffolds based on a hydroxyl-functionalized poly(ε-caprolactone).
33(17), 4309-18. Pescosolido, L., Feruglio, L., Farra, R., Fiorentino, S., Colombo, I., Coviello, T., Matricardi, P., Hennink, W. E., Vermonden, T., & Grassi, M. (2012). Mesh size distribution determination of interpenetrating polymer networks hydrogels. Soft Matter, 8, 3708-3715.
Seyednejad, H., Ji, W., Yang, F., van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., van den Beucken, J. J., Dhert, W. J. A., Hennink, W. E., & Jansen, J. A. (2012). Coaxially Electrospun Scaffolds Based on Hydroxyl-Functionalized Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) and Loaded with VEGF for Tissue Engineering Applications. Biomacromolecules, 13(11), 3650-3660.
Scholarly publications
De Graaf, A. J., Mastrobattista, E., Van Nostrum, C. F., Rijkers, D. T. S., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2011).
ATRP, subsequent azide substitution and 'click' chemistry: Three reactions using one catalyst in one pot.
Chemical Communications,
47(24), 6972-6974. Seyednejad, S. H., Ghassemi, A. H., van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2011). Functional aliphatic polyesters for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Journal of Controlled Release, 152(1), 168-76.
Censi, R., van Putten, S., Vermonden, T., di Martino, P., van Nostrum, C. F., Harmsen, M. C., Bank, R. A., & Hennink, W. E. (2011). The tissue response to photopolymerized PEG-p(HPMAm-lactate)-based hydrogels. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A., 97(3), 219-29.
Censi, R., Schuurman, W., Malda, J., Di Dato, G., Burgisser, P., Dhert, W. J. A., van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2011). A Printable Photopolymerizable Thermosensitive p(HPMAm-lactate)-PEG Hydrogel for Tissue Engineering. Advanced Functional Materials, 10, 1833-1842.
de Graaf, A. J., Boere, K. W. M., Kemmink, J., Fokkink, R. G.
, van Nostrum, C. F., Rijkers, D. T. S., van de Gucht, J.
, Wienk, H. L. J., Baldus, M., Mastrobattista, E., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2011).
Looped structure of flowerlike Micelles revealed by 1H NMR relaxometry and light scattering.
27(16), 9843-9848. Seyednejad, S. H., Gawlitta, D.
, Dhert, W. J. A., van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2011).
Preparation and characterization of a three-dimensional printed scaffold based on a functionalized polyester for bone tissue engineering applications. Acta Biomaterialia,
7(5), 1999-2006. Seyednejad, S. H., Ji, W.
, Schuurman, W., Dhert, W. J. A., Malda, J., Yang, F., Jansen, J. A.
, van Nostrum, C. F., Vermonden, T., & Hennink, W. E. (2011).
An electrospun degradable scaffold based on a novel hydrophilic polyester for tissue-engineering applications.
Macromolecular Bioscience,
11(12), 1684-1692. 2010
Scholarly publications
Censi, R., Fieten, P. J., Di Martino, P., Hennink, W. E., & Vermonden, T. (2010). In-situ forming hydrogels by simultaneous thermal gelling and Michael addition reaction between methacrylate bearing thermosensitive triblock copolymers and thiolated hyaluronan. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 148(1).
Censi, R., Vermonden, T., Deschout, H., Braeckmans, K., di Martino, P., de Smedt, S. C., van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2010). Photopolymerized thermosensitive poly(HPMAlactate)-PEG-based hydrogels: effect of network design on mechanical properties, degradation, and release behavior. Biomacromolecules, 11(8), 2143-51.
Scholarly publications
Huijbrechts, A. M. L., Vermonden, T., Bogaert, P., Franssen, M. C. R., Visser, G. M., Boeriu, C. G., & Sudholter, E. J. R. (2009). Optimization of the synthesis of 1-allyloxy-2-hydroxy-propyl-starch through statistical experimental design. Carbohydrate Polymers, 77(1), 25-31.
