Dr. Timme Donders

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 4.14
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Timme Donders

Associate Professor
+31 30 253 2636



ICFS 2021 @ SEDS ONLINEDonders, T. (Participant)
14 Jul 202115 Jul 2021


From the North Sea Lowlands to the Celtic Shelf EdgeDonders, T. H. (Participant)
18 Nov 201920 Nov 2019


ENSO signature in botanical proxy time series extends terrestrial El Nino record into the (sub)tropicsDonders, T. (Invited speaker)
25 Oct 2013
, South Florida Paleoecology Mini-Symposium, invited speaker (Florida International University, Miami, USA)


River floods and landscape changes impact ecological conditions of a scour hole in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The NetherlandsDonders, T. (Invited speaker)
15 Dec 2009
, 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium (Mexico)
Drilling the central Arctic: from a Palaeogene ‘pond’ to a Neogene ocean.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
15 Sept 2009
, Arctic3P conference


Quantitative Esitmates of Precipitation and Temperature Change and Associated Climate- Vegetation Feedbacks During Heinrich Events in Florida, USADonders, T. (Invited speaker)
10 Dec 2007
, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union


A 4900 yr record of changes in hydrology and vegetation from South-West Florida, USADonders, T. (Invited speaker)
4 Jul 2004
, International Palynological Congress 2004


14C chronology in young sediment cores essential for palaeoclimate proxy development: a Florida case study.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
2 Sept 2003
, 18th International Radiocarbon Conference
Vegetation history of the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve.Donders, T. (Invited speaker)
1 Mar 2003
, Conference on organic substrates of the Fakahatchee Strand and other South Florida sites, Evolutionary Development and Human Impacts.