Dr. Tim Meijers MSc

Dr. Tim Meijers MSc


Tim Meijers works as a postdoctoral research on the Fair Limits project. In this project, he asks what kind of actors should be seen as agents of justice: who is the addressee of principles of justice? In particular, he is interested in who the agent of justice is in non-ideal circumstances, e.g. were the state is either contributing to or complicit in injustice. 

Additionally, Tim thinks and writes about questions of intergenerational justice, ethics of the family, reproductive rights, migration and global justice. He has also written about questions in transitional justice, in particular about international criminal courts. 

Tim is based at the department in Utrecht for half of his time. He spends the other half of his working week at the Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University, where he is assistant professor. Before coming to Utrecht, he worked as a lecturer in practical philosophy at Leiden University. He has defended his PhD, Justice in Procreation, at the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve) in December 2016. In Louvain-la-Neuve he was based at the Hoover Chair. He he studied philosophy (MA, Leiden) and political science (MSc., UvA). 

Together with Eric Boot (Leiden) Tim organizes the OZSW's reading group in political philosophy. He is a member of the Leiden Centre for Political Philosophy and an associate member of the Hoover Chair for economic and social ethics. Over the last few years, Tim has been on research stays at Oxford University (CSSJ, DPIR), Aarhus University (Political Science), Utrecht University (Ethics Institute) and Leiden University (Philosophy). 




2016 Justice in Procreation, PhD Thesis in Philosophy. University of Louvain, Belgium.



FORTH. Special Issue: Luck Egalitarianism (with Juliana Bidadanure and David Axelsen)
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy



FORTH. Inequality of Arms Reversed? (with Marlies Glasius)
Oxford Handbook of International Criminal Law

FORTH. Luck Egalitarianism: An Introduction (with Juliana Bidadanure and David Axelsen)
In Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy

FORTH. Equality, Moral Pluralism and Relevance (with Pierre-Etienne Vandamme)
In Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy

FORTH. Justice between Generations
In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics

2017 Citizens in Appropriate Numbers
In Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3): 246-268

2016 Trials as Messages of Justice (with Marlies Glasius)
In Ethics and International Affairs 30 (4): 429-447

2016 Climate Change and the Right to One Child
In Gerhard Bos and Marcus Düwell (eds.) (2016) Human Rights and Sustainability, Routledge: London.  

2013 Expression of Justice or Political Trial? Discursive Battles in the Karadžic Case (With Marlies Glasius).
In Human Rights Quarterly 35: 720-752

2013 Le Bourgmestre et les limitations des naissances
In La Revue Nouvelle 4: 80-88.

2012 Constructions of Legitimacy, the Charles Taylor Trial(With Marlies Glasius)
In The International Journal of Transitional Justice 6 (2): 229-252


Postdoctoral Researcher