Tai, H. Y., Howard, D., Takae, S., Wang, W. X., Vermonden, T., Hennink, W. E., Stayton, P. S., Hoffman, A. S., Endruweit, A., Alexander, C., Howdle, S. M., & Shakesheff, K. M. (2009). Photo-Cross-Linked Hydrogels from Thermoresponsive PEGMEMA-PPGMA-EGDMA Copolymers Containing Multiple Methacrylate Groups: Mechanical Property, Swelling, Protein Release, and Cytotoxicity. Biomacromolecules, 10(10), 2895-2903.
Scholarly publications
Van De Manakker, F., Vermonden, T., El Morabit, N.
, Van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2008).
Rheological behavior of self-assembling PEG-β-cyclodextrin/ PEG-cholesterol hydrogels.
24(21), 12559-12567. Van De Manakker, F., Van Der Pot, M., Vermonden, T., Van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2008). Synthesis and characterization of self-assembling hydrogels based on beta-cyclodextrin/cholesterol inclusion complexes. In 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008 (Vol. 3)
Vermonden, T., Fedorovich, N. E., Van Geemen, D., Alblas, J., Van Nostrum, C. F., Dhert, W. J. A., & Hennink, W. E. (2008). Degradation behavior and cytocompatibility of photopolymerized thermosensitive hydrogels. In 8th World Biomaterials Congress 2008 (Vol. 4)
van de Manakker, F., Vermonden, T., el Morabit, N., van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2008). Rheological behavior of self-assembling PEG--cyclodextrin/PEG-cholesterol hydrogels. Langmuir, 24, 12559-12567.
van de Manakker, F., van der Pot, M., Vermonden, T., van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2008). Self-assembling hydrogels based on -cyclodextrin/cholesterol inclusion complexes. Macromolecules, 41, 1766-1773.
Scholarly publications
Loontjens, C. A. M., Vermonden, T., Leemhuis, M.
, Van Steenbergen, M. J., Van Nostrum, C. F., & Hennink, W. E. (2007).
Synthesis and characterization of random and triblock copolymers of ε-caprolactone and (benzylated)hydroxymethyl glycolide.
40(20), 7208-7216. 2006
Scholarly publications
Vermonden, T., Besseling, N. A. N., van Steenbergen, M. J., & Hennink, W. E. (2006). Rheological studies of thermosensitive triblock copolymer hydrogels. Langmuir, 22, 10180-10184.
Scholarly publications
Vermonden, T., De Vos, W. M., Marcelis, A. T. M., & Sudhölter, E. J. R. (2004).
3-D water-soluble reversible neodymium(III) and lanthanum(III) coordination polymers.
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (14), 2847-2852. Vermonden, T., Van Steenbergen, M. J., Besseling, N. A. M., Marcelis, A. T. M., Hennink, W. E., Sudhölter, E. J. R., & Cohen Stuart, M. A. (2004). Linear rheology of water-soluble reversible neodymium(III) coordination polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126(48), 15802-15808.
Scholarly publications
Willemen, HM.
, Vermonden, T., Koudijs, A., Marcelis, ATM., & Sudholter, EJR. (2003).
Aggregation of different amino acid conjugates of cholic acid in aqueous solution.
Colloids and surfaces. A, physicochemical and engineering aspects,
218(1-3), 59-64., T., van der Gucht, J., de Waard, P., Marcelis, ATM., Besseling, NAM., Sudholter, EJR., Fleer, GJ., & Stuart, MAC. (2003).
Water-soluble reversible coordination polymers: Chains and rings.
36(19), 7035-7044. 2002
Scholarly publications
Willemen, HM.
, Vermonden, T., Marcelis, ATM., & Sudholter, EJR. (2002).
Alkyl derivatives of cholic acid as organogelators: One-component and two-component gels.
18(19), 7102-7106.
Scholarly publications
Willemen, H. M., Vermonden, T., Marcelis, A. T. M., & Sudhölter, E. J. R. (2001). N-cholyl amino acid alkyl esters - A novel class of organogelators. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (12), 2329-2335.
Vermonden, T., Giacomelli, CE., & Norde, W. (2001). Reversibility of structural rearrangements in bovine serum albumin during homomolecular exchange from AgI particles. Langmuir, 17(12), 3734-3740.