From the North Sea Lowlands to the Celtic Shelf EdgeDonders, T. H. (Participant)
18 Nov 2019 → 20 Nov 2019
ENSO signature in botanical proxy time series extends terrestrial El Nino record into the (sub)tropicsDonders, T. (Invited speaker)
25 Oct 2013
, South Florida Paleoecology Mini-Symposium, invited speaker (Florida International University, Miami, USA)
River floods and landscape changes impact ecological conditions of a scour hole in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The NetherlandsDonders, T. (Invited speaker)
15 Dec 2009
, 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium (Mexico)
Drilling the central Arctic: from a Palaeogene ‘pond’ to a Neogene ocean.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
15 Sept 2009
, Arctic3P conference
Quantitative Esitmates of Precipitation and Temperature Change and Associated Climate- Vegetation Feedbacks During Heinrich Events in Florida, USADonders, T. (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2007
, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union
A 4900 yr record of changes in hydrology and vegetation from South-West Florida, USADonders, T. (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2004
, International Palynological Congress 2004
14C chronology in young sediment cores essential for palaeoclimate proxy development: a Florida case study.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2003
, 18th International Radiocarbon Conference
Vegetation history of the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
1 Mar 2003
, Conference on organic substrates of the Fakahatchee Strand and other South Florida sites, Evolutionary Development and Human Impacts.