Dr. T.A.J. (Tycho) Maas

Assistant Professor
Early Modern Literature

I am a scholar with a profound dedication to the nexus of the Low Countries, South Africa, and Roman and Greek antiquity. I work with 16th-18th century texts from overseas, turning Europe's outward gaze back in.
Afrikaans literature can count on my warm attention.

I am an affiliated researcher at North-West University, South Africa, and editor at Armada. Journal of World Literature and at literatuurgeschiedenis.org. Also, I am a member of the Society of Dutch Literature (MNL), committee member for South Africa, and board member at the Seventeenth Century Focus Group.

As a strong believer in international education at every level, I am an IB and second language examiner.

I use LinkedIn and ORCID to post about my work and to keep a resume and list of publications